Our Research on 2025 will focus on metering devices tailored for emerging markets. Specifically, our goal is to provide a portable, computer driven phasor measurement unit and power quality analysis solutionfor Low/Medium voltage (110V-230V to 11kV) at a fraction of the price tag of market leader solutions, which would leverage existing DAC solutions, such as professional USB sound cards instead of costly DAQ platforms or integrated solutions. Most of the R&D effort will be focused towards PC software development. A calibration channel will be provided to take into account hardware induced frequency and phase response variation as well as vendor specific sound cards delays, as well as audio interface (ASIO,Directplay, etc.) delays.
As for financing, we plan to introduce a comprehensive crowdfunding program. We also envision a crowdsourcing initiative for engineers that wish to contribute to this endeavour. This will help in kick starting the project and ensure viable time to market delays. Stay tuned.
A significant part of the project is already underway. We do not start from scratch at the present.
The final implementation will be IEEE Std C37.118.1 compliant.
Section II – 2024 Annual report
2024 Annual report will be made available January 2nd, 2025.
The goal of the following project circuit is to demonstrate the feasibility of audio communication at line levels, with emphasis on voice (male and female) over low voltage (230V line to neutral) power lines.
This project has close to zero usefulness in our current age, besides design practice, for the TX part. It could have some niche use as musical / artistic performance device, or in a recording studio.
We will focus first on the RX device. Since such a device does not inject EMI on power lines, it is not a big no no in terms of use over utility mains. a derivative – and more industrially useful – project could be done on that basis to perform noise and harmonics analysis of the power line environment on the cheap.
Such a device, specifically the TX part, if constructed, would not be FCC compliant or whatever normative regulation is in place in your country. As such, This article describes a theoretical device and any prototype derived from it should not be coupled to the mains, as it can disrupt the proper function of power meters, inject unwarranted noise on power lines and be hazardous to operate if proper precautions are not taken. Dangerous voltages are present in the device which can cause bodily harm or even death.
Proper handling and safety precautions when designing, prototyping and operating the device are required.
Any practical realization and testing should be done on an isolated power network (on generator power or inverter power). We are not responsible for generator or inverter failure or any other damage or unintended consequences arising from the realization of this project.
Additional disclaimer : EMI mitigation
If coupled to the mains, due to the relative proximity of the voice spectrum to the 50Hz mains frequency, a companion LP line filter device (a ‘reactor’ in electrician speak) at the point where we want to stop audio propagation would be required, and would need large inductors and capacitors. It would, however, add a low impedance path at audio frequencies, and that would absorb part of the energy that is supposed to be received on the RX end, lowering overall SNR.
In the absence of such a filter, the distribution panel and power meter would be exposed to electrical noise in the audio spectrum, which could prevent proper operation of some safety devices.
In case of testing on an isolated network (for instance, on a gasoline or diesel generator), the various filtering stages in the device exhibit a high Q factor and generator frequency stability is paramount in order for the mains hum to be adequately filtered. An inverter generator or an offline inverter test bench is preferable. The following circuit is designed for 50 Hz operation. 60 Hz operation would require offsetting the corner frequency of all filter stages.
Modelling AC mains
We will model an AC mains of 230V Line to Neutral, 50 Hz, and take into account just one phase. A crude model of a local utility 11 kV/ 230V transformer is provided.
The audio path should be galvanically isolated from mains. For this purpose a 600:600 ohm EI-14 audio transformer is used, and provides adequate bandpass on the audio band. However, such a transformer is limited to 75mW RMS power and has low reactance at 50 Hz. Connecting the primary directly to line and neutral would destroy it immediately. Such a transformer has only 140 Ohms DC resistance on primary and secondary windings and barely much reactance, since its primary inductance (measured at an excitation signal of 1kHz – as an audio standard – is only 230mH). Since magnetizing current is inversely proportional to inductance, it would reach an unsafe level, overheat the transformer windings and melt them.
The solution is to high pass (AC couple) the primary to reduce voltage such as the power dissipated from magnetizing current stays well below 75mW power RMS. This portion of the circuit is fundamentally similar to what is used for PLC (power line communication) : a high pass filter (C3 + R4) plus a pulse transformer. (L1 + L3 // L2 + L4). This forms our first filtering stage.
In our case, instead of a fc at several hundred kHz, it is closer to the power line first odd harmonic (150 Hz) and uses an audio transformer instead of a very low inductance pulse transformer.
Another possible option to reduce the 50 Hz signal at the signal transformer input is to use a capacitive voltage transformer (CVT) which in our case would be a simple capacitive voltage divider. The frequency response is slightly different with a theoretical 6dB resonance boost around 1kHz with the CVT compared to the high pass filter, but with a steeper phase shift due to the resonance, which could give a less natural sound.
Since we are working on audio signals, it could be convenient to make the whole device work on a balanced line. Low cost EI14 600 ohms audio transformers have only two output terminals, so, to emulate a center-tapped transformer, we have to resort to two matched transformers with the secondary wired in series, and we can wire the primary in parallel after the line LP filter. This would get use a 1:2 (pri:sec) voltage ratio and a 40dB/dec rolloff.
The center point of our two secondaries wired in series (L2 + L4) would be our audio ground reference, and also the power ground. it would be bounded to the center tap of a two rail +/-15V power transformer. This other transformer will power op-amps after a rectifier bridge and two 12V regulators (LM7812 + LM7912). The power providing transformer is modeled by (L9 + L7 // L8 + L10). Note that the supplied inductances inductance should be modeled according to the measurement of the device you will use, and that they may skew the operation of the subsequent filters. Which means you will need to adapt the model downstream. In practice however, tuning would be provided by potentiometers to adapt to changing conditions and different upstream component parameters.
Finally the TX device – not modeled – is replaced by a voltage source (V1) stimulated by an audio signal (wave file) containing a voice sample, and with the output characteristics of an audio amplifier : output stage at 8 ohms impedance. At this node the signal is mixed with the mains power (‘line’ node, from the 11kV/230V transformer network)
The output of the first HP (out1/out1b) stage after the audio transformer (L1 + L3 // L2 + L4) exhibits max voltage gain at around 1Khz, at +6dB (due to transformer configuration), a 40dB/dec rolloff high pass, with an attenuation of close to 56dB at 50Hz.
Just downstream of the differential audio line (out1/out1b) transformer output, we add a fully differential buffer op amp so as not to load substantially the audio transformer. a LTC1992 would fit conveniently.
Following that, it would be useful to obtain more 50 Hz rejection by adding a high Q band stop filter tuned at 50 Hz. We will use two filters for each leg of the balanced line, referenced to audio ground. This gets us an additional attenuation of 10.7dB at 50 Hz.
With the following parameters declarations for the filter parameters : (Parametrization permits stepping the filter parameters, to find the best theoretical filter parameters values)
Not all fully differential op amps are capable of performing filtering without ringing artefacts, and that was seen in the simulation. For this purpose, we used two single ended op amps at each stage except for the buffer op amp after the transformer. Calibration should be performed so as to obtain symmetrical and maximum attenuation on both legs, which would require matched op amps and 1% tolerance components, particularly for the band pass and band stop filters.
The other option is to use fixed resistors with the double of the required resistance value, and add a trim potentiometer in parallel that is then fine tuned so that each signal leg performs symmetrically. A // resistor configuration minimises noise during trim pot operation, as wipers may not always contact fully, and particularly during tuning.
For the band stop stage, trim pots would be used across R2,R3,R10 and maybe R11 and the respective resistors on the other leg.
Besides the fully differential buffer, the remaining op amps (for the remaining stages) are LT1037 and performed adequately in the simulation.
Pushing the 50Hz attenuation further.
We will use a complementary circuit that uses a standard 2VA +-15V AC/DC transformer to power up opamps (after a regulator) and to perform an additional function. It can be used, not only to power the device components, but also to provide a 50 Hz signal at a lower voltage than mains, that can be further attenuated with a flat response by a simple voltage divider for it to stay well below the op_amp rail levels.
This signal is not affected by the first pass HP stage. (C3 + R4). It will then be used to obtain better attenuation. However care should be taken to minimise distortion and noise induced from the rectifier diode commutation, by adding a snubber.
Power transformer used for device power and as a source of a low voltage mains signal. Inductances values are approximate.Rectifier bridge and ±12V regulators. Powering up the opamps through the regulators caused trouble with simulation convergence. Ideal diodes helped somewhat.
We would then perform the opposite of the band stop stage on the first audio path, and add a high Q band pass filter tuned at 50 Hz.
High-Q band pass filter. Gain is 26dB at 50Hz. Note the voltage divider (R27+ R29) and (R28 + R30) in front of the stage.
This filtered 50 Hz signal would then be passed to an all pass filter (phase adjust) to make it 180° out-of-phase with our audio signal from the first signal path, and then mixed with a weighted inverting summing amplifier to cancel the 50 Hz signal from our audio line even more. Proper adjustment would use two sets of (coarse/fine) potentiometers, one for the phase and the other for the gain. each potentiomerer could be ganged so as to adjust both legs of the phase adjust and mixer.
Phase adjust stage using an all-pass filter. R21 and R31 would be front panel potentiometers.Cancelling mixer stage. combines the in-phase 50 Hz signal from the left to the audio signal from the right (with attenuated 50 Hz) to perform maximal cancellation. R35 and R38 would be potentiometers on the front panel.
A theoretical total attenuation of close to 108dB is obtained at 50 Hz.
Stability of the 50 Hz cancellation.
Since the two mixed signals to achieve active cancellation take two distinct audio paths with different filtering characteristics, the 50 Hz component will be out of phase with respect to each other. The 50 Hz band pass signal path should be brought 180° out of phase before the summing amplifier, and its amplitude should be equal. For this purpose, an all-pass filter is used and tuned to add some phase shift to obtain a 180° phase shift between the two signals.
The following factors have to be taken into account for the cancellation not to drift significantly :
Frequency stability of the 50 Hz grid : Usually free-running at +- 10mHz around 50 Hz. Above that level, grid primary controls (generators controllers) kick-in to bring back the frequency to 50 Hz, grid-level secondary controls from dispersed PMUs units (synchrophasors) are also used to bring mains frequency to stability, but rare deviations up to 0.1 Hz under heavy power use / power production unbalanced states cannot be ruled out. Since the band stop and band pass filters operate at the corner frequencies, phase shift is in the center of the transition range where d(phi)/df is maximum, and opposite sign between the bandpass and bandstop filters. A slight frequency deviation will make the phase shift drift roughly equal to $$ \phi_{drift} \approx \Delta (f)*(d(\phi_{bandpass}) + d(\phi_{bandstop}))/df $$
Mains voltage sag and swell : Although both audio paths react to voltage gain changes linearly, if the power transformer used for the 50 Hz bandpass signal path is also used for op amp power supply through a regulator, it can affect loading of the transformer in a non linear manner. This would have a non linear effect on relative amplitude of the signals, and the gain of one leg of the summer amplifier would have to be adjusted. This effect would be more noticable on low power PCB transformers with poor voltage regulation. (where loading creates a higher voltage drop). A high VA rating power transformer with a no load over load voltage ratio close to unity is thus preferable; another option is to use a separate transformer for op-amp power supply. The input impedance of a buck converter can be described by the following formula :
D is the duty cycle and depends on V(in)/V(out) ratio and is a quite significant term, and quadratic. Frequency effects are negligible for mHz drifts of mains frequency. In our simulation, adding a LM7812 / LM7815 pair of voltage regulators for op-amp supply was sufficient to throw cancellation out of balance.
Sending an audio signal over the power line : Line driver design.
So far, we have only taken into account the receiver circuit design. Now let’s dwelve into driving the power line with an audio signal.
We know that :
impedance seen at the subscriber level with no load drawing power is quite low, and is mainly dictated by the local 11kV/400V transformer supply energy to the utility customers, as well as any filters located in the power meters or elsewhere that absorb unwanted high frequency signals used in metering or for EMI mitigation. The fc of these filters is mainly dependent on the PLC technology and frequency bands used by power utilities companies.
Impedance is variable according to power line loading and may include reactive components if inductive loads such as motors are used.
Broad spectrum noise due to light dimmers, led drivers, switching power supplies and power factor correction circuits is to be expected. This can have an effect on current but on voltage as well.
Rectifiers induce low frequency harmonics of 50 Hz
Not all noise sources will spectrally peak in the 20-20kHz audio band.
When using off the shelf line drivers, we have mainly two options : line level driving ( -10dBV consumer or +’dBu professional). +4dBu would be preferable, but the main problem would be output impedance would be still too high to properly drive an AC power line. Line level impedance is typically comprised between 100 to 600 ohms, with the recent trend going to lower impedances. The impedance mismatch is not the only factor to take into account. Line drivers are designed to drive significantly higher load impedances. They are designed to provide a signal, not power. A low impedance load would significantly overstress the output op-amp in terms of current. <current capability of line drivers ?>
The other option being amplifier “hot” signals, such as those designed to drive speakers. Impedance levels are usually 4 to 8 ohms. Galvanic isolation through a high power 1:1 audio signal transformer is highly recomended, plus a high pass filter with the same characteristics as the filter in front of the audio RX transformer, so as not to couple the audio amplifier stage with too high levels of AC 50 Hz.
This would give a first order filter with 20dB/decade slope with a 1: 1 transformer arrangement.
Digital Filter equalization.
Once the RX signal goes through the DAC, in order to obtain a flatter response for audio signals in the audio chain, we have to apply a digital equalization : a low shelf digital filter with a slope of 60dB/decade (we have to take into account the filtering at the TX stage) with a low transition frequency at 20Hz and a high transition frequency at around 730 Hz, where the gain reaches 0dB is necessary. The previously filtered trace 50 Hz signal at the analog level would get a boost, which can be further rejected by a high Q band stop Butterworth digital filter.
Going full duplex.
It would be nice to use a single device for both RX and TX, and filter the TX signal generated at the same endpoint, leaving only the reciprocal signal heard from the remote endpoint. This is known as sidetone reduction. On our RX side a 180° out of phase copy of the signal sent to the TX driver would be combined in the RX audio path. Depending on the placement, different equalization curves would be required on the TX signal copy to account for the return signal filtered characteristics. Gain should be adjusted in tandem (at the TX send level and sidetone mixing level) through either carefully calibrated ganged potentiometers or through an AGC setup. Detecting the absence of sidetone through analog means is not an easy task. digital correlation filters on the other hand could be used.
When interfacing a Geiger-Muller device with a MCU or a Raspberry pi, there are mainly two options available :
Use of a high level device, which transfers counter information digitally such as cps, cpm, tube type, stored memory or whatever information the device holds. Some devices may also be able to inform the host of a pulse detection using a low level signaling mode, and perform as a low level device. High level devices may be more or less sophisticated and allow for calibration, unit conversions, dosimetry, or changing settings depending on the tube model and their efficiency characteristics. High count compensation due to dead time may or may not be done, but any serious device should perform such processing. The compensation formulas are dependent on the designer knowledge of the matter and their proprietary choices.
Use of a low level device. Such a device is an analog front end that supplies high voltage to the GM tube, and outputs detected events as pulses on a GPIO pin. The short pulse is usually stretched to a fixed time pulse, with sharp rising and falling edges. It should essentially output a square wave signal, that is easily processed by subsequent A/D stages that are not part of the device itself. Signal output is commonly done via GPIO header pins and/or 3.5 audio jacks. Most also feature a buzzer for direct audio pulse output.
This article is focused on the low level devices and their interfacing with a digital counting platform such as the Raspberry Pi, as it offers maximum processing flexibility.
Note that for high CPM processing, digital latency effects starts to be significative when using a non real-time OS platform due to operating system overhead. Part of this article will deal with mitigation of these unwanted effects.
GM Tube basics.
There are plenty of resources explaining the physics of the GM Tube. We won’t cover them in detail except for the important issue of dead time and how this skew the measured count rate at high levels of ionizing radiation (high count rates). This issue is critical as the device underestimates the count at these regimes. That is, the device is not linear.
The GM Tube is supplied a high enough voltage to work in the Geiger plateau, such as an ionization event triggers a Townsend avalanche and a significant charge is displaced between anode and cathode, and this is seen by the amplifier (either a transistor or an op-amp) as a voltage pulse. This charge displacement is equivalent to a lowering of the impedance of the GM Tube, which induces a voltage drop from the nominal high voltage, as the high voltage source is far from ideal, it can’t source much current and has added resistors. The GM tube and resistors on the high voltage path perform as a voltage divider (with a parallel path to ground, the GM tube – with its impedance lowering during the Townsend avalanche process)
This voltage drop is conditioned to a low voltage (with reference to ground), buffered, and the pulse is stretched to several hundreds of microseconds to a couple of milliseconds, depending on the design and/or tuning. Pulse stretching usually involves stages such as Schmitt triggers and 555 timers
Dead time from the analog front end.
Usually the analog front end circuitry processing exhibits a non-paralyzable dead-time characteristic.
dead time : it means that after a pulse is detected by this front end, any subsequent pulse is not detected during the interval spanning from the registered pulse to the expiration of the dead-time (the pulse stretched “HIGH’ state time, set usually by an analog timer such as a 555.)
non-paralyzable : it means that any townsend avalanche event occuring during that dead-time interval. does not re-trigger the dead time, or at least, it should not. If it does, it would be a poor design choice as dead-time from any processing stage should be minimized as much as possible, and a paralyzable dead-time may extend this duration.
GM Tube intrinsic dead time.
As for the GM tube Townsend avalanche process, it has an intrinsic dead time characteristic that is short but still significative. After a sucessful ionizing event detection, one that triggers a full Townsend avalanche, the tube is unable to detect any other event during the dead time. This dead time is usually in the order of 80 to 200 µs, and is mostly paralyzable : Any event ocurring during that dead time, resets that intrinsic dead time to some extent. For sake of simplicity, we will treat it as a fully paralyzable dead time. In reality, most of the literature agrees that this intrinsic dead time falls in between a paralyzable and non paralyzable model.
We make the supposition that the dead time is a function of the time separation of two subsequent (or more) ionization events, with the limit reaching the nominal dead time as event separation in the time domain goes toward infinity. The precise model of a Townsend avalanche and its practical implementation in a commercial GM tube is outside of the scope of this article.
Thus it follows that the dead-time nominal values from the GM Tube and those of the analog pulse stretch front end are important parameters for count rate compensation.
Analog frontend deadtime measurement is quite straightforward in a low count (low background radiation) environment, and can be done by plugging the GM meter jack output to a sound card set at the highest sampling capability, ideally 96ks/s or more. Or better, by using an oscilloscope.
In our case, the dead time was measured at around 2.2ms average on this commercial device.
As for the intrinsic dead time of the GM Tube, some are reported in the datasheets. Determination of that dead time is not an easy task, in part because the ionization events exhibit a probabilistic distribution (modeled as a Poisson process) – That is, it is hard to control the precise moment a ionization event will trigger a Townsend avalanche.
Furthermore, GM Tubes have an efficiency parameter: Of all the gamma flux that intercepts the section area of the tube (usually the tube length times the tube diameter, and taking into account the mass absorption characteristics of the tube wall due to limb effects if one wants a really precise characterization), not all gamma flux will interact with the tube gas electrons, the main factors to take into account are the finite – and small – tube volume, low gas density, and type of gas used as it influences ionization behaviour. Note that GM tubes are sensitive to x-ray (with quite low efficiency) gamma rays, and charged particles such as alpha, beta+ and beta-. Non charged particles such as neutrons are detected indirectly, by a nuclear process that give rise to charged particles when a neutron is captured or absorbed by the GM tube gas. Neutron sensitive GM tubes may use BF3 gas (Boron Tri-Fluoride)
GM Tube efficiency
Common beta/gamma small glass tubes exhibit an efficiency of around 0.03
Moreover, this efficiency varies with the gamma ray energy. It is well known that GM Tubes under-perform in the X-ray spectrum. Flattening of the energy/efficiency response curve can be done by using filters (such as thin metal sheets) that partially occult the tube, mainly for gamma counting.
As for tubes that exhibit a better sensitivity in the alpha and beta detection mode, they usually are made with walls that have a lower extinction coefficient for alpha or beta particle, such as mica.
Remember also that GM tubes are not proportional counters, scintillators, or particles chambers. They do not convey information about the source of the ionization event energy, as the Townsend avalanche “saturates” the detector.
True count rate estimation based on GM tube dead time and analog front end dead time
Based on the research of Muller in “Dead Time problems” – Nuclear instruments and methods 112th issue (1973), (1) The model we will use is stated on page 56 (d) equation (56), as it accounts for two dead times in series, one paralyzable from the GM tube, and one non-paralyzable from the analog front end (pulse stretcher)
we can see that the analog dead time due to pulse shaping into a square wave is the limiting factor as for high counting rates. Thus, it is preferable to tune, in the design phase, the 555 timing to achieve the shortest pulse length that does not trigger spurious counts by the A/D stage. A/D stages typically register the rising edge of the pulse. As the amplitude of the pulse is not of any particular interest, a high frequency, low bit resolution A/D design is preferable, such as a sigma/delta ADC, (ADC considerations go beyond our scope, as we are limited by the BCM GPIO hardware on the Raspberry Pi) and good noise immunity practices, such as using shielding for the whole assembly and a shielded signal cable grounded at one end, or twisted pair, while maintaining the shortest possible signal path from the GM front end to the ADC. This is to ensure good signal integrity and low stray loop inductance. A very short pulse could induce ringing and be registered as multiple events when the level lingers between the low/high logic boundary. However, there are diminishing returns for high count precision when the analog front end dead time approaches the intrinsic GM tube dead time, that is in the order or 80 to 200 µs. These time constants are well within the 555 timer capabilities, and proper design should take care of ringing artifacts. As for the hardware limitations of Raspberry pi pulse sensing, they are in the tens of ns range. Which means that lowering analog front-end dead time for ADC sensing to around 100 µs should not be a hardware limiting factor. As for the software GPIO / ISR library, it is recommended to use one that minimizes delay. Some libraries are implemented as linux daemons that may allow better management of high count rates. Best is to compare performance with a signal generator between the standard Python Raspberry Pi GPIO libraries that perform better with high pulse frequency (in the order of 10 kHz).
Python code processing could be the bottleneck, if care is not taken to benchmark deque() performance at 10 kHz pulse rate, particularly if the deque() stores the pulse timing with calls to Python time libraries.
Some GPIO pulse processing libraries store pulse timestamp information, in this case this overhead could be discarded.
Also, registering the falling edge may be useful to assess proper operation of the GM analog front end. Absence of a falling edge in a timely manner before the next rising edge could signify that the signal is stuck in a high state, and should display a malfunction and/or high count warning.
It is also preferable to use a micro controller or full fledged miniature computer such as a Raspberry pi with adequate processing power, which translates into a fast CPU clock and more than one core (for computers) to decrease ISR (interrupt service request) burden to a minimum in high count environment.
In the case of a Raspberry Pi, and when using Python, the following guidelines should be followed :
Minimum amount of code in the ISR.
Ideally it should use a deque() for pulse registering, simply appending the pulse to the deque in the ISR, and exiting the ISR.
Assessing the need for specialized GPIO libraries for pulse counting, such as those that involve a daemon, when pulse timestamping with the highest precision is a design requirement. In that case however, inter-process communication (IPC) delay is a factor to take into account for overall responsiveness.
A separate thread on another core should perform post processing such as logging into the file-system or a database, or count rate compensation calculations.
It is preferable to use a low level language such as C++ instead of Python, and precise benchmarking should be done using a function generator generating pulses with a comparable duty time to the GM pulse shaper backend, with increasing CPM frequency, to assess the digital latency induced and ISR responsiveness in high CPM environments. This way, the influence of the A/D backend and code performance can be precisely factored in for final count up-rating & device calibration.
Pulse time-stamping
In our design the deque() stores a timestamp for each pulse. Pulse time-stamping is a niche requirement and may be of use to triangulate the source of a sudden burst of gamma energy, although air attenuation coefficient factor coupled with poor efficiency of GM tubes, would render such an endeavour tricky. As for alpha and beta particle radiation, their detection on fixed position sensors for environmental monitoring in weather stations is dependent on wind and atmospheric currents drift that carry contaminated dust and fallout, which operate on timescales large enough to not require precise time stamping.
For EAS (extensive air shower) research arising from high energy cosmic particles, as well as study of dark lightning generated terrestiral gamma-ray flashes (TGF) a scintillation detector would be a better choice, as they have a better quantum yield.
A GPS module is a good investment in a project of this kind as it allows not only Geo tagging of events, but also precise timestamping due to inherent time synchronisation features of GPS.
Alternatively, low quality synchronisation of nodes that perform event timestamping may use NTP or higher precision NTP protocols. In any case, precise node time synchronisation using NTP requires symmetric network packet processing (no asymmetric routing – this creates different propagation delays upstream and downstream). These propagation delay uncertainties increase substantially when the time source is several router hops away, and also depend on the network traffic load induced delay.
If time synchronisation is performed through air (such as using Lora) all radio induced propagation delays and bitrate induced delays have to be factored in.
Count up-rating using two dead times in series model with time constants t1 and t2.
In our project, we will use Muller’s derivation (1) p56. (d)
$$ R = \frac{\rho}{(1-\alpha)x} + e^{\alpha x} $$
$$ x = \rho t_{2} $$
$$ \alpha = \frac{t_{1}}{t_{2}} $$
$$ \rho $$
being the true count rate estimation, and
$$ R $$
being the measured count
$$ t_{1} $$
being the (paralyzable) dead time of the GM Tube, and
$$ t_{2} $$
being the (non-paralyzable) dead time of the analog frontend pulse shaper.
Let’s introduce the other well known models accounting for a single dead time system:
the non paralyzable model :
$$ R = \frac{\rho}{1 + t\rho} $$ the paralyzable model :
$$ R = \rho e^{(-\rho t)} $$
Since the unknown is the corrected count (rho), we need to use the inverse function of these models, regardless of the model, compound, paralyzable or non paralyzable.
The paralyzable function inverse expression requires the use of the W0 and W1 Lambert function, Math helpers in Python such as scipy allow straightforward calculation of the Lambert W0 and W1 branches, albeit with some computational burden.
The compound t1 and t2 in series requires numerical methods such as the secant method. Which would only increase the computational burden.
In the case of a Raspberry Pi, since RAM and storage are not an issue, and the problem is not multivariate since t1 and t2 are constants. We advise to compute the functions models, and use a reverse table lookup for fast determination of the corrected count. Scipy propose linear and higher order interpolation mechanisms, which would have a lower computational burden than root finding.
Calibration and experimental confirmation of the count correction model.
Disclaimer : For this part, access to a medium activity point source > 100 kBq, with low uncertainty is preferable. A low activity source would not push the GM counter at count rates where there is significant deviation from the true rate, and thus not give enough data to properly test the models. Depending on your location, point sources are exempt of declaration at different ceilings. To complicate things further, several regulations may overlap such as national / European Union, and providers of sources may or may not be available in your country. a source in the 100 kBq pretty much requires a license anywhere in the world. One option may be to use the source of a third party at the site of the third party licensed metrology / research lab. As always, exposure to a medium activity source may be harmful depending on exposure time and proper handling and shielding precautions are required.
Besides the point source, a lead plated rectangular cross section channel spanning from the point source to the GM Tube is preferable, such a device function is not to serve as a collimator, but rather to prevent reflections of gamma rays leading to constructive / destructive interference, as some papers suggest. It seems quite remarkable however that such effects interfere significantly with the measurement, given the very low refractive index of most materials in the gamma spectrum. They would however shield the detector somewhat from background radiation and other sources that may be found in a lab at relative proximity.
Note that a Cs137 nucleide decays either to a stable 56Ba137 nucleide through Beta- decay, with a probability of 5.4%, or to an excited (56Ba137m) state, also through Beta- decay, with a probability of 94.6%. When reverting to the ground state 56Ba137, some of the 56Ba137m nucleides emit a 0.6617 MeV gamma photon. Of all Cs137 decays that form the measure of the total activity of the sample supplied by the manufacturer, 85.1 % yield gamma photons. This has to be factored in, besides manufacturer supplied source percent uncertainity, and exponential law derating of the activity of the sample, using the supplied date of manufacture, and the Cs137 half-life of 30.05 years.
Beta- radiation has a high linear attenuation coefficient in air, and would skew the measurements when the jig is very close to the tube through their contribution in the final measure. A standard food grade aluminium foil is sufficient to filter them out to a negligible level, while leaving almost all gamma ray photons unscathed. Nevertheless we have factored in attenuation from air and aluminium through air and aluminium for both Beta- and gamma based on litterature and NIST database data.
The source is then placed on a jig powered by a linear actuator, so that it moves freely inside the channel along the x axis. the center of the point source disc should be on the x axis and intercept the center of mass of the GM tube. The x axis should be perpendicular to the point source disc and GM tube.
The raspberry Pi platforms registers pulse and operates the linear actuator. A model with position feedback is required for accurate jig position determination, after manual position calibration, or alternatively, a time of flight (TOF) / LIDAR sensor module should be used. This solution should also be subjected to calibration beforehand.
The GM calibration helper for a Cs-137 point source Python script is in alpha stage of development but the bulk of the work is done.
The workflow of the script starts with the following parameter inputs :
Point source activity, supplied in either Bq or Ci units.
The activity_unit enumeration is used to set up the unit of activity
The radioisotope used is hard-coded to Cs137, and it’s decay scheme is factored in to take into account only Gamma activity.
Decay % that give rise to gamma photons
Cs137 half-life as a constant
Source date of manufacture
Aluminium mass extinction coefficients for Beta and gamma radiation (using Cs137 decay energies)
Air mass extinction coefficients for Beta and gamma radiation (using Cs137 decay energies)
Distance range (min,max) of the source relative to the GM tube center of mass on the jig y-axis
GM Tube geometry : length and diameter.
GM tube intrinsic dead time estimation (or from datasheet)
GM tube efficiency estimation (or from datasheet)
On that basis, we will first calculate the mean path length from the point source to the tube as a function of y axis distance. For this we will use basic trigonometry and integrate over the tube length, all the ray paths from the source. This mean path length will be used to factor in the linear attenuation coefficient of air for gamma radiation at 0.611 MeV energy. Beta radiation is assumed to be filtered up to an insignificant amount, but we can still calculate the attenuation based on aluminium mass extinction coefficient and foil thickness to check for filtering efficiency of beta radiation.
The compound attenuation of air plus aluminium filter is calculated for the gamma radiation.
The radiant flux from the point source received by the GM tube is then calculated. The standard law
$$ Flux =\frac{P}{4 \pi r^{2}} $$
assumes a spherical irradiated surface. since the cross section of the GM Tube is a plane, and taking into account that $$ GMtubewidth \ll GMtubelength $$, we will perform a single integration along the tube cylinder axis to get the corrected number of photons $$ R_{net} $$ crossing the tube section, instead of a double integration.
$$ P_{net} $$ is the gamma source activity. It has to take into account the percent of decays giving rise to gamma photons, and the reduction of activity since the source date of manufacture.
To calculate the air attenuation of the gamma photons, we will use an approximation that has an expression in terms of elementary functions.
A gamma photon path length ‘l’ from the point source to any point on the x axis (axis of the GM tube represented as a cylinder) can be approximated as the length of the hypotenuse (neglecting paths that strike the cylinder off axis) :
$$ \mu_{air} $$ being the linear attenuation coefficient of air at 0.661 MeV gamma energy.
$$ \mu_{Al} $$ being the linear attenuation coefficient of Aluminium at 0.661 MeV gamma energy.
A small fraction of these photons will trigger an ionization of the GM_tube gas medium. These will form the measured tube event count per second. $$ R_{net} $$ At low count rates, dead time effects are negligible, and provided sufficiently long measurement times, the tube efficiency alpha can be determined :
This is the calibration helper Python script draft.
import scipy as spimport math as mimport numpy as npimport time as timefrom datetime import datetimeimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom enum import Enum# using S.I units (unless specified otherwise in comment immediately following # declaration)classactivity_unit(Enum): BQ =1#Bq CI =2#Ciactivity_unit =Enum('activity_unit',['BQ','CI'])# assuming a Cs-137 source, and a collimator made of thick lead of the same width as the GM tube and the same height as the tube, with the point source at the e# ntrance of the channelP_nom =370e-3# source activity (unit determined by used_activity_unit)used_activity_unit = activity_unit.BQ# it's better to use a high activity source in order to drive the count at very high levels for dead-time effects to be come noticeable# the lower the analog frontend dead-time that results in reliable A/D conversion, the higher the activity of the source is required.gamma_yield =0.851# ratio of decays that give rise to gamma photonssource_date_of_manufacture ="2022-12-01T19:00:00Z"dt_source_dom = datetime.fromisoformat(source_date_of_manufacture)dt_now = datetime.now()source_age =(dt_now - dt_source_dom).total_seconds()half_life =30.05# Cs137 half-life in yearshalf_life = half_life*365*24*60*60# Cs137 half-life converted to seconds µ1 =0.000103# linear attenuation coefficient of air for the gamma energy of 667 kEv - emmited by Ba137m#µ2 = 0.1 # linear attenuation coefficient of beta shield for the gamma energy of 667 kEv. We assume that the beta shield filters beta particles to a negligible amount. Al_filter_thickness =0.001# cm 0.001 cm = 10µm standard food grade aluminium foil thicknessmax_distance =0.3distance =0.15# distance from point source to center of detector. (meters)min_distance =0.05# GM tube axis is normal to line from point source to GM tube center.GM_tube_length =0.075# glass envelope length only (meters)GM_tube_diameter =0.01# glass envelope diameter (meters)GM_tube_alpha =0.0319# tube efficiency - not all incoming photons trigger an ionization event.alpha = GM_tube_alphaGM_tube_detection_cross_section_area = GM_tube_length*GM_tube_diameterGMT_dcsa = GM_tube_detection_cross_section_area # variable aliasGM_tube_dead_time =80e-6# tube intrinsic (charge drift time) dead timeGMT_det = GM_tube_dead_timeif(used_activity_unit == activity_unit.BQ):passelif(used_activity_unit == activity_unit.CI): P_nom *=3.7e10# convert to Bq#derate activity based on % decay gamma yield and source age.P_net = gamma_yield*P_nom*exp(-(m.log(2)/half_life)*source_age)#calculate mean path length of gamma photons reaching the tube.mean_path =(1/2)*(distance**2+(GM_tube_length/2)**2)**(1/2)+(distance**2)*m.arcsinh*(GM_tube_length/(2*distance))/GM_tube_length#calculate attenuation from linear attenuation coefficientgamma_att_air = m.exp(-µ1*mean_path)Al_density =2.7# g/cm3#Al_mass_att_beta_cs137 = 15.1 #cm2/mgAl_mass_att_beta_cs137 =15.1e3#cm2/g beta+/- attenuation for Cs137 emitter https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2013.07.023# not used in subsequent calibration formulas, assuming that beta is filtered to an insignificant amount. standard food grade aluminium foil of 10µm thickness gives an attenuation factor in the order of 1e-18µ2 = Al_mass_att_beta_cs137*Al_density #cm-1beta_att_Al = m.exp(-Al_filter_thickness*µ2)# To check the effectiveness of beta filtering.# not used in subsequent calibration formulas, assuming that beta is filtered to an insignificant amount. standard food grade aluminium foil of 10µm thickness gives an attenuation factor in the order of 1e-18Al_mass_att_gamma_Ba137m =7.484e-2#cm2/g gamma attenuation for Aluminium at 667 kEvµ3 = Al_mass_att_gamma_Ba137m*Al_densitygamma_att_Al = m.exp(-Al_filter_thickness*µ3)#calculate total gamma attenuation from air and Al filter.gamma_att_total = gamma_att_air*gamma_att_Alimport GMobile as GM# CALIBRATION step 0# Estimates the analog front end dead-time by timing the pulse width while the GM Tube is exposed to background radiationbackground_measure_pulsewidth_total_pulses =60# time to spend in seconds measuring pulse widthbackground_measure_pulsewidth_max_fails =20# time to spend in seconds measuring pulse widthrise_timeout_ms =20000fall_timeout_ms =20(pulsewidth,stdev)= GM.measurePulseWidth(background_measure_pulsewidth_total_pulses,background_measure_pulsewidth_max_fails,rise_timeout_ms,fall_timeout_ms)# CALIBRATION step 1#Measure the background CPM with the collimating assembly, but the source removed and far away.# call main.py and average CPM over specified background_acquire_time in secondsbackground_acquire_time =600# time to spend in seconds acquiring background radiation levels after first 60 sec of acquisition.chars =Nonechars =input("Step 1 - acquiring background radiation cpm during "+ background_acquire_time +" seconds. Please put the source as far away as possible. press ENTER to start")while chars isNone: chars =input("Step 1 - acquiring background radiation cpm during "+ background_acquire_time +" seconds. Please put the source as far away as possible. press ENTER to start")GM.SetupGPIOEventDetect()# sets up the GPIO event callbacks =0cpm_sum =0while(s < background_acquire_time): cpm = GM.process_events(False,False)# This call should take exactly one second.if(cpm !=-1): cpm_sum += cpm s +=1cpm_background = cpm_sum/background_acquire_timedefmodel1_estimated_GM_CPM(true_count,t1,t2):# Muller's serial t1 paralyzable dead time followed by t2 non paralyzable dead time model alpha = t1/t2 x = true_count*t2 corrected_cpm_1 = true_count/((1-alpha)*x + m.exp(alpha*x))return corrected_cpm_1defmodel2_estimated_GM_CPM(true_count,t1): corrected_cpm_2 = true_count*m.exp(-true_count*t1)return corrected_cpm_2defmodel3_estimated_GM_CPM(true_count,t2): corrected_cpm_3 = true_count/(1+true_count*t2)return corrected_cpm_3defmovejig(position):#TODO : linear actuator positioning code err =0return err # err = 0 : actuation OKdefefficiency_step(distance=0.15,movestep=0.005,efficiency_placing_time=600,efficiency_stab_time=60,last_secs_stab_time=60,min_cpm_efficiency_cal=8*cpm_background,max_cpm_efficiency_cal=16*cpm_background):# CALIBRATION step 2print("Step 2 : automated GM tube efficiency calculation") s =0 s_stab =0 cpm_stab =[]while(s < efficiency_placing_time):#print("Step 2.1 - efficiency computation: you have " + efficiency_placing_time + "seconds to put the source at a distance to obtain a reading between " + min_cpm_efficiency_cal + " and " + max_cpm_efficiency_cal + " cpm. press ENTER when in range")#print("the timer will start counting down after the first 60 seconds have elapsed - it will then exit the step if cpm is stabilized in range for a whole " + efficiency_stab_time + " secs, and get the cpm average for the last " + last_secs_stab_time + " secs. Do not move the source during that time") cpm = GM.process_events(False,False)# This call should take exactly one second.if(cpm !=-1):# first 60 seconds have elapsed. cpm_sum += cpm s +=1if(cpm > min_cpm_efficiency_cal and cpm < max_cpm_efficiency_cal):# in range. s_stab +=1 cpm_stab.append(cpm)elif(cpm > max_cpm_efficiency_cal):# out of range high. reset stabilized countrate time counter distance += movestepmovejig(distance) s_stab =0 cpm_stab =[]elif(cpm < min_cpm_efficiency_cal):# out of range high. reset stabilized countrate time counter distance -= movestepmovejig(distance) s_stab =0 cpm_stab =[]print("cpm:\t"+ cpm)print("stabilized_time:\t"+ s_stab)print("distance:\t"+ distance)if s_stab >= efficiency_stab_time:#distance = input("Please input distance in meters from GM_tube to source at stabilized reading") cpm_stab = cpm_stab[-last_secs_stab_time:] cpm_stab_avg =sum(cpm_stab)/last_secs_stab_timebreak cpm_efficiency_calc = cpm_stab_avg - cpm_background#calculate mean path length of gamma photons reaching the tube. mean_path =(1/2)*(distance**2+(GM_tube_length/2)**2)**(1/2)+(distance**2)*m.arcsinh*(GM_tube_length/(2*distance))/GM_tube_length#calculate attenuation from linear attenuation coefficient gamma_att_air = m.exp(-µ1*mean_path)#calculate total gamma attenuation from air and Al filter. gamma_att_total = gamma_att_air*gamma_att_Al flux = gamma_att_total*2*GM_tube_width*(P_net*(GM_tube_length/2))/(4*m.pi*distance*((GM_tubelength/2)**2+ distance**2)**(1/2))# gamma flux in photons.s^-1 crossing the GM tube. Accounting for planar cross section of GM Tube (instead of solid angle) and attenuation from air and beta filter of gamma photons. theoretical_cpm =60*flux # assuming GM tube efficiency of 1, All photons would give rise to ionization events inside the GM tubeif(s != efficiency_placing_time): efficiency = cpm_efficiency_calc/theoretical_cpmprint("computed efficiency:\t"+ efficiency)return((efficiency,distance))else:print("efficiency calibration failed.")return((-1,distance))# Compute efficiency of detection at a count rate sufficiently high enough above background but not as high as dead time effects become significant.efficiency_placing_time =600efficiency_stab_time =180last_secs_stab_time =60min_cpm_efficiency_cal =8*cpm_backgroundmax_cpm_efficiency_cal =16*cpm_backgroundchars =Nonechars =input("Step 2.0 - efficiency computation: please put the source at "+ distance +"cm from the GM tube, normal to the tube, withint the collimator. press ENTER to start")movejig(distance)# initial position(efficiency,distance)=efficiency_step(distance)# gets efficiency, -1 if failed, and jig to source distancewhile(efficiency ==-1):print("efficiency calculation step failed. repeating")(efficiency,distance)=efficiency_step(distance)#STEP 3 : record countrate while stepping the source jig towards the GM tubestep3_wait_time =120step3_last_seconds_measure =60step3_last_seconds_measure =min(120,step3_last_seconds_measure)# ensure the total seconds we sample is lower than step3_wait_timex_distance = np.arange(max_distance,min_distance,-0.005)y_cpm_m = np.empty(len(x_distance))# array of average of count rate for each measurement samplingy_cpm_m[:]= np.nany_std_m = np.empty(len(x_distance))# array of standard deviation of count rate for each measurement samplingy_std_m[:]= np.nany_cpm_t = np.empty(len(x_distance))# array of theoretical cpms derated with GM tube efficiencyy_cpm_t[:]= np.nany_cpm_tm = np.empty(len(x_distance))# array of theoretical cpms derated with GM tube efficiency and dead time effectsy_cpm_tm[:]= np.nandistance_cpm_avg_m = np.stack([x_distance,y_cpm_m],axis=1)# tabular data for cpm (average) as a function of source/GM tube distancedistance_cpm_std_m = np.stack([x_distance,y_std_m],axis=1)# tabular data for cpm (std dev) as a function of source/GM tube distancedistance_cpm_t = np.stack([x_distance,y_cpm_t],axis=1)# tabular data for cpm (theoretical), derated by GM tube efficiency as a function of distancedistance_cpm_tm = np.stack([x_distance,y_cpm_tm],axis=1)# tabular data for cpm (theoretical), derated by GM tube efficiency and accounting for dead time effectsdistance = max_distance # retract actuator to minimum to get longest source to GM tube distance.ifnot(movejig(distance)):# no actuation error idx =0while(distance > min_distance):if(movejig(distance)):break# actuation error, break loop distance -=0.05 cpm_stab =[]#TODO : reset deque() in GMobile after jig move, to get rid of the inertia induced by the sliding window samplingwhile(s < step3_wait_time):if(s >=(step3_wait_time - step3_last_seconds_measure)): cpm_stab.append(GM.process_events(False,False))# This call should take exactly one second.else: time.sleep(1) cpm_avg = np.average(cpm_stab) cpm_std = np.std(cpm_stab) distance_cpm_avg_m[idx][1]= cpm_avg distance_cpm_std_m[idx][1]= cpm_std#calculate mean path length of gamma photons reaching the tube. mean_path =(1/2)*(distance**2+(GM_tube_length/2)**2)**(1/2)+(distance**2)*m.arcsinh*(GM_tube_length/(2*distance))/GM_tube_length#calculate attenuation from linear attenuation coefficient gamma_att_air = m.exp(-µ1*mean_path)#calculate total gamma attenuation from air and Al filter. gamma_att_total = gamma_att_air*gamma_att_Al flux = gamma_att_total*2*GM_tube_width*(P_net*(GM_tube_length/2))/(4*m.pi*distance*((GM_tubelength/2)**2+ distance**2)**(1/2))# gamma flux in photons.s^-1 crossing the GM tube. Accounting for planar cross section of GM Tube (instead of solid angle) and attenuation from air and beta filter of gamma photons. theoretical_cpm_eff =60*flux*efficiency # theoretical cpm (derated with GM tube efficiency estimated in step 2.0) distance_cpm_t[idx][1]= theoretical_cpm_eff distance_cpm_tm[idx][1]=model1_estimated_GM_CPM(theoretical_cpm_eff)# theoretical cpm from above with dead time compensationdefcompare_cpm_measured_theoretical(theoretical,measured): devsum =0 devratiosum =0if(len(theoretical)!=len(measured)):return(-1,-1)for idx inrange(0,len(theoretical)): devratiosum +=abs((measured[idx][1]- theoretical[idx][1])/measured[idx][1]) devsum =(measured[idx][1]- theoretical[idx][1])**2 mape = devratiosum/len(theoretical)return(devsum,mape)defplotcurves(curve_x,curve_y1,curve_y2,color_curve_1,color_curve_2,label_curve_1,label_curve_2): plt.plot(curve_x, curve_y1, color_curve_1,label=label_curve_1) plt.plot(curve_x, curve_y2, color_curve_2,label=label_curve_2) plt.xlabel('distance (m)') plt.ylabel('count rate (cpm)') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.show()print(compare_cpm_measured_theoretical(distance_cpm_tm,distance_cpm_avg_m))plotcurves(distance_cpm_t[:,0],distance_cpm_avg_m[:,1],distance_cpm_tm[:,1],'r-','g-',"measured","theoretical_compensated")
This is the main GM counter interfacing script, with Mariadb logging, individual pulse timestamping Geotagging, and Lora telemetry (work in progress)
# coding: utf-8import RPi.GPIO as GPIOimport scipy as spimport signalimport sysimport timeimport datetimefrom collections import deque import structimport statistics# Module Importsimport mariadb#from mariadb.connector.aio import connectimport sysimport re# Lora Importsfrom SX127x.LoRa import*#from SX127x.LoRaArgumentParser import LoRaArgumentParserfrom SX127x.board_config import BOARDdefsignal_handler(sig,frame): GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit(0)defpulse_detected_callback(channel):global pulse_events pulse_events.append(time.time()- start_time_epoch)defdms2dec(dms_str): dms_str = re.sub(r'\s','', dms_str) sign =-1if re.search('[swSW]', dms_str)else1 numbers =[*filter(len, re.split('\D+', dms_str,maxsplit=4))] degree = numbers[0] minute = numbers[1]iflen(numbers)>=2else'0' second = numbers[2]iflen(numbers)>=3else'0' frac_seconds = numbers[3]iflen(numbers)>=4else'0' second +="."+ frac_secondsreturn sign *(int(degree)+float(minute)/60+float(second)/3600)# Connect to MariaDB Platformtry: conn = mariadb.connect(#conn = connect(user="gmobile_user",password="gmobile_passwd",host="",port=3306,database="gmobile")except mariadb.Error as e:print(f"Error connecting to MariaDB Platform: {e}") sys.exit(1)# Get Cursorcur = conn.cursor()start_time_epoch = time.time()pulse_events =deque()cps =0cpm =0#process_pulses = True#paralyzable model# m = n*exp(-nt)# using lambert(w) #y = w * exp(w)#-nt = w#y = -nt * exp(-nt)#-nt = lambert(y)#n = -lambert(y)/t#scipy.special.lambertw(z, k=0, tol=1e-8)#while True:# GPIO.wait_for_edge(PULSE_GPIO, GPIO.FALLING)# print("Button pressed!")# sp.special.lambertw(z, k=0, tol=1e-8)PULSE_GPIO =16lat =dms2dec("51°24'04.30\"N")long =dms2dec("30°02'50.70\"E")defsetupGPIOEventDetect(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(PULSE_GPIO, GPIO.IN) GPIO.add_event_detect(PULSE_GPIO, GPIO.RISING,callback=pulse_detected_callback)defremoveGPIOEventDetect(): GPIO.remove_event_detect(PULSE_GPIO)defmeasurePulseWidth(total_pulses,max_fails=20,rise_timeout_ms=20000,fall_timeout_ms=20):removeGPIOEventDetect() s =0 fail =0 pulsewidths =[]while(s < total_pulses and fail < max_fails): channel = GPIO.wait_for_edge(PULSE_GPIO,GPIO.RISING,timeout=rise_timeout_ms)# assuming there is at least one pulse registered every rise_timeout_msif(channel isNone): fail +=1continue pulsestart = time.time_ns() channel = GPIO.wait_for_edge(PULSE_GPIO,GPIO.FALLING,timeout=fall_timeout_ms)# assuming the pulse width is less fall_timeout_msif(channel isNone): fail +=1continue pulsewidths.append((time.time_ns()- pulsestart)/1000)# save pulsewidth value in µs s+=1# sucessful pulsewidth measure#this pulse timing method may be problematic if the real time separation between RISING and FALLING edge is shorter than execution time between the two#wait_for_edge calls. thread should be set to high priority. Overall, dead time will be overestimated.setupGPIOEventDetect()return(pulsewidths[int(len(pulsewidths)/2)],statistics.pstdev(pulsewidths))# returns mean pulsewidth value in µs and standard deviation.# LORA INIT#BOARD.setup()#BOARD.reset()##parser = LoRaArgumentParser("Lora tester")"""class mylora(LoRa): global current_data def __init__(self, verbose=False): super(mylora, self).__init__(verbose) self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP) self.set_dio_mapping([0] * 6) def on_rx_done(self): BOARD.led_on() #print("\nRxDone") self.clear_irq_flags(RxDone=1) payload = self.read_payload(nocheck=True )# Receive INF print ("Receive: ") mens=bytes(payload).decode("utf-8",'ignore') mens=mens[2:-1] #to discard \x00\x00 and \x00 at the end print(mens) BOARD.led_off() if mens=="INF": print("Received data request INF") time.sleep(2) print ("Send mens: DATA RASPBERRY PI") self.write_payload([255, 255, 0, 0, 68, 65, 84, 65, 32, 82, 65, 83, 80, 66, 69, 82, 82, 89, 32, 80, 73, 0]) # Send DATA RASPBERRY PI self.set_mode(MODE.TX) time.sleep(2) self.reset_ptr_rx() self.set_mode(MODE.RXCONT) def on_tx_done(self): print("\nTxDone") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_cad_done(self): print("\non_CadDone") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_rx_timeout(self): print("\non_RxTimeout") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_valid_header(self): print("\non_ValidHeader") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_payload_crc_error(self): print("\non_PayloadCrcError") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_fhss_change_channel(self): print("\non_FhssChangeChannel") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def start(self): while True: self.reset_ptr_rx() self.set_mode(MODE.RXCONT) # Receiver mode while True: pass; def send(data): data = [255, 255, 0, 0] + data + [0] self.write_payload([data]) # Send DATA time.sleep(2) self.reset_ptr_rx() self.set_mode(MODE.RXCONT)lora = mylora(verbose=False)#args = parser.parse_args(lora) # configs in LoRaArgumentParser.py# Slow+long range Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/8, Sf = 4096chips/symbol, CRC on. 13 dBmlora.set_pa_config(pa_select=1, max_power=21, output_power=15)lora.set_bw(BW.BW125)lora.set_coding_rate(CODING_RATE.CR4_8)lora.set_spreading_factor(12)lora.set_rx_crc(True)#lora.set_lna_gain(GAIN.G1)#lora.set_implicit_header_mode(False)lora.set_low_data_rate_optim(True)# Medium Range Defaults after init are 434.0MHz, Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC on 13 dBm#lora.set_pa_config(pa_select=1)assert(lora.get_agc_auto_on() == 1)try: print("START") lora.start()except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout.flush() print("Exit") sys.stderr.write("KeyboardInterrupt\n")finally: sys.stdout.flush() print("Exit") lora.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)BOARD.teardown()"""signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)defprocess_events(log=False,lorasend=False):global cpsglobal cpm nowtime = time.time() prune_before_time = nowtime - start_time_epoch -60.0for pulse inlist(pulse_events):if(pulse < prune_before_time): pulse_events.popleft() cps =len(pulse_events)/60.0 cpm =len(pulse_events)print(cpm)ifnot(int(time.time())%60)and prune_before_time >0:# log last minute cpm to db. wait at least 60 sec from start# to get steady state data.print("last minute cpm:"+str(cpm))if(lorasend): epoch_ms =int(time.time()*1000.0) buffer_data = struct.pack("<Q", epoch_ms)# pack epoch_ms into byte array little endian buffer_data += struct.pack("<L", cpm)# append cpm into byte array little endian#lora.send(buffer_data)print(buffer_data)if(log): sql ="INSERT INTO data_cpm (timestamp_utc,count_per_minute,coordinates) VALUES(%s, %s, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsBinary(POINT("+str(lat)+","+str(long)+")), 4326))"; val =(str(datetime.datetime.now()),str(cpm)) cur.execute(sql, val) conn.commit() processing_delay = time.time()- nowtimeprint(processing_delay) proc_delay_mul =int(processing_delay) time.sleep(1+ proc_delay_mul - processing_delay)# ensure isochronous sampling, add n skip seconds in case of the block taking a really long time...# asynchronous mariadb cursor should prevent this occurence.if(prune_before_time >0):# 60 sec have elapsedreturn cpmelse:return-1#while process_pulses:# process_events()#signal.pause()
NOTE: dictionary file count1_w.txt must be in the same directory as the script. outngrams.bin must be in the same directory as the script, if ngrams are used (secondpass=True)
This script is useful for ASCII English text stream compression. It’s pedantic (P in PLETSC stands for “pedantic”) because its final goal is to enforce a minima some English syntactic rules, such as whitespace after “,” but not before, Capitalization after a “.” etc… (but not grammar). Spell check will probably be recommended but should probably be done upstream (by another applicative layer), as it will ensure a better compression ratio – since it is based on words of the english dictionary.
Its compression method is primarily based on a token (words and punctuation) dictionary. It leverages frequency of modern english words:
Words of the primary dictionary are sorted from most used to least used.
The line number is used as an index. (+1) index 0 is reserved for whitespace.
It also uses adaptive length encoding (1-2-3 bytes) First 128 most used tokens are encoded on 1 byte, Next 16384 + 128 on 2 bytes. Next 2097152 + 16384 + 128 on 3 bytes.
The 3 byte address space is split in two :
First part (when byte0 msb is 1 and byte1 msb is 1 and byte2 msb is 0) is further divided into two subspaces.
The first subspace is for the remainder of the primary dictionary (it has 333 333 tokens).
And the second subspace holds an Ngram dictionary (more on that later).
Second part (when byte0 msb is 1 and byte1 msb is 1 and byte2 msb is 1) is further divided into two subspaces.
First part is for a session dictionary. A session dictionary is used to hold repeating unknown tokens. there are 2097152 – 5 codes available for this use. Initially empty. Kept in ram, it is a SESSION dictionary. This session dictionary should not be required to be sent between two parties, as it can be reconstructed entirely from the compressed stream.
Second part is only 5 codes, (TODO, for now just 1 code, and switch between Huffmann and no compression is done in a bool parameter) It is an escape sequence meaning that following bytes will be encoded wit the following methods :
first code : As a stream of chars (no compression), plus a C style termination (chr(0)).
second code : Huffmann encoding, lowercase only.
third code : Huffmann, lowercase + uppercase or uppercase only.
It offers a good compression ratio (between 2.6 and 3.0+), That is, Sizes in % of ORIGINAL size of around 33% to 38%, mainly depending on the lexical complexity or lexical archaism of the source text, and presence of unkwnown or misspelled words.
A higher lexical complexity, or archaic texts, that is, if the input text uses less common words – based on current usage – (2023), will yield lower compression ratios.
The compresion ratio is more or less stable : it is quite independent of text length.
This is contrary to block algorithms that suffer from low compression for small files because of a significant overhead. For larger corpuses, block algorithms usually perform better, and modern methods may use ML methods to provide context and adaptive encoding based on that, they’re usually slower.
This is why this algorithm is intended for stream compression (on the fly). However, its current implementation is based on reading files. and outputting to a file or stdout.
Input text file must be ASCII (for now) or UTF-8 decodable to ASCII (English). It ignores conversion errors. Decoded file will be encoded in ASCII. It should be in English to get adequate conversion.
Both ends (sender and receiver) MUST have the SAME dictionaries and the SAME Huffmann tables, as these are not sent with the data.
The primary dictionary is based on the “count_1w.txt” english dictionary of 333 333 words, (words ordered by lexical prevalence) tweaked with added special characters also listed by order of prevalence and added english contractions, and with word count number stripped off.
It also features a secondary (optional) compression pass based on a compiled dictionary named outngrams.bin.
It features compression for 4 and 5 word ngrams found in the first compression step stream. Ngrams of less than 4 words are deemed not interesting as the first pass will usually encode them on 3 bytes, the same sized as a compressed ngram.
Compression and decompression require the primary dictionary to be available, and the secondary if the boolean SecondPass is set to true, (by default).
The zip “dics.zip” already have a compiled version of these dictionaries.
Main applications could be messaging over low bandwidth links like POCSAG radio text, or JS8Call for HAM radio, and IoT.
However, note that the underlying digital mode should allow binary transmission (not only transmission of printable ASCII characters) for seamless integration.
Main issues for now are syntactic rules and spurious whitespaces, absence of whitespaces were they should have been, problems with hyphenated tokens, spurious newlines, problems with some possessive forms, and special constructs besides emails and well formed URLs.
Useful if you want to tweak or create your own dictionaries, we’ll discuss mainly the outngrams.bin dictionary, as count_1w.txt tweaking is straightforward. Note that count1_w.txt should not be modified once outngrams.bin is generated, or you’ll have to rebuild outngrams.bin
A preparatory step is required to generate a compressed version of the ngrams files, if you want to do it from scratch :
The repo contains scripts that perform the download and concatenation of ngrams according to criterions you specify. Note that LETSC has limited space in the first subspace of the 3 byte. more or less 2097152 – 333333 I have created an ngram list of 1571125 ngrams. The distribution between the 4grams and 5grams is roughly 50%/50%
The resulting CSV files need to be further processed by our algorithm
The script that create outngrams.bin (the secondary compiled dictionary based on the primary dictionary and the ngrams csv files from google-books-ngram) is called ngrams_format_dic.py This script is commented for what each line does.
# LIGHTWEIGHT ENGLISH TEXT STREAM COMPRESSION (LETSC)# (adaptive encoding length 1byte/2byte/3byte based on word dictionary with statistical prevalence ordering - count1_w.txt)# Huffmann encoding for uknown tokens# Enforces English syntax rules for punctuation# Takes into account possessives and contractions# Has URLs and e-mails processing rules, more to follow# Second pass compression using a dictionary of the most frequent 4 N-Grams of English fiction.#GPL 3 License# www.skynext.tech# Rodrigo Verissimo# v0.92# October 21th, 2023# Python + packages Requirements# Python 3.9# nltk, bitarray, bitstring, re, dahuffmann# Performance : ratios between x2.6 for Middle to Modern and elaborate English (ex: Shakespeare)# Up to x3 and more for simple english.# adapted for text messaging / streaming# Requires the same dictionary on both channel endpoints.# ALGORITHM. Very straightforward. (adaptive encoding length based on dictionary with statistical ordering)################################################################################## First byte :#if MSB is 0, a whole word is encoded on the first 7 bits of one byte only.#This makes 127 possible words. These are reserved for the first 127 most used #english words. punctuation also appears as a possible word# Second byte :#if MSB of first byte is 1, and MSB of second byte is 0, a whole word is encoded# with the help of the 7 LSB of byte 1 plus the 7 LSB of byte 2. # This makes room for the next 16384 most used english words.# Third byte :# if MSB of first byte is 1 and MSB of second byte is 1, and the MSB of third byte is 0# a whole word is encoded# with the help of the 7 + 7 + 7 = 21 bits (2 097 152 possible words)# For now, the 3 byte address space is split into two 2 097 152 address spaces# That is, the case of all 3 bytes MSB being 1 is treated separately.# In this adress space, only a handful of codes are used as an escape sequence for particular # Huffmann trees, see below.#->#load dictionary of english words from most used to least used.#punctuation and special characters have been added with order of prevalence.#punctuation frequency is from wikipedia corpus. (around 1.3 billion words) #it has been normalized to the frequency of the 1/3 million word list based #on the google web trillon word corpus. that is, frequencies for special chars have been multiplied by 788.39#wikipedia punctuation is not optimized for chat, as it lower prevalence of chars like question marks#that may appear more frequently in chat situations.# the first tokenizer used does not separate any special character attached (without whitespace) to a word# this will mostly result in an unknown word in the dictionary# this key absence in the reverse dict will be catched and treated by another tokenizer (mainly for possessive# forms and contractions)#for possessives ex: "dog's bone" or plural "dogs' bones" a separate tokenizer is used to split into# "dog" , "'s"# "'s" and "'" also appear in the dictionary.# ROADMAP# remove whitespaces left of punctuation DONE# manage new lines DONE# manage websites and emails DONE# TODO# add spell check ! # TODO# Remove spurious new lines that appear after encoding special sequences such mails or URLS# DONE (basic Huffmann, some chars missing in tree)# add Huffmann encoding for absent words in dictionary (neologisms,colloqualisms,dialects, or misspellings) DONE# DONE# TODO : test with more texts such as wikipedia XML and various authors works, to catch as much# use cases and formatting issues that arise to improve the algorithm# add adaptive Huffmann. use 4 Huffmann trees. (see below)# Assuming there are 4 codes for hufmmann : hufmann lower case, hufmann lower + capitals, huffmann# lower + capitals + numeric, all printable ASCII excluding whitespace : same as preceding category plus # special chars.# Chosing the tree to use would be done by string regex.#DONE# Detect UTF-8 and transcode to ASCII (potentially lossy)#DONE# TODO# Dictionary Learn over time (re-shuffle the order of tokens)# Without transmission of any info between parties# Dangerous if sync is lost between the two parties# TODO# TODO# optimize Huffmann part to remove the need for the chr(0) termination = scan for EOF sequence in Huffmann to get# the Huffmann byte sequence length. TODO# DONE# Add second pass compression using word N-grams lookup table. (4 and 5 N-grams seem to be a good compromize)# The idea is to encode 4 and 5 token substrings in a line by a single 3 byte code.# There is plenty of room left in the 3 byte address space. For now, there is 333 333 - 16384 - 128 tokens used = 316821 tokens used# from 4194304 - 3 total address space.# DONE using 1 571 125 codes for a 50/50 mix of 4grams and 5grams.# There is still at least 2million codes left.# for now we plan 4 escape sequences for the selection of one of the 4 Huffmann trees.# ngrams processing is first done with the create_ngrams_dic.sh script."""python3 ngrams_format_dic.py 4grams_english-fiction.csv outngrams4.txt #remove counts and process contractionspython3 ngrams_format_dic.py 5grams_english-fiction.csv outngrams5.txt #remove counts and process contractionspython3 dicstrv4.py -d outngrams4.txt outngrams4.bin.dup #convert ngrams txt to compressed formpython3 dicstrv4.py -d outngrams5.txt outngrams5.bin.dup #convert ngrams txt to compressed formawk '!seen[$0]++' outngrams4.bin.dup > outngrams4.bin #Remove spurious duplicates that may ariseawk '!seen[$0]++' outngrams5.bin.dup > outngrams5.bin #Remove spurious duplicates that may arisesed -i '786001,$ d' outngrams4.bin # truncate to fit target address spacesed -i '786001,$ d' outngrams5.bin # truncate to fit target address spacecat outngrams4.bin outngrams5.bin > outngrams.bin # concatenate. this is our final formcat outngrams.bin | awk '{ print length, bash $0 }' | sort -n -s | cut -d" " -f2- > sorted.txt # sort by size to have an idea of distribution# ngrams that encode as less than 4 bytes have been pruned since the ratio is 1"""# DONE # It is probable that the most used 4 tokens N-grams are based on already frequent words. that individually# encode as 1 byte or two bytes.# Worst case : all the 4 tokens are encoded in the 1 to 128 addres space, so they take a total 4 bytes.# The resulting code will be 3 bytes, a deflate percent of 25%# If one of the tokens is 2 byte (128 to 16384 -1 address space), then it uses 5 bytes.# deflate percent is 40%# The unknown is the statistical prevalence of two million 4 token N-grams.# (ex: coming from english fiction corpus) in a standard chat text.# First encode the google most frequent 4 and 5 N-grams csv file to replace the tokens in each N-gram by the corrsponding # byte sequences from our codes in the count_1w.txt dictionary. This will be another pre-process script.# The resulting new csv format will be :# some 3 byte index = x04x09x23.# The 3 byte index is simply the line number of the compressed ngram. # read that in ram. Conservative Estimate 4 bytes + 3 bytes per entry 7 bytes * 2 000 000 = 14 Meg memory footprint.# We already have a 4 MB * 3 12 Meg footprint from count_1w (estimate)# Generate the inverse map dictionary (mapping sequences to 3 byte indexes)# x04x09x23' = some 3 byte index# Should not be a problem since there is a 1 to 1 relationship between the two# Then perform a first pass compression.# Then scan the first pass compression file using a 4 token sliding window.# Contractions is a case that will have to be managed.# If there are overlapping matches, chose the match that result in the best deflation, if any.# If the unknown word escape codes appears, stop processing and resume after the escaped word# Overall, replace the byte sequence by the corrsponding 3 byte sequence.# DONEimport sysimport traceback#print(len(sys.argv))#op = (sys.argv[1]).encode("ascii").decode("ascii")#print(op)#quit()if((len(sys.argv)<3)or(len(sys.argv)>4)):print("Syntax for compression :\n")print("python3 dicstrv.py -c <txt_inputfile> <compressed_outputfile>")print("Reads txt_inputfile and writes compressed text stream to compressed_outputfile.\n")print("python3 dicstrv.py -c <txt_inputfile>")print("Reads txt_input file and writes compressed output to stdout\n")print("Syntax for decompression :\n")print("python3 dicstrv.py -x <compressed_inputfile> <txt_outputfile>")print("Reads compressed_inputfile and writes cleartext to txt_outputfile.\n")print("python3 dicstrv.py -x <compressed_inputfile>\n")print("Reads compressed_input file and writes cleartext output to stdout\n")print("NOTE: dictionary file count1_w.txt must be in the same directory as the script.")quit()if(sys.argv[1]=="-c"): compress =True gendic =Falseelif(sys.argv[1]=="-d"): compress =True gendic =Trueelif(sys.argv[1]=="-x"): compress =False gendic =Falseelse:print("unknown operation: "+str(sys.argv[0])+" type 'python3 dicstrv3.py' for help")if(len(sys.argv)==3): infile = sys.argv[2] outfile =''if(len(sys.argv)==4): infile = sys.argv[2] outfile = sys.argv[3]import codecsimport nltkfrom nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizertknzr =TweetTokenizer()import reimport bitstringfrom bitarray import bitarrayimport structimport timefrom dahuffman import HuffmanCodecdebug_on =Falsedebug_ngrams_dic =Falsesecondpass =Trueuse_huffmann =Falseunknown_token_idx =16384+128+2097152defdebugw(strdebug):if(debug_on):print(strdebug)# Huffmann is only used for absent words in count1_w.txt dictionary# General lower and upper case frequency combined as lowercasecodec_lower = HuffmanCodec.from_frequencies({'e':56.88,'m':15.36,'a':43.31,'h':15.31,'r':38.64,'g':12.59,'i':38.45,'b':10.56,'o':36.51,'f':9.24,'t':35.43,'y':9.06,'n':33.92,'w':6.57,'s':29.23,'k':5.61,'l':27.98,'v':5.13,'c':23.13,'x':1.48,'u':18.51,'z':1.39,'d':17.25,'j':1,'p':16.14,'q':1})debugw(codec_lower.get_code_table())# following is ASCII mixed upper and lower case frequency from an English writer from Palm OS PDA memos in 2002# Credit : http://fitaly.com/board/domper3/posts/136.htmlcodec_upperlower = HuffmanCodec.from_frequencies({'A':0.3132,'B':0.2163,'C':0.3906,'D':0.3151,'E':0.2673,'F':0.1416,'G':0.1876,'H':0.2321,'I':0.3211,'J':0.1726,'K':0.0687,'L':0.1884,'M':0.3529,'N':0.2085,'O':0.1842,'P':0.2614,'Q':0.0316,'R':0.2519,'S':0.4003,'T':0.3322,'U':0.0814,'V':0.0892,'W':0.2527,'X':0.0343,'Y':0.0304,'Z':0.0076,'a':5.1880,'b':1.0195,'c':2.1129,'d':2.5071,'e':8.5771,'f':1.3725,'g':1.5597,'h':2.7444,'i':4.9019,'j':0.0867,'k':0.6753,'l':3.1750,'m':1.6437,'n':4.9701,'o':5.7701,'p':1.5482,'q':0.0747,'r':4.2586,'s':4.3686,'t':6.3700,'u':2.0999,'v':0.8462,'w':1.3034,'x':0.1950,'y':1.1330,'z':0.0596})debugw(codec_upperlower.get_code_table())# following is ASCII alpha numeric frequency from an English writer from Palm OS PDA memos in 2002# Credit : http://fitaly.com/board/domper3/posts/136.htmlcodec_alphanumeric = HuffmanCodec.from_frequencies({'0':0.5516,'1':0.4594,'2':0.3322,'3':0.1847,'4':0.1348,'5':0.1663,'6':0.1153,'7':0.1030,'8':0.1054,'9':0.1024,'A':0.3132,'B':0.2163,'C':0.3906,'D':0.3151,'E':0.2673,'F':0.1416,'G':0.1876,'H':0.2321,'I':0.3211,'J':0.1726,'K':0.0687,'L':0.1884,'M':0.3529,'N':0.2085,'O':0.1842,'P':0.2614,'Q':0.0316,'R':0.2519,'S':0.4003,'T':0.3322,'U':0.0814,'V':0.0892,'W':0.2527,'X':0.0343,'Y':0.0304,'Z':0.0076,'a':5.1880,'b':1.0195,'c':2.1129,'d':2.5071,'e':8.5771,'f':1.3725,'g':1.5597,'h':2.7444,'i':4.9019,'j':0.0867,'k':0.6753,'l':3.1750,'m':1.6437,'n':4.9701,'o':5.7701,'p':1.5482,'q':0.0747,'r':4.2586,'s':4.3686,'t':6.3700,'u':2.0999,'v':0.8462,'w':1.3034,'x':0.1950,'y':1.1330,'z':0.0596})debugw(codec_alphanumeric.get_code_table())# following is Whole ASCII printable chars frequency except whitespace from an English writer from Palm OS PDA memos in 2002# Credit : http://fitaly.com/board/domper3/posts/136.htmlcodec_all = HuffmanCodec.from_frequencies({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`':0.0009,'a':5.1880,'b':1.0195,'c':2.1129,'d':2.5071,'e':8.5771,'f':1.3725,'g':1.5597,'h':2.7444,'i':4.9019,'j':0.0867,'k':0.6753,'l':3.1750,'m':1.6437,'n':4.9701,'o':5.7701,'p':1.5482,'q':0.0747,'r':4.2586,'s':4.3686,'t':6.3700,'u':2.0999,'v':0.8462,'w':1.3034,'x':0.1950,'y':1.1330,'z':0.0596,'{':0.0026,'|':0.0007,'}':0.0026,'~':0.0003,})debugw(codec_all.get_code_table())#quit() defcheck_file_is_utf8(filename):debugw("checking encoding of:")debugw(filename)try: f = codecs.open(filename,encoding='utf-8',errors='strict')for line in f:passdebugw("Valid utf-8")returnTrueexceptUnicodeDecodeError:debugw("invalid utf-8")returnFalsedeffind_huffmann_to_use(token):if(not use_huffmann):debugw("do not use Huffmann, encode char by char")return0 not_alllower = re.search("[^a-z]")if(not not_alllower):debugw("all lower case")return1 not_alllowerorupper = re.search("[^A-Za-z]")if(not not_alllowerorupper):debugw("all lower or upper")return2 not_alllalphanumeric = re.search("[^A-Za-z0-9]")if(not not_alllalphanumeric):debugw("all alpha numeric")return3else:debugw("all printable, except whitespace")return4defencode_unknown(token,treecode):if(treecode ==0): bytes_unknown =bytearray()for charidx inrange(0,len(token)):debugw("appending chars..")debugw(token[charidx])# only append if it is not an unexpected termination in the unknown tokenif(notord(token[charidx])==0): bytes_unknown.append(ord(token[charidx]))else:debugw("unexpected termination chr(0) in unknown token, discarding character")return bytes_unknownif(treecode ==1):return codec_lower.encode(token)if(treecode ==2):return codec_upperlower.encode(token)if(treecode ==3):return codec_alphanumeric.encode(token)if(treecode ==4):return codec_all.encode(token)defdecode_unknown(bytetoken,treecode):if(treecode ==1):return codec_lower.decode(bytetoken)if(treecode ==2):return codec_upperlower.decode(bytetoken)if(treecode ==3):return codec_alphanumeric.decode(bytetoken)if(treecode ==4):return codec_all.decode(bytetoken)defcompress_token_or_subtoken(compressed,line_token,token_of_line_count,lentoken,gendic):global unknown_token_idxtry:# is the token in english dictionary ?debugw("line_token:"+ line_token) tokenid = engdictrev[line_token] subtokensid =[tokenid]except:debugw("unknown word, special chars adjunct, or possessive form")# let's try to split the unknown word from possible adjunct special chars# for this we use another tokenizer subtokens = nltk.word_tokenize(line_token)if(len(subtokens)==1):# no luck...# TODO : do not drop the word silently, encode it !# If we encode a ngram dic, skip ngrams with unknown tokens in the primary dic.# and return empty bytearray to signify ngram compression failure if(gendic): compressed =bytearray()debugw("gendic : unknown word")return(compressed, token_of_line_count)debugw("unknown word")#AMEND dictionary # add this unknown subtoken to a session dic so it can be recalled.debugw("unknown word: "+ subtokens[0]+" adding to session dic at id: "+str(unknown_token_idx))debugw("unknown word, adding to session dic at id: "+str(unknown_token_idx)) engdictrev[subtokens[0]]= unknown_token_idx engdict[unknown_token_idx]= subtokens[0] unknown_token_idx +=1#subtokensid = [4194304 - 1] # subtoken code for unknown word escape sequence. subtokensid =[4194303-find_huffmann_to_use(subtokens[0])]#print(subtokensid)#continueelse:debugw("possible special char found") subtokensid =[]for subtoken in subtokens:debugw("subtoken=")debugw(subtoken)try: subtokensid.append(engdictrev[subtoken])except:# no luck...# TODO : do not drop the word silently, encode it !# If we encode a ngram dic, skip ngrams with unknown tokens in the primary dic.# and return empty bytearray to signify ngram compression failure if(gendic): compressed =bytearray()debugw("gendic : unknown word")return(compressed, token_of_line_count)debugw("unknown subtoken") subtokensid.append(4194303-find_huffmann_to_use(subtoken))#subtokensid.append(4194304 - 1)# add this unknown subtoken to a session dic so it can be recalled.#AMEND dictionary # add this unknown subtoken to a session dic so it can be recalled.debugw("unknown subtoken: "+ subtoken +" adding to session dic at id: "+str(unknown_token_idx))debugw("unknown subtoken, adding to session dic at id: "+str(unknown_token_idx)) engdictrev[subtoken]= unknown_token_idx engdict[unknown_token_idx]= subtoken unknown_token_idx +=1#continue subtokenidx =0for subtokenid in subtokensid:debugw("subtokenid=")debugw(subtokenid)# maximum level of token unpacking is doneif(subtokenid <128):debugw("super common word")debugw(engdict[subtokenid])#convert to bytes byte0 = subtokenid.to_bytes(1,byteorder='little')debugw("hex:")debugw(byte0.hex())#append to bytearray compressed.append(byte0[0])if(128<= subtokenid <16384+128):debugw("common word")#remove offsetdebugw(engdict[subtokenid]) subtokenid -=128#convert to bytes1 (array of 2 bytes) bytes1 = subtokenid.to_bytes(2,byteorder='little')debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in bytes1]))#convert to bitarray c =bitarray(endian='little') c.frombytes(bytes1)debugw(c)# set msb of first byte to 1 and shift the more significant bits up. c.insert(7,1)debugw(c)# remove excess bitdel c[16:17:1]debugw(c)# append our two tweaked bytes to the compressed bytearray compressed.append((c.tobytes())[0]) compressed.append((c.tobytes())[1])#if(16384 +128 <= subtokenid < 4194304 - 1):if(16384+128<= subtokenid <2097152+16384+128):debugw("rare word")# remove offsetdebugw(engdict[subtokenid]) subtokenid -=(16384+128)#convert to bytes1 (array of 3 bytes) bytes2 = subtokenid.to_bytes(3,byteorder='little')debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in bytes2]))#convert to bitarray c =bitarray(endian='little') c.frombytes(bytes2)debugw(c)# set msb of first byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(7,1)debugw(c)# set msb of second byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(15,1)debugw(c)# remove two excess bits that arose from our shiftsdel c[24:26:1]debugw(c)# append our three tweaked bytes to the compressed bytearray compressed.append((c.tobytes())[0]) compressed.append((c.tobytes())[1]) compressed.append((c.tobytes())[2])#if(16384 +128 <= subtokenid < 4194304 - 1):if(16384+128+2097152<= subtokenid <4194304-5):debugw("unknown word from session DIC")# remove offsetdebugw(engdict[subtokenid]) subtokenid -=(2097152+16384+128)#convert to bytes1 (array of 3 bytes) bytes2 = subtokenid.to_bytes(3,byteorder='little')debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in bytes2]))#convert to bitarray c =bitarray(endian='little') c.frombytes(bytes2)debugw(c)# set msb of first byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(7,1)debugw(c)# set msb of second byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(15,1)debugw(c)# set msb of third byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(23,1)debugw(c)# remove three excess bits that arose from our shiftsdel c[24:27:1]debugw(c)# append our three tweaked bytes to the compressed bytearray compressed.append((c.tobytes())[0]) compressed.append((c.tobytes())[1]) compressed.append((c.tobytes())[2])#if(subtokenid == (4194304 - 1)):if(subtokenid inrange(4194299,4194304)):#compressed.append(255)#compressed.append(255)#compressed.append(255)debugw("huffmann tree code :"+str(subtokenid))# TODO : Use Huffmann tree instead of byte->byte encoding.#convert to bytes1 (array of 3 bytes) bytes2 = subtokenid.to_bytes(3,byteorder='little')debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in bytes2]))#convert to bitarray c =bitarray(endian='little') c.frombytes(bytes2)debugw(c)# set msb of first byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(7,1)debugw(c)# set msb of second byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(15,1)debugw(c)# no need to set msb of third byte to 1 since the range will take care of it.#c.insert(23,1)#debugw(c)# remove two excess bits that arose from our shiftsdel c[24:26:1]debugw(c)# append our three tweaked bytes that signify the huffmann tree to use to the compressed bytearray compressed.append((c.tobytes())[0]) compressed.append((c.tobytes())[1]) compressed.append((c.tobytes())[2])if(len(subtokens)==1):if(not use_huffmann):debugw("encoding unkown word")#for charidx in range(0, len(line_token)):# debugw("appending chars..")# debugw(line_token[charidx])# compressed.append(ord(line_token[charidx])) compressed.extend(encode_unknown(line_token,0))else:debugw("encoding unkown line token with Huffmann") huffmann_tree_code =-(subtokenid -4194303) compressed.extend(encode_unknown(line_token,huffmann_tree_code))else:if(not use_huffmann):debugw("encoding unkown subtoken")#for charidx in range(0, len(subtokens[subtokenidx])):# debugw("appending chars..")# debugw((subtokens[subtokenidx])[charidx])# compressed.append(ord((subtokens[subtokenidx])[charidx])) compressed.extend(encode_unknown(subtokens[subtokenidx],0))else:debugw("encoding unkown subtoken with Huffmann")debugw(subtokens[subtokenidx])#huffmann_tree_code = find_huffmann_to_use(subtokens[subtokenidx]) huffmann_tree_code =-(subtokenid -4194303) compressed.extend(encode_unknown(subtokens[subtokenidx],huffmann_tree_code)) compressed.append(0)# terminate c string style subtokenidx +=1 token_of_line_count +=1debugw("token of line count")debugw(token_of_line_count)debugw("lentoken")debugw(lentoken)if((token_of_line_count == lentoken)and(not gendic)):# newlinedebugw("append new line") compressed.append(0)#quit() return(compressed,token_of_line_count)defcompress_tokens(tokens,gendic):#time.sleep(0.001) # Init byte array compressed =bytearray()debugw("tokens are:")debugw(tokens)for token in tokens:debugw("token is:")debugw(token) token_of_line_count =0# start compression runif(notlen(token)and(not gendic)):debugw("paragraph") compressed.append(0)#compressed.append(0)#quit() lentoken =len(token)if(not gendic):for line_token in token:(compressed, token_of_line_count)=compress_token_or_subtoken(compressed,line_token,token_of_line_count,lentoken,gendic)else:(compressed, token_of_line_count)=compress_token_or_subtoken(compressed,token,token_of_line_count,lentoken,gendic)if(notlen(compressed)):debugw("unknown word in gendic sequence, aborting") compressed =bytearray()return compressed# dump whole compressed streamdebugw("compressed ngram is=")debugw(compressed.hex())debugw("compressed ngram byte length is=")debugw(len(compressed))return compresseddefcompress_second_pass(compressed): ngram_compressed =bytearray() ngram_length =0 ngram_byte_length =0 index_jumps =[] candidates =[] idx =0# second pass main loop#debugw("compressed=")#debugw(compressed)while(idx <len(compressed)):debugw("second pass idx=")debugw(idx) idxchar =0 reset_ngram =Falsedebugw("indexjumps=")debugw(index_jumps)if(not(compressed[idx]&128)): ngram_compressed.append(compressed[idx])debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in ngram_compressed]))debugw("super common ext") idx +=1 index_jumps.append(1) ngram_byte_length +=1elif((compressed[idx]&128)and(not(compressed[idx+1]&128))): ngram_compressed.extend(compressed[idx:idx+2])debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in ngram_compressed]))debugw("common ext") idx +=2 index_jumps.append(2) ngram_byte_length +=2elif((compressed[idx]&128)and(compressed[idx+1]&128)and(not compressed[idx+2]&128)): ngram_compressed.extend(compressed[idx:idx+3])debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in ngram_compressed]))debugw("rare ext") idx +=3 index_jumps.append(3) ngram_byte_length +=3elif((compressed[idx]==255)and(compressed[idx+1]==255)and(compressed[idx+2]==255)):# TODO : take into account 4 escape sequences instead of only one.#reset ngram_compressed char = compressed[idx+3]debugw("unknown token sequence detected")#print(char)#str = "" idxchar =0while(char !=0): idxchar +=1 char = compressed[idx+3+idxchar]debugw("char=")debugw(char)debugw("end of unknown token sequence detected at idx:") idx +=(3+ idxchar)debugw(idx) index_jumps.append(3+ idxchar) ngram_length -=1 reset_ngram =Trueelif((compressed[idx]&128)and(compressed[idx+1]&128)and(compressed[idx+2]&128)):# Session DIC space, breaks ngram construction.debugw("session DIC space, we break ngram construction") idx +=3 index_jumps.append(3) ngram_length -=1 reset_ngram =True ngram_length +=1debugw("indexjumps=")debugw(index_jumps)debugw("ngram_length")debugw(ngram_length)if(((ngram_length ==3)and(ngram_byte_length >3))or(ngram_length ==4)):# if there are contractions, apparent ngram length will be one token less and potentially present in N4 ngrams# try to replace the ngram if it exists, and only if ngram_byte_length is > 3, otherwise there will be no compression gain.# save index jumps for rewind operations.# TO BE CONTINUED .....try: ngram_compressed_no_ascii ="".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in ngram_compressed]) ngram_compressed_no_ascii = ngram_compressed_no_ascii.replace("\\","")debugw(ngram_compressed_no_ascii) code = ngram_dict[ngram_compressed_no_ascii]debugw("****FOUND*****") ratio = ngram_byte_length/3# all ngrams are encoded in a 3 byte address space, hence div by 3 removebytes = ngram_byte_lengthif(idxchar): insertpos = idx - ngram_byte_length -(3+ idxchar)else: insertpos = idx - ngram_byte_length candidates.append((code,insertpos,removebytes,ratio))except:#traceback.print_exc()debugw("no luck 3N/4N")# reset all ngram data ngram_length =0 ngram_byte_length =0 ratio =0 removebytes =0 ngram_compressed =bytearray()#rewind...and retry a new ngram window from initial token index + one token shift#BUG HERE !!debugw("indexjumps=")debugw(index_jumps)#time.sleep(0.1)debugw("lastindexjumps_except_first=")debugw(index_jumps[-len(index_jumps)+1:])debugw("index_before_rewind=")debugw(idx) idx -=sum(index_jumps[-len(index_jumps)+1:]) index_jumps =[]debugw("idx after rewind=")debugw(idx)elif(reset_ngram):debugw("ngram reset : unknown token starts before ngram_length 3 or 4") ngram_length =0 ngram_byte_length =0 ratio =0 removebytes =0#do not rewind : reset pos after unknown sequence index_jumps =[]return candidates defprocess_candidates_v2(candidates):#here we scan all candidates.#if there are overlaps, we select the candidate with the best ratio, if any.#The result is a reduced list of candidates data.#Next we recreate the compressed stream and replace the bytes at insertpos by the candidate codedebugw(candidates) candidates_reduced =[] idx_reduced =0 idx =0 deleted_candidates_number =0 mutual_overlaps =[] overlap_idx =0while(idx <len(candidates)): code = candidates[idx][0] insertpos = candidates[idx][1] removebytes = candidates[idx][2] ratio = candidates[idx][3] first_overlap =Truefor idx_lookahead inrange(idx+1,len(candidates)): code_lookahead = candidates[idx_lookahead][0] insertpos_lookahead = candidates[idx_lookahead][1] removebytes_lookahead = candidates[idx_lookahead][2] ratio_lookahead = candidates[idx_lookahead][3]if((insertpos + removebytes -1)>= insertpos_lookahead):debugw("overlap!")debugw(code)debugw(code_lookahead)#add mutually overlapping indexes to an arrayif(first_overlap): mutual_overlaps.append([idx]) mutual_overlaps[overlap_idx].append(idx_lookahead) first_overlap =Falseelse:# case for a mutual overlap of at least 3 ngramsdebugw("len mutual overlap:")debugw(len(mutual_overlaps))debugw("overlap_idx")debugw(overlap_idx) mutual_overlaps[overlap_idx].append(idx_lookahead) overlap_idx +=1else:#end of mutual overlap (current lookahead is not overlapping with original idx)break idx +=1#keep best ratio from all overlap lists keep_idxs =[] remove_idx_shift =0for overlap in mutual_overlaps: prev_candidate_ratio =0for candidate_idx in overlap:debugw("candidate_idx:")debugw(candidate_idx) candidate_ratio = candidates[candidate_idx - remove_idx_shift][3]if(candidate_ratio >= prev_candidate_ratio): keep_idx = candidate_idx prev_candidate_ratio = candidate_ratio keep_idxs.append(keep_idx)for candidate_idx in overlap:if(candidate_idx != keep_idx):debugw("candidate len:")debugw(len(candidates))debugw("will delete idx:")debugw(str(candidate_idx - remove_idx_shift))del candidates[candidate_idx - remove_idx_shift] deleted_candidates_number +=1debugw("deleted idx:")debugw(str(candidate_idx - remove_idx_shift)) remove_idx_shift +=1#keep the best ratio only from the list of mutual overlapsif(deleted_candidates_number >0):debugw("recursive") deleted_candidates_number =0process_candidates_v2(candidates)#need to exit recursion when len candidates stops decreasingreturn candidatesdefngram_insert_reserved_bits(ngram_compressed):debugw("".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in ngram_compressed]))#convert to bitarray c =bitarray(endian='little') c.frombytes(ngram_compressed)debugw(c)# set msb of first byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(7,1)debugw(c)# set msb of second byte to 1 and shift the bits above up. c.insert(15,1)debugw(c)# remove two excess bits that arose from our shiftsdel c[24:26:1]debugw(c)# replace the original ngram_compressed bytearray with our tweaked bytes ngram_compressed =bytearray() ngram_compressed.append((c.tobytes())[0]) ngram_compressed.append((c.tobytes())[1]) ngram_compressed.append((c.tobytes())[2])return ngram_compresseddefreplace_candidates_in_processed(candidates,processed): byteshift =0 shiftcode =0for candidate in candidates: insertpos = candidate[1]- byteshift removebytes = candidate[2]del processed[insertpos:insertpos + removebytes] byteshift += removebytes## first we need to convert candidate code to proper 3 byte format# we add our 4 ngram code space at a 2^20 shift in the 3 bytes address space. shifted_code =524416+ candidate[0]# now we convert our shifted ngram code to a byte sequence in the compressed format bytes_shiftedcode = shifted_code.to_bytes(3,byteorder='little')# print itdebugw(bytes_shiftedcode)# tweak the bytes to insert reserved bits for 1/2/3 bytes variable length encoding# compliance. bytes_shiftedcode =ngram_insert_reserved_bits(bytes_shiftedcode)# print itdebugw(bytes_shiftedcode)# now we insert it at the position of the non-compressed ngram processed[insertpos:insertpos]= bytes_shiftedcode# we added 3 bytes, we have to compensate to keep future insertpos valid. byteshift -=3return processeddefngram_process_rules(subtokens):### VARIOUS DETOKENIZER CLEANUP/FORMATTING OPERATIONS processed_ngram_string ="" capitalize =False token_idx =0for token in subtokens:if(capitalize): token = token.capitalize() capitalize =False# English syntactic rules : remove whitespace left of "!?." # and enforce capitalization on first non whitespace character following.if(re.match("[!\?\.]",token)): processed_ngram_string += token capitalize =True# English syntactic rules : remove whitespace left of ",;:" elif(re.match("[,;:]",token)): processed_ngram_string += token capitalize =False# append whitespace left of added tokenelse: processed_ngram_string = processed_ngram_string +""+ token token_idx +=1if(len(subtokens)== token_idx):debugw("last token of ngram") processed_ngram_string +=""return processed_ngram_stringdefdecompress_ngram_bytes(compressed): idx =0 detokenizer_ngram =[]while(idx <len(compressed)):if(not(compressed[idx]&128)):# current index byte msb is at 0, # it is one of the 128 first tokens in the dictionary.debugw("super common word")#decode in place inta = compressed[idx] detokenizer_ngram.append(engdict[inta]) idx +=1elif((compressed[idx]&128)and(not(compressed[idx+1]&128))):# current index byte msb is at 1, and next byte msb is at 0. # it is one of the 16384 next tokens in the dictionary.debugw("common word")# populate bitarray from the two bytes c =bitarray(endian='little') c.frombytes(compressed[idx:idx+2])debugw(c)# remove first byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[7]debugw(c)# convert bytes array to 16 bit unsigned integer inta =(struct.unpack("<H", c.tobytes()))[0]# add offset back so we get a valid dictionary key inta +=128# print word detokenizer_ngram.append(engdict[inta])# increment byte counter with step 2, we processed 2 bytes. idx +=2#elif((compressed[idx] & 128) and (compressed[idx+1] & 128)):elif((compressed[idx]&128)and(compressed[idx+1]&128)and(not compressed[idx+2]&128)):# current index byte msb is at 1, and next byte mbs is at 1. # it is one of the 4194304 next tokens in the dictionary.debugw("rare word") chunk = compressed[idx:idx+3]# populate bitarray from the three bytes c =bitarray(endian='little')#c.frombytes(compressed[idx:idx+3]) c.frombytes(chunk)debugw(c)# remove second byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[15]debugw(c)# remove first byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[7]debugw(c) c.extend("0000000000")# pad to 4 bytes (32 bit integer format) : 3 bytes + 10 bits # because we previously removed two bits with del c[15] and del c[7]debugw(c)# convert bytes array to 32 bit unsigned integer inta =(struct.unpack("<L", c.tobytes()))[0] inta +=(16384+128) detokenizer_ngram.append(engdict[inta])# increment byte counter with step 3, we processed 3 bytes. idx +=3return detokenizer_ngram###INLINE START####downloading tokenizer model if missingnltk.download('punkt')#opening the english dict of most used 1/3 million words from google corpus of 1 trillion words.#special characters have been added with their respective prevalence (from wikipedia corpus)#contractions also have been added in their form with a quote just after (next line) the form # without quote. ex : next line after "dont" appears "don't"file1 =open('count_1w.txt','r')Lines = file1.readlines()#initializing Python dictscount =1engdict ={}engdictrev ={}# special case : byte val 0 is equal to new line.# TODO : make sure that windows CRLF is taken care of.engdict[0]="\n"engdictrev["\n"]=0# populating dictsfor line in Lines:# Strips the newline character engdict[count]= line.strip() engdictrev[line.strip()]= count count +=1### populating ngram dictfilengrams =open('outngrams.bin','rt')ngramlines = filengrams.readlines()ngram_dict ={}ngram_dict_rev ={}count =0# populating dictsfor ngramline in ngramlines:# Strips the newline character#keystr = "".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}" for byte in ngramline.strip()])#keystr = keystr.replace("\\","")#if(count == 71374): keystr = ngramline.strip()#print(ngramline.strip())#print(keystr)#quit() ngram_dict_rev[count]= keystr ngram_dict[keystr]= count count +=1idx =0debugw("first ngram in dict:")test = ngram_dict_rev[0]debugw(test)debugw(ngram_dict[test])count =0if(compress): tokens =[]# check if file is utf-8if(check_file_is_utf8(infile)):with codecs.open(infile,'r',encoding='utf-8')as utf8_file:# Read the content of the UTF-8 file and transcode it to ASCII# encode('ascii','ignore') MAY replace unknown char with chr(0)# We don't want that, as it is a termination char for unknown strings.# on the other hand backslashreplace replaces too much chars that could be transcribed# the best option for now it check for chr(0) presence before writing the unknown token representation. ascii_content = utf8_file.read().encode('ascii','ignore').decode('ascii')#debugw(ascii_content) Linesin = ascii_content.splitlines()if(debug_on): outfile_ascii = infile +".asc"with codecs.open(outfile_ascii,"w",encoding='ascii')as ascii_file: ascii_file.write(ascii_content)else:# Reading file to be compressed file2 =open(infile,'r')#text = file2.read() Linesin = file2.readlines()if(gendic):if(len(outfile)): fh =open(outfile,'wt') lineidx =0for line in Linesin: line = line.lower()# First pass tokenizer (does not split adjunct special chars) line_tokens = tknzr.tokenize(line)#debugw(line_tokens)if(not gendic): tokens.append(line_tokens)else: compressed =compress_tokens(line_tokens,gendic)if(len(outfile)andlen(compressed)):# write compressed binary stream to file if supplied in args or to stdout otherwise. hexstr ="".join([f"\\x{byte:02x}"for byte in compressed]) hexstr = hexstr.replace("\\","") fh.write(hexstr)if(debug_ngrams_dic): fh.write("\t") strline =str(lineidx) fh.write(strline) fh.write("\n")else: sys.stdout.buffer.write(compressed) sys.stdout.buffer.write(b"\n") lineidx +=1#line_tokens.append("\n")#tokens = tokens + line_tokensdebugw(tokens)if(not gendic): compressed =compress_tokens(tokens,gendic)if(secondpass): candidates =compress_second_pass(compressed)debugw("candidates:")debugw(candidates) processed_candidates =process_candidates_v2(candidates)debugw("processed candidates:")debugw(processed_candidates) compressed =replace_candidates_in_processed(processed_candidates,compressed)# write compressed binary stream to file if supplied in args or to stdout otherwise.if(len(outfile)):withopen(outfile,'wb')as fh: fh.write(compressed)else: sys.stdout.buffer.write(compressed)for sessidx inrange(2113664,unknown_token_idx):debugw("session_index:"+str(sessidx))debugw(engdict[sessidx])debugw(engdictrev[engdict[sessidx]])debugw("session_index:"+str(sessidx)) fh.close()# decompress modeelse:# decoding partdebugw("decoding...") detokenizer =[] detokenizer_idx =0if(len(infile)):withopen(infile,'rb')as fh: compressed =bytearray(fh.read()) idx =0#FirstCharOfLine = 1 CharIsUpperCase =1#CharIsUpperCase2 = 0# main decoding loopwhile(idx <len(compressed)):# write each bytedebugw(hex(compressed[idx]))#if( (idx > 0) and compressed[idx] == 0 and compressed[idx - 1] == 0):#find len of consecutive 0 charsif(idx <len(compressed)-1):if((compressed[idx]==0)and(compressed[idx+1]!=0)):#FirstCharOfLine = 1 CharIsUpperCase =1elif(CharIsUpperCase ==1):#FirstCharOfLine = 2 CharIsUpperCase =2if(len(detokenizer)>0):### VARIOUS DETOKENIZER CLEANUP/FORMATTING OPERATIONS#ensure this is not the end of an ngram. ngrams necessarily contain whitespacesif(not re.search("",detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-2])):# English syntactic rules : remove whitespace left of "!?." # and enforce capitalization on first non whitespace character following.if(re.match("[!\?\.]",detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-2])and detokenizer_idx >2):del detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-3] detokenizer_idx -=1if(CharIsUpperCase !=1): CharIsUpperCase =2# English syntactic rules : remove whitespace left of ",;:" if(re.match("[,;:]",detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-2])and detokenizer_idx >2):del detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-3] detokenizer_idx -=1# URL/URI detected, remove any spurious whitespace before "//" if(re.match("^\/\/",detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-2])and detokenizer_idx >2):del detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-3] detokenizer_idx -=1# E-mail detected, remove whitespaces left and right of "@"if(re.match("@",detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-2])and detokenizer_idx >2):del detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-3] detokenizer_idx -=1del detokenizer[detokenizer_idx-1] detokenizer_idx -=1if(not(compressed[idx]&128)):# current index byte msb is at 0, # it is one of the 128 first tokens in the dictionary.debugw("super common word")#decode in place inta = compressed[idx]if(CharIsUpperCase ==2): detokenizer.append(engdict[inta].capitalize()) detokenizer_idx +=1 CharIsUpperCase =0else: detokenizer.append(engdict[inta]) detokenizer_idx +=1# print to stdoutif(CharIsUpperCase !=1): detokenizer.append("") detokenizer_idx +=1debugw(engdict[inta]) idx +=1elif((compressed[idx]&128)and(not(compressed[idx+1]&128))):# current index byte msb is at 1, and next byte msb is at 0. # it is one of the 16384 next tokens in the dictionary.debugw("common word")# populate bitarray from the two bytes c =bitarray(endian='little') c.frombytes(compressed[idx:idx+2])debugw(c)# remove first byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[7]debugw(c)# convert bytes array to 16 bit unsigned integer inta =(struct.unpack("<H", c.tobytes()))[0]# add offset back so we get a valid dictionary key inta +=128# print wordif(CharIsUpperCase ==2): detokenizer.append(engdict[inta].capitalize()) detokenizer_idx +=1 CharIsUpperCase =0else: detokenizer.append(engdict[inta]) detokenizer_idx +=1if(CharIsUpperCase !=1): detokenizer.append("") detokenizer_idx +=1debugw(engdict[inta])# increment byte counter with step 2, we processed 2 bytes. idx +=2#elif((compressed[idx] & 128) and (compressed[idx+1] & 128)):elif((compressed[idx]&128)and(compressed[idx+1]&128)and(not compressed[idx+2]&128)):# current index byte msb is at 1, and next byte mbs is at 1. # it is one of the 4194304 next tokens in the dictionary.debugw("rare word") chunk = compressed[idx:idx+3]# populate bitarray from the three bytes c =bitarray(endian='little')#c.frombytes(compressed[idx:idx+3]) c.frombytes(chunk)debugw(c)# remove second byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[15]debugw(c)# remove first byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[7]debugw(c) c.extend("0000000000")# pad to 4 bytes (32 bit integer format) : 3 bytes + 10 bits # because we previously removed two bits with del c[15] and del c[7]debugw(c)# convert bytes array to 32 bit unsigned integer inta =(struct.unpack("<L", c.tobytes()))[0]if(inta >=524416):# this is a ngram.# remove offset to get into ngram dic code range. inta -=524416debugw("this is an ngram. code:")debugw(inta)# process ngram through ngram dictionary# replace ngram code with corresponding ngram string and add them to the tokenizer ngram_string = ngram_dict_rev[inta]debugw("ngram string:")debugw(ngram_string) subs =0#(ngram_string,subs) = re.subn(r'x',r'\\x',ngram_string)(ngram_string,subs)= re.subn(r'x',r'',ngram_string)debugw("ngram string:")debugw(ngram_string) ngram_bytes =bytes.fromhex(ngram_string) subtokens =decompress_ngram_bytes(ngram_bytes)#bytes = bytearray(ngram_string,encoding="ascii")#subtokens.insert(0,"PREFIX")#subtokens.append("SUFFIX")#subtokens = nltk.word_tokenize(ngram_string)# We know there shouldn't be any new lines in the subtokens.# possessives, contractions or punctuation may occur.# we need to add capitalization rules and spaces after punctuation rules.# These should be catched by the detokenizer backward processor (detokenizer_idx -2)# The problem is we append more than one token.# So we should process rules for first subtoken insertion only.# The rest should have inline processing (here)if(CharIsUpperCase ==2): detokenizer.append(subtokens[0].capitalize()) detokenizer_idx +=1 CharIsUpperCase =0else: detokenizer.append(subtokens[0]) detokenizer_idx +=1#if(CharIsUpperCase != 1):# detokenizer.append(" ") # detokenizer_idx += 1 ngram_processed_string =ngram_process_rules(subtokens[1:])# We shoud take care that the backward detokenizer processor does not mingle# with the the rest of the ngram string.# Such a special token will be the only one to have whitespaces in it# So we can detect it this way detokenizer.append(ngram_processed_string) detokenizer_idx +=1else: inta +=(16384+128)if(CharIsUpperCase ==2): detokenizer.append(engdict[inta].capitalize()) detokenizer_idx +=1 CharIsUpperCase =0else: detokenizer.append(engdict[inta]) detokenizer_idx +=1if(CharIsUpperCase !=1): detokenizer.append("") detokenizer_idx +=1debugw(engdict[inta])# increment byte counter with step 3, we processed 3 bytes. idx +=3#elif((compressed[idx] == 255) and (compressed[idx+1] == 255) and (compressed[idx+2] == 255)): elif((compressed[idx]&128)and(compressed[idx+1]&128)and(compressed[idx+2]&128)):#check if Huffmann first chunk = compressed[idx:idx+3]# populate bitarray from the three bytes c =bitarray(endian='little')#c.frombytes(compressed[idx:idx+3]) c.frombytes(chunk)debugw(c)# remove third byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[23]debugw(c)# remove second byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[15]debugw(c)# remove first byte msb (shift down the bits above)del c[7]debugw(c) c.extend("00000000000")# pad to 4 bytes (32 bit integer format) : 3 bytes + 8 bits + 3 bits # because we previously removed three bits with del c[23], del c[15] and del c[7]debugw(c)# convert bytes array to 32 bit unsigned integer inta =(struct.unpack("<L", c.tobytes()))[0] inta -=2097151# if it is a Huffmann select tree code it will be 0 to 4 included# if it is a session DIC it will be shifted in the negatives.if(inta inrange(0,5)):# unknown word# end check if Huffmann firstdebugw("unknown word escape sequence detected, code: "+str(inta))#unknown word escape sequence detected.if(inta ==0): char = compressed[idx+3] stra ="" idxchar =0while(char !=0):debugw("char=")debugw(char) stra +=chr(char)debugw("printing string state=")debugw(stra) idxchar +=1 char = compressed[idx+3+ idxchar]debugw("termination char detected=")debugw(char)else: bstr =bytearray() idxchar =0while(char !=0): bstr.append(char) idxchar +=1 char = compressed[idx+3+ idxchar]debugw("huffmann : termination char detected=")debugw(char) stra =decode_unknown(bstr,inta)#stra = codec.decode(bstr) debugw("we append that unknown word in our session dic at idx: "+str(unknown_token_idx)+" since it may be recalled") engdictrev[stra]= unknown_token_idx engdict[unknown_token_idx]= stra unknown_token_idx +=1if(CharIsUpperCase ==2): detokenizer.append(stra.capitalize()) detokenizer_idx +=1 CharIsUpperCase =0else: detokenizer.append(stra) detokenizer_idx +=1if(CharIsUpperCase !=1): detokenizer.append("") detokenizer_idx +=1else: inta +=2097151# it is a session DIC, shifting back to 0. inta +=(2097152+16384+128)# it is a session DIC, shifting back session dic address space.debugw("recalled word:")try:debugw(engdict[inta])# print wordif(CharIsUpperCase ==2): detokenizer.append(engdict[inta].capitalize()) detokenizer_idx +=1 CharIsUpperCase =0else: detokenizer.append(engdict[inta]) detokenizer_idx +=1if(CharIsUpperCase !=1): detokenizer.append("") detokenizer_idx +=1except:debugw("something went wrong, could not find word in session DIC")for sessidx inrange(2113664,unknown_token_idx):debugw("session_index:"+str(sessidx))debugw(engdict[sessidx])debugw(engdictrev[engdict[sessidx]])debugw("session_index:"+str(sessidx)) idx +=3+ idxchardebugw(detokenizer)ifnot(len(outfile)):print(''.join(detokenizer))else:# write clear text to file if supplied in argswithopen(outfile,'w')as fh: fh.write(''.join(detokenizer))
This shelving filter was obtained serendipitously by combining an op-amp integrator stage (bottom) with an all-pass filter stage (top). The top stage output is the filter output.
I have not done the analytical determination of the transfer function down to the resistance and capacitance of each component. If you wish to do so, This could be done either through FACT – fast analytical circuit techniques, or automatically with some Ltspice adjunct program like SLICAP.
Thus the behavior was mostly determined empirically by sweeping all resistances and capacitances, with resistances replaced by potentiometers.
It exhibits resonance. Most shelving filters do not exhibit this feature. It may be desired in some cases.
It can also switch between a high shelf and a low shelf behavior.
Control is a bit touchy as the filter shows a certain degree of inter-dependence with respect to some potentiometer effects. (Certain potentiometers affect several characteristics at once)
Schematicwiper_fb sweep – filter output is top graphwiper_LP_gain sweep – filter output is top graph
It requires the TL072 model for the op-amps.
There is a wave input if you wish to test it on a wave file. The filename is input.wav and the output filename is output.wav. Connect the “in” net instead of the V5 source and change the simulation to .tran
Don’t forget to set the transient analysis to the length of the input wave file.
The zip below contains the ASC file and some screenshots of the frequency response while stepping some potentiometers.
The following work proposes an exploration of behaviour of medium size residential/agro/community wind turbines when coupled to a synchronous generator with field excitation.
Traditionnally, small synchronous generators with field excitation are usually found in small hydroelectric generation setups.
While most commercial devices in the wing generation category are fitted with PMSM (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators).
PMSM usually present lower inertia, include rare earth material magnets which contribute significantly to the overall cost of the generator, and which cost is expected to grow significantly due to undersupply and large demand for the EV market.
Permanent Magnets are desirable for small to medium power sizes due to the absence of field losses, which contribute substantially to the total power loss of the generator for small scales, Beside magnets most PMSM rotor configuration use electrical steel to form either salient or round rotors. The main difference from an economical perspective is cost of copper or aluminum vs rare earth magnets as initial cost, and lower efficiency due to field excitation as a variable and recurring loss. These range in the 2% to 4% for operation at nominal conditions for a 75kVA machine. Our investigation will assume first a constant excitation, variable voltage operation, While control of excitation will be considered for dump load operation (braking) on a static resistive load, with the intent of thermal generation in high wind power conditions. Also, we will take into account the stalling speed of the VAWT and update the control law accordingly to prevent this phenomenon. We will also investigate alternative control laws for dump load operation and braking, under constant field and variable output impedance (simulating a servo-rheostat load). These are mainly of use for PMSM dump load operation (whose field is constant)
Synchronous Generator model part.
The model represents a synchronous machine with the following characteristics :
3 phase stator, wye configuration.
Variable field excitation, though the model does not implement AVR based on excitation control, at least for now. Variable field excitation is investigated for dump load (crowbar) operation.
Note that permanent magnet synchronous generator could be crudely modelled by this instance by setting an adequate static field strength (with no ramp up) and by setting a higher number of poles. Note that most PMSG designs do not use dampers.
Parametric number of poles. Note also that q-damper winding inductance is valid for a two pole machine, for p > 2, q-damper self and mutual inductances should be set to 0. (or the q-damper excluded from the circuit)
Rotor Saliency is modelled, through the Lms parameter.
Model is based on flux linkages. It specifies leakage, mutual inductance, and resistance of each winding. The model is ‘lumped’ in terms of inductances, i.e. it does not specify inductances as a function of winding geometry (number of turns, area, length, permeability.. etc.)
All mutual inductances are modelled (stator phase to each other stator phase, rotor field to each rotor damper, and stator phase to each rotor winding)
The default setup includes one damper coil on the d axis and one damper coil on the q axis, and uses a two pole rotor by default.
This makes 6 flux expressions with 6 components each : 1 flux component arising from self inductance, and 5 components corresponding to mutual inductances since there are 6 windings in total.
Due to a quirk in the Ltspice parser for arbitrary inductors based on flux expressions, I had to separate self flux from the mutual flux expressions.
Ltspice expects the current flowing through the inductor to be represented by the variable ‘x’. Thus I had to use the form Flux = Lself*x + sum(flux_linkages)
That is why the flux linkages expressions in the following screenshots have 5 components instead of 6. the final flux expression combining them all is specified in the inductor ‘Flux=’ expression, seen in Figure 5.
Magnetic saturation effects are not modelled for now. Usually the field winding is driven close to saturation, which makes this modelling significant, at least for large generators.
Space Flux distribution does not model anistropies coming from the rotor shoe and stator wedges and slots physical geometry. These flux anisotropies give rise to EMF with harmonic distortion. It only models those coming from the saliency model, which is a first order approximation.
The model uses the LTspice arbitrary inductor model to express self flux and flux linkages. The windings thus use inductors as the source of emf, not behavioural voltage sources. The only inductor that is powered by a DC source is the field winding.
The main incentive of using abc frame equivalent circuit instead of a faster dq0 reference is that :
A model in abc reference frame has the advantage of being better suited for non steady state, non linear loads, islanded mode (not connected to the grid).
As an example, the model feeds a resistive load and smoothing capacitor through a 6 diode three phase passive rectifier. Despite the load non linearity, the model performs well.
The model does not drive the shaft at synchronous speed (steady state turns/min shaft rotational speed provided by the manufacturer), it takes as an input mechanical power from the VAWT, which itself is a function of wind speed (provided through the V12 source PWL input) and VAWT rotor speed. A steady mechanical input power, modelled through the V2 source, can be swapped instead of the VAWT for debugging purposes.
A further refinement of the model for MPPT modelling could make use of a WAV file input as the source of real world wind speed data to model gust surges.
Mechanical losses are modelled through friction and windage power losses of the generator assembly, which are assumed to be constant.
Inductance and resistance parameters.
We used natural SI units, not the p.u. system.
The main challenge with such a model in abc reference frame is that manufacturers specify alternator parameters as synchronous reactances, transient and subtransient reactances, machine time constants, and often in p.u units. Alternators are not designed per se to operate at electrical frequencies other than 50 or 60 Hz, and for larger models, these are also intended to be grid tied, so it follows that manufacturers provide parameters related to their intended use and standardized for the use of industry specific simulation software. ( for the larger, >1MVA models)
That means that, these have to be converted back to natural self and mutual inductances. Conversion to SI units from p.u. is straightforward, as well as reactances to inductances.
The real challenge is to derive abc reference ‘natural’ inductances from the previously obtained inductances.
Some might be measured experimentally, such as resistances, if the generator is available at hand. As for inductances, it is specially hard for dampers which are shorted and without external leads. For the other windings, it is also hard because inductances vary as a function of rotor position. One could get an approximation of self inductances by measuring one winding while all the other are shorted, and mutual inductances by measuring one winding and the mutual winding under investigation, while the others are shorted, and repeat these measurements under various rotor angles, to determine inductances minima and maxima. But damper windings inductances would still not be measurable.
It assumes that the stator is star (wye) wired and that the neutral point is accessible. The problem with the method is the frequency of the measurement by an LCR meter, often above 100kHz, which makes rise to skin effect that affects inductance measurement by lowering the measured value vs. reality, as well as the low current used in measurement which make it happen in a portion of the B/H curve which is not the one of nominal currents. Since electrical steel B/H curve is not fully linear, (permeability is not a constant factor) and lower at very low currents, it has the effect of also lowering the measured inductance. How that affects all the inductances ratios is a whole other issue. This method is probably more accurate for low number of poles, ideally two. Whether the proposed method has any practical and theoretical validity is not certain, so take it with a grain of salt. I personally could not find any resource that performed the experiment. A selsyn synchro, with a two pole rotor and three phase stator or a wye wired car alternator with accessible neutral and removed AVR and rectifier diodes could be put to the test bench with this method. Note that a car alternator claw pole rotor arrangement is not faithfully represented by this Ltspice model.
Usually, most experimental methods deal with the determination of synchronous reactances Xd, Xq.
The Electric Generators Handbook from Ion Boldea explains the method in chapter 4.
Theoretical determination of natural mutual inductances from datasheet reactances (synchronous, transient, subtransient)
The following paper propose a method to determine mutual inductances from datasheet parameters, it makes use of scaling parameters Kf,Kd,Kq to make the conversion, which yields an approximation :
Analysis of synchronous machine modeling for simulation and industrial applications Barakat,Tnani,Champenois,Mouni
Issues with the model with the default parameters
Note that the 75kVA generator parameters used in the present Ltspice models are derived from the paper (1). Excitation field winding resistance specified in the paper (around 2 ohms) gives unbearably high field losses in comparison to power output at low prime mover input power, So it has been lowered. A field resistance of about 2 ohms is common for machines in that power range.
This methodology is questionable, but it adresses the fact that this generator is merely used as a proof of concept for the whole ltspice model, and that a more fitting generator should be used for DC generation from a residential VAWT. Whether such a generator with a lower field resistance would be physically possible to build all other parameters being equal needs further investigation.
There is also the potential issue of the order of magnitude of inductances specified in table 5 of (1), in the H range instead of mH, as inductances in the several thousand mH are usually found in generators in the thousand MVA power rating range
Determining empirically inductance parameters for the model to converge
Fortunately, there are some way to constraint inductance parameters in the range of physical realisability
Basically, the ratio of mutual inductance (stator to field) to the square root of the product of the stator and field self inductances. In the Ltspice model, rime varying self inductances of the stator are acessible through V(laa), V(lbb) etc… And self inductance of the field winding is Lffd plus the air gap self inductance.
This ratio can never be > 1, And in practice is low as the windings (field and stator) do not share a magnetic core, but are coupled through an air gap.
The following master thesis from 1976 tackles the issue of lower and upper bounds of physical realisability in terms of inductances. It is also one of the very few papers that provides numerical values for inductance parameters in the abc reference frame.
The main issue, even when in a range of coupling conservatively low, is that the simulation speed is very sensitive to this ratio : if Lafd is raised from 0.19 above to around 0.69 or so (Laa0 and Lffd being constant) the simulation speed is reduced by a factor of around 2000. (Using the parameters of paper (1)) àThe mutual inductance between the field and stator windings is the main parameter influencing the magnitude of the induced Emf on the stator.
Also, Stator leakage inductance could not be derived from the paper, so it was derived independently. Note that bounding constraints arise from the fact that mutual inductance between windings cannot be higher than the square root of the product of the windings self inductances, assuming a coupling factor of unity. If an approximation of the coupling factor is done, based on fundamental air gap distance from the field shoe and stator slot, the stator self inductance upper limit can be derived. Moreover, a physically impossible parameter input gives rise to convergence issues or performance issues almost immediately in our model, Which helps in determining adequate values.
Of course, this methodology allows to model a somewhat physically realisable generator, not necesarily one available in the market.
As for the stator self inductance, it seems that it can be derived easily if zero sequence inductance is given in the datasheet, through the formula of L0 in figure 7, and Loavg in figure 1 of the present article.
Mechanical System Model
The mechanical system of a synchronous generator is based on the torque balance equation. It takes 3 inputs, namely electrical torque Te, mechanical torque Tm, and friction and windage of the generator rotor, Tfw.
Electrical torque Te is give by the formula input of the B12 source. This formula requires first the computation of the dq0 transform, also known as Park Transform, for flux and currents in the dq0 frame, as seen in Figure 7
Tm is derived from the VAWT model power output divided by the VAWT rotor rotational speed in radians.
Figure 7 dq0 transformFigure 8. Electromechanical coupling. The V2 behavioural source is used for debugging.
Note that the V2 behavioural source is used for debugging, ramping to a constant mechanical power input. The actual source of VAWT mechanical power, source B21 is shown in figure 10.
The torque balance takes into account the torque ratio due to the gear box. generator shafts and VAWT shaft angular speeds are also proportional to the gear ratio.
generator shaft acceleration is given by the torque balance divided by the total shaft inertia as seen from the generator reference, that is, the contribution of the VAWT rotor assembly has to be multiplied by the gear ratio, and added to the generator rotor inertia.
Gear ratio is assumed to be < 1.
The model for the VAWT turbine is explained in detail in
Figure 9 Mechanical assembly and VAWT parametersFigure 10 VAWT mechanical model and wind input
Electrical load model
The electrical load is a 48V lead acid battery bank. The very crude model sets the battery electrochemical potential at 12.9V, under which no charging occurs. Battery internal resistance depends on battery capacity and state of charge (SoC). Charging current at a given voltage is initially slow for deeply discharged batteries because of high internal resistance of battery cells. It thens ramps up with decreasing internal resistance as SoC rises, to again decrease near end of charge, but not because of internal resistance this time, but because the electrochemical potential rises as battery charges. Due to very long time constants of battery charging processes, (several hours) at 0.1c/hour conservative charging strategy, it is unrealistic to simulate a whole charge cycle and thus a static model is sufficient.
The battery requires a DC charging circuit, ideally at constant current for the bulk charging phase. This is provided by a 6 diode 3 phase (passive) rectifier bridge, followed by a smoothing capacitor. This forms the output of the unregulated DC link.
For regulation, We decided to model a circuit that transposes well to a digital control strategy instead of an analog buck converter control IC mainly for two reasons :
Digital control allows full flexibility to implement a control system for the buck converter as well as field excitation control, wind sensor input, AC frequency input, fault detection input, battery parameters and monitoring input, etc.. It also allows experimentation to optimize the algorithm in order to achieve MPPT.
The second reason is simply to speed up the simulation, if proper care is taken to avoid convergence issues arising from some expressions like “IF” in behavioural sources, where in a lot of cases, it is better to replace them with differential Schmitt triggers.
A buck converter is preferred to a buck boost converter for this design to avoid drawing power at low rpm (when the VAWT power coefficient is low), which could lead to the VAWT turbine to stall. This logic is taken further to implement a threshold at which the switching starts from open circuit, at an input voltage well above the battery bank voltage. This forms the uvlo logic (under voltage lock out). Under that voltage (plus hysteresis), switching stops and the load is disconnected.
input overvoltage is a protection mechanism for the load, at which switching times are unreasonably short (low duty cycles) and exceed the operational enveloppe of the inductors, and Vds for the MOSFET. Of course, disconnecting the load at this point could lead to a runaway rpm overload of the turbine and generator and damage.
That is why wind turbine controllers have dump load terminals. in case of high wind speeds, or if the load cannot absorb more power because of low demand and or a fully charged battery, a crowbar circuit diverts power to an ohmic load, typically a large rheostat. This has the effect of lowering rpm and unregulated DC voltage at a given excitation level, thus protecting the turbine, diodes and MOSFETs. Whether the dump load performs useful work depends on the setup. for high geographic latitudes, high constant wind stations, the dump load can be used for heating an enclosed space to keep electronics at a safe temperature, it may also serve as a cold water network preheater, to avoid pipe ice damage. The use of non resistive loads like inductive loads, linking the generator 3 phases to, let’s say a 3 phase induction motor acting as a water pump is trickier, since care has to be taken that the crowbar activates at an electrical frequency within the motor frequency range. Frequent startups of an induction motor at high voltage and high frequency lead to a premature failure of a motor due to high starting currents. If that were not the case, star delta starters or VFDs would not be a thing. As for reactive coupling, synchronous generators provide reactive power, that can be consumed by induction motors. Moreover, the use of a passive crowbar triggered by high voltages may give rise to voltage waveform no sinusoidal in nature, even more so if the DC stage and regulator is not disconnected and keeps drawing power, as we will see later. It is recommended to devise a complemetary passive method to disconnect the DC stage when the crowbar operates, if one wishes to experiment with inductive loading of the crowbar circuit.
Grid forming or Grid supplemeting setups, using grid tie inverters are the most sensible way of performing useful usage of power, but they are outside the scope and intent of this article, that focuses on small setup islanded generation of DC power.
Let’s get back to the model now.
Figure 11 Load and Field electrical parameters
Here we specify the load (battery bank) internal resistance as well as the DC field excitation voltage.
AC/DC Conversion and Load Regulation, and battery charging
AC/DC conversion is straightforward.
As for the load, the model includes a basic buck converter used to charge a 48V battery bank. It does not take into account and additional DC bus to power a load besides the battery, also the control algorithm is just an example, gain coefficients are not optimized, and a state of the art charger would probably achieve MPPT based on a sliding mode control for better efficiency and to make the system state stay in its safe operational enveloppe. sliding mode control is part of modern control theory and an advanced design choice that is outside the scope of this article, and would be adequate given the complexity (large parameter space state) and non linearity.
Note that the control mechanism does not involve generator excitation control. This will be explored in a continuation article.
Figure 12 3 phase, 6 diode bridge rectifierFigure 13. Basic ‘idealized’ DC buck converter for digital control strategy
This is an idealized proof of concept version since it does not make use of a gate driver using instead a VCVS (E1) as well as for current sensing (E2) and also uses ideal diodes, as well as a crude battery model. The rest of the control algorithm is meant to represent digital control. The use of a first order LP filter for in_fb eases convergence since the signal is noisy, Hysteresis and rise/fall times of the schmitt triggers also help.
Let’s cycle through the main parts of the controller.
V6 and B18 signals are fed to the differential schmitt trigger.
The schmitt trigger compares the signal that represents the duty cycle to a sine wave of switching frequency, with DC offset equal to amplitude, the result is a varying duty cycle square wave signal at switching frequency.
This signal is sent to a VCVS (E1) that is meant to represent a gate driver, like the IR2110S IC. Its gain is 3, so as to drive the high power mosfet to a sufficiently high Vgs voltage, at around 20V.
The duty (base) cycle is calculated with the standard buck converter duty cycle formula. instead of taking the maximum expected unregulated input voltage seen in most application notes, it takes the present unregulated voltage. unreg_dc(). All of this is multiplied by the efficiency factor of the buck converter.
In essence, this forms an open control loop which is based on theoretical values and if subjected to calibration would give better output voltage regulation.
Since this is not enough for real world scenarios and calibration is not always possible independently for each device, a closed control loop helps in regulating the output voltage. The open control loop formula only helps to give a setpoint duty cycle from which the controller should start switching.
The closed control loop negative feedback is given by the 2*(4 – (V(feedback) – V(vss)) term in the duty() function.
This ensures that the output voltage discrepancy from the open control loop is corrected. Note that there is no compensation network filter in the feedback loop. Those can be implemented in analog form or digital form.
Also note that duty_base() is 0 if the controller detects an uvlo condition. this protects the VAWT turbine from stalling by disconnecting the battery load.
dutybnd() is just a numerical conditionner to prevent duty cycles > 1
The boost() function ensures that the voltage, and hence the current flowing into the battery rises after the unregulated dc setpoint defined in the boost() function is crossed.
At this point, the feedback from the output will be dictated by the current control loop formed by E2 and D9 once the current threshold is crossed, and will oppose the boost function. The DC equilibrium point is defined by the crossover point of the boost linear function and the output feedback function, which mainly depend on their respective gains. It is preferable for the output feedback function to takeover the boost function early after the set charging cureent threshold to keep battery charging current, inductor current and MOSFET average and peak currents within their nominal ranges.
An additional protection layer is provided by the ovlo() function that kills the boost function. Once the ovlo threshold is crossed, the dump load crowbar should be activated to protect the MOSFET from high Vds.
Simulation performance considerations
Care has been provided in the DC load model to ease convergence. Simulation speed is inversely proportional to the rotor assembly rotational speed. Also, an important factor that slows the simulation is the switching frequency of the buck converter. Given the long time constants required to produce meaningful data, it has been kept at a really low value of f_sw=500 Hz, compared to usual converter designs.
Annex A: Generator fault testing.
The following circuits were used to test the behaviour of the generator under load rejection and 3 phase short conditions to check for adequate response.
Figure 14. 3 phase Short Fault circuitFigure 15. load rejection test circuit
Annex B : Overvoltage and mechanical overload protection of the VAWT
High wind conditions and unability of the load to absorb power because of charge termination or low power demand downstream of the battery on the DC bus may cause mechanical overload of the VAWT, too high generator rotor speeds, too high fluxes, heating, arcing, and overvoltages that can exceed winding insulation dielectric strength and cause the winding to fail.
Some high end HAWT can be feathered by adjusting the pitch angle of the blades to decrease wind coupling. Variable pitch VAWTs or adjustable vanes can be designed to protect the turbine at the root level of the issue, but these complexify the turbine design.
The low cost method involves electrical braking by dumping excessive power into a dump load, through a crowbar mechanism, This will decrease RPM, but the whole assembly will still be subjected to high torque conditions.
As already mentioned, the crowbar can be implemented on the DC bus or on the AC bus. Since this is a critical safety mechanism, care is needed to make it work in a failsafe and passive manner, without any high level input from an IC or microcontroller, or at least have a completely passive system to supplement the active one.
A passive system on the AC bus can detect overvoltage that signals high wind conditions or underload, and be implemented through TRIACs, one for each phase, and triggered by a current pulse through the gate that is initiated when series back to back Zeners or a single TVS diode start conducting, Once the line to gate voltage is above their breakdown voltage. A current limiting resistor should be put in place to limit the current flowing to the gate below Igtm. Note that it is more a continuous trigger that persists while the overvoltage is present Note that the trigger ceases when the AC waveform goes below the TVS or Zener voltage. In that condition, the TRIAC still keeps conducting until current gets close to 0 in the AC current flow. After that zero cross, the TRIAC won’t conduct until the voltage threshold of the TVS/Zeners is crossed again.
<Check> The resulting AC characteristics seen by the dump load are not sinusoidal but chopped, and should not be used to drive an inductive load like a motor. The strategy mentioned before to use an induction motor as a dump load that perform useful work is possible through active switching by a contactor or relay for instance, if the motor is operating within voltage limits and volt per Hz limits that would arise in worst case turbine overload conditions at the time of startup. That generally means the the motor should be over-rated in terms of power, so it would operate well below nominal conditions, taking into account fluctuations arising from the unpredictable wind conditions that impart stress on the motor, and repeated start/stop cycles. An inrush protection device could be envisioned, and contactor hysteresis should also be taken into account to limit start/stop cycles. The TRIACs overvoltage protection would still be used at a higher overvoltage trigger level as a last resort protection and power three rheostats.
despite its higher complexity, the AC dump load strategy also has the advantage of diverting the current before the rectifier bridge, and thus limit current and heating stress on the rectifying diodes.
DC crowbar protection.
This design is easier to implement, requiring a single SCR and a zener or TVS triggering mechanism, before the switching mosfet stage. it provides unregulated DC (with a substantial amount of ripple) to a load, ideally a rheostat. Since the crowbar operates on DC, there is no current zero crossing, and it will stay in forward conducting mode as long as the generator and VAWT keeps turning and provided that the buck converter shuts itself off (zero duty cycle) to prevent the battery back feeding into the dump load.
Reverting to open crowbar can be done by shunting the anode and cathode of the SCR temporarily through a previously charged capacitor, so as the anode sees ground potential and the cathode sees Vdc. (essentially the SCR sees a reverse voltage pulse) The reverse discharging of the capacitor is accomplished through a MOSFET or relay. The capacitance of the capacitor must be sufficiently large to provide a discharging time constant longer than the Toff parameter of the SCR and also depends on the dump load impedance
Note that in this setup, the SCR is a low side switching device, the cathode of the SCR being at ground potential. See figure 16.
Dump load considerations.
We will focus on a resistive dump load as this kind of load offers the maximum flexibility and ease of design and safety of operation, as well as optimally controllable for adequate braking and overvoltage protection.
We will explore two control methods to perform adequate control of the dump load operation.
One based on electromechanical impedance matching : Instead of using a switching device to perform impedance matching, a servo actuated rheostat would be used. A rotary rheostat is prefered to obtain fast response using a stepper motor, However, for testing purposes, it seems that linear rheostat of high power > 500W are cheaper and more easily available. That would require the use of a linear actuator that has comparatively slower response times.
Note however that high dR/dt result in high torque fluctuations.
Also, A control law based on crowbar electromechanical impedance matching operation between a low and high setpoint of a fast reaction variable like DC voltage will introduce generator hunting effects and the mentionned high dR/dt, essentially the control mechanism resets the impedance at a high value once crowbar is deactivated (no current flowing through the SCR). This introduces oscillatory behaviour, which gives rise to constant high amplitude motion of the servo actuator, introducing wiper fatigue and high torque fluctuations, and a suboptimal braking. A control based on a slower variable like shaft speed is thus preffered.
Care has to be take for adequate thermal management of the rheostat, since it could operate on a substantially low fraction of the total winding number, and create hotspots. A forced cooling method or operation of the rheostat in a thermally effective medium such as transformer oil may be necessary, and would significantly increase device complexity due to safety requirements. This would involve the design of the dump load the same way as a large transformer is built. Produced heat could be used offsite.
Excitation control during crowbar operation, static impedance dump load.
The other method assumes a static load impedance and varies excitation level upon crowbar activation according to a control mechanism specific to crowbar on operation mode. In this case, part of the Joule heating is dissipated in the generator due to the substantial rise of excitation current to achieve adequate braking.
Direct Heat transfer through magnetic braking.
This method would add an intermediary rotor between the VAWT and the generator with a permanent magnet arrangement, Magnets should exhibit high Curie temperature, according to projected maximum temperature rise in the brake rotor through radiative and convective effects. A claw like copper heat sink would be engaged radially to modulate the braking effect arising from Eddy current induction. The copper heat sink would be fitted with copper heat pipe L shaped protrusions, that would sit partially in an effective thermal medium stored in a tank. The issue with this approach is that engagement of the claw is a mechanical process that would involve linear horizontal heat pipe motion, which would give rise to a challenging task of making the thermal medium tank airtight, let alone pressurised. Another issue are axial and radial force components on the claw mechanism, which would require adequate sturdiness of the claw engagement/disengagement actuator. Economic factors should also be taken into account, as permanent magnets are costly due to the rarity of the source materials.
Prevention of VAWT stall.
Prevention of VAWT stall is usually done by properly selecting a recovery voltage under which the dump load SCR should stop conducting. SCRs only stop conducting if the current flowing through them reaches a determined threshold provided in the datasheet, Which is usually quite low. One way should then be to provide a very low impedance path to reduce current flowing through the SCR (shorting the anode and cathode by high AWG gauge wire and a sufficiently rated relay in terms of current. One alternate way is to pulse-reverse bias the SCR to force it into reverse-blocking mode. This can be done by charging an AC capacitor and shunting the positive lead to ground (vss) when we want to block the SCR, This is done by a relay or MOSFET. the other lead of the capacitor is connected to the SCR anode, creating a short term negative voltage with respect to vss to appear at the anode, effectively bringing the SCR into reverse blocking mode.
This would need a high voltage, high capacitance AC capacitor, commonly used on electrical motors. These are bulky and quite expensive. In our simulated crowbar, a 450V AC rated, 20µF capacitor is used.
The circuit used in the crowbar simulation assumes that the battery charging bus is disconnected, that is, the battery does no accept more charge. In reality the PWM or MPPT block used to charge the battery would be still connected, it is no simulated here mainly for performance reasons.
This means that the rotor has no load and is essentially freewhelling until the crowbar activates.
Wind speed is ramping up and reaches steady state at 1 sec into the simulation.
The crowbar activates when the DC voltage reaches 250V and resets at around 48V DC.
There are several cycles of activation / deactivation until the VAWT net power is sufficiently high so that the voltage does not fall under 48V DC. At this point, the crowbar is permanently on.
The crowbar impedance and power rating has to be selected carefully so as the VAWT turbine remains in the rotor speed and torque operating enveloppe up to maximum rated wind speed.
This is the complementary circuit to the 48V to 400V converter, doing the opposite conversion
However, it is presented here as a simple charger directly tied to mains without PFC. The input line filter has been omitted for simplicity.
Since the charger assumes the presence of an AC link (230V AC for that design), logic power is supplied by two small AC/DC 50 Hz 3W transformers.
They are not modeled precisely to the specifications in this design.
The first transformer powers one LM317 regulator to provide bias voltage of 10.5V to the switching LTC3721 IC and to the optocoupler transistor. While the second transformer powers one LM317 set at 5V regulated output for the MCU, the LT1006 op-amp, and the AD8418 current metering op-amp, as well as the LM113 voltage reference diode used by the AD8418; And another LM317 with an output voltage set at 12V. The LT1001 used in the Howland current pump requires a 12V supply in order to source an adequate current level.
The circuit has been simulated up to 25A charging current for a 48V SLA battery bank. (Assuming an individual battery voltage of 12.4V)
Due to the simplest model used for the battery bank, the actual behavior to reach a steady state may be different. CC is achieved by high-side current metering, whose signal is compared to a bias level output from a DAC. The higher the DAC output level, the higher the charging current.
High-side current metering is preferred for chargers since it can detect load shorts and offers better noise immunity. Here we use a dedicated AD8418 IC for that purpose.
This approach is failsafe in the event of a MCU failure since a 0V DAC voltage output would command a 0A charging current. CV for float/trickle charging is achieved by varying the wiper position of a 5K I2C digital potentiometer, controlled by the MCU.
Note that the circuit has been tested on an ohmic load (10 and 25 ohm) for stability.
It could also be used as a versatile CC/CV PSU besides charging
Using the circuit as a charger for a 24V battery bank could be envisioned, but has not been tested for performance and stability at the time of publication of this article
As for the rest of the circuit, it is more or less the same as the 48V to 400V converter from the preceding post. Due to higher output currents on the secondary, choke, the output power level has been derated.
As for stability, there is no perceivable ripple in the output up to 25A.
Assuming a charging current of 0.1*C (C being the battery capacity in Ah), This charger could theoretically charge a battery bank of four 250Ah batteries at a nominal rate.
This circuit is the simplest expression of a CC/CV charger. It does not perform a battery bank voltage check before charging, temperature compensation, or coulomb counting. These features require further MCU / digital side control and are not expected to be modeled properly in Ltspice.
Speaking of digital control, It is expected for the MCU to monitor the charging current through the AD8418 so as to set the DAC voltage “curr_offset” to perform the appropriate charging program, as well as to monitor the bank voltage, as a digital control outer loop.
Efficiencies (simulated)
Pout/Pin. Pin taken at the node after the full bridge rectifier.
The following design comes with no guarantees whatsoever. Although a decent amount of time has been spent to ensure that the model works well over the whole range of its design constraints, some errors may still linger, Some more experienced engineers may find some design choices questionable, If you’re able to optimize it or build something better around it, that’s nice.
The choke inductor and the transformer may be a little over-engineered and drive the costs up, given the large ferrite core choices.
You may be able to extract more power than 1600W, but tread carefully.
Additional Resources :
The download is available at the end of this article.
There is also the ‘sister project’ to this one, which performs 230V AC to 48V DC conversion, with the intent of battery charging : It is designed to allow current/voltage control via DAC and a digital potentiometer, so you can digitally control voltage and current and design a charging program.
The main goal of this model is to serve as an aid in learning about the Push pull converter topology, it also could prove useful when building a prototype, as a part of a UPS or solar converter design.
Care has been taken not to overburden the simulator and allow reasonable simulation speeds.
Most of the simulation time is spent ramping up the voltage (soft start) Using smaller starting loads and stepping them once the converter is fully started decreases simulation time, Once you’ve determined that the soft start ramp is ok.
Intended Audience:
Makers or junior power engineers with little experience, looking for a project that can lead to prototype build.
Three models are supplied :
The fastest one uses linear inductors, voltage sources for IC power, no isolation, and a simple feedback circuit without optocoupler isolation.
The second one is the same as the model above but with non-linear inductors (Chan model)
The full model uses proper and more realistic component DC supply schemes as well as non-linear inductors, as well as isolation. Note that Ltspice is not always able to process isolated secondary circuits, even with the use of a stitching resistor, unless it is very low resistance. Here the problem appeared so we linked both grounds. A practical circuit, of course, will not have that constraint.
Design Parameters
Max continuous power, 1600W max. Inductor Thermal effects are not modeled, derating may be advisable, Although a large saturation margin has been taken into account.
Input from 48V (discharged battery, UVLO threshold) up to 57.6 (bulk charging voltage when a charger is connected)
400V DC output. it supplies the same voltage as a PFC would.
This allows easier load switching or load sharing between the battery source and the AC / PFC source converter and can be adapted to larger designs.
Optimized for high power.
Moderate to good efficiency 0.93
Low cost. (uses powder core inductors)
Fully isolated design.
Under Voltage lock-out set at 48V to prevent battery bank over-discharge
4mm² wire for primary of transformer, 2*24 turns, center tapped
1.5m² wire for secondary of transformer 2*234 turns, center tapped
T400-26 transformer core (Iron powder)
As said before, it is for teaching or training rather than commercial purposes. It will require hand winding of the toroid to build a prototype. (which is a cumbersome and long process, It is advised to watch several videos about that art to do it properly the first time. (You do not want to rewind it a second time). Building a toroidal transformer is a valuable learning experience.
Some Toroid Winding tips :
Use proper dielectric insulation between windings to control parasitics, it also serves to protect the windings from abrasion.
Use a counter to keep track of turns.
Keep the winding tensioned so it does not spring back. You can also ask toroidal transformer shops to build you a custom transformer according to your specifications. Proper care has to be taken to balance the primary windings around the center tap as equally as possible to avoid flux imbalance. Fortunately, the number of turns of the primary is low.
Strategically place the tap halfway through the core height, and wind the primary legs as symmetrically as possible, by adequately controlling the winding pitch. Looking at resources explaining the proper way of transformer tapping is advised.
To make enamel wire solderable, I usually use abrasive dremel cylindrical tips. Do not use a flame as the enamel is very flame resistant and that will anneal the copper making it more fragile.
You can also watch videos from HAM radio makers, as a lot of them have mastered the art of core winding. A balun is not exactly the same as a push-pull transformer, but a lot of practical building tips apply.
Always check the final product inductance while testing on exposed wires, with a margin of excess wires so that you can always add turns if inductance falls short. Fortunately, transformer inductance is not that critical, what is critical is balancing and the turn ratio.
Note that It will be hard to find an exact turn ratio from commercial solution catalogs, but you can always look for and adapt the design accordingly. A different ratio will affect the minimum and maximum duty cycles of the converter which could make achieving the 400V target harder at the nominal output load of 4A.
Capacitor Considerations
Input capacitors do not need to be large because of the low battery impedance and stable voltage.
Output capacitors should be low ESR, We choose expensive high capacity, high-voltage electrolytic capacitors to maximize hold time and for lower ripple, and to make the choke sizing reasonable.
Hold time considerations mostly depend on the load parameters Additional 450V MPP film capacitors were used. Do not use X2 line capacitors as they are designed to fail short.
MOSFET considerations.
In our design, each MOSFET is subjected to 25 A average current with peaks of up to 120 A due to parasitics (at turn-on), with low-value gate stoppers resistors.
Infineon’s IPP110N20N3 are rated at Id of 88 A and pulses up to 352A. The datasheet is available at :
Thermal management of MOSFET is of utmost importance a clever prototyping solution could make use of radiator/fan bundles designed for CPU cooling, as they often integrate heat pipes, This would complicate the layout significantly and the total prototype volume because of the sheer bulkiness of these kind of components, and require drilling the heatsink backplate. A single modern and standard CPU heatsink fan can cool loads of around 100W. Calculate maximum MOSFET losses and design the solution accordingly.
Never operate MOSFETs under load without proper thermal management!
Overcurrent Protection.
The Switching IC provides a hard current limit that stops switching in case of overcurrent and a resume algorithm explained in the datasheet. For soft current limiting and output CC, you’ll have to implement a current monitor yourself and a feedback signal that overrides the CV signal fed to the optocoupler in case of an overcurrent situation that would decrease output voltage.
Inductance range tolerance is high since the push-pull converter is based on transformer action. It is not a critical design parameter.
The allowable duty cycle range will dictate the maximum voltage differential between the primary and secondary, in combination with the output voltage range. The fact that the input could already be thought of as regulated (it is a battery, but may be subjected to higher voltages seen by the converter during charging) and that the output voltage is designed to be kept constant eases the design. It is however important not to drive the core into saturation, So we have made the choice of a large T400-26 iron powder core, although thermal effects (and the decrease of inductance caused by it, will play the limiting role rather than saturation. Here the margin is <add figure> A larger core also allows a lower fill factor which will improve cooling and reduce ohmic heating from the current flowing into the conductors. It also makes manual construction easier. As said before Controlling the winding balance in the primary is critical in Push Pull converters. An imbalance gives rise to a Bias flux buildup that decreases efficiency.
A low fill factor also allows better cooling performance, even more so if forced (fan) cooling is used to blow axially through the core. When building a transformer, optimization is complex because of the large parameter domain.
For such a design, it is advised to perform a faster simulation using a standard LTspice coupled inductor,, and specify coupled linear inductors inductance based on Push Pull converter design formulas, and check that the circuit performs ok on that basis. taking care efficiency changes into account with each parameter changes, and performing load stepping, and voltage input range stepping. Efficiency should be high using a fully linear transformer. If not, something is amiss. Remember that efficiency also depends on load, and is usually lower at very light loads.
On the basis of this first design iteration look at the current flowing through the primary (RMS and peak values), and knowing the number of turns you’ll get the H field strength, which will be used to get the B field strength. B = H/(µo*µr) Then you can look at material tables and check that you are operating within a safe margin. It is a bit complex because there are derating factors, for instance, because of frequency.
Thermal runaway is the situation you want to absolutely avoid (It decreases inductance, which increases the magnetizing current, making the core saturate even more and induces losses which translate into thermal runaway) Our strategy is low-cost-driven. We choose low permeability iron core and decreased switching frequency to minimize core losses. (iron powder cores perform better at lower switching frequencies) Iron powder cores are low permeability because of the distributed air gap between magnetic particles, and exhibit high (around 1.5 T) and soft saturation. For the main transformer, we choose the low-cost 26 Material, and selected a large T400-26 core, allowing higher fill factors. The transformer turn ratio requires a large turn number for the secondary. For the output choke, we used a lower permeability 18 Material and a quite large stacked core. Output inductors/chokes operate at a high current bias level so that it derates inductance. Inductance value is also a critical design parameter. When using a suboptimal (too low inductance, output ripple, and inductor heating will be higher, with also a risk of thermal runaway and gradually decreasing stability.) We noted that when using too low inductances, the design refused to reach our target voltage, Which seems to be a protection feature of the converter IC.
To sum up, We have to obtain an inductance large enough for our filtering goals at nominal power while reducing the bias B field. B field is proportional to the number of turns times permeability, all other parameters being equal, while inductance increases with the square of the number of turns times permeability. Thus it follows to use a larger core with lower permeability to accommodate a larger number of turns to meet inductance requirements while staying under saturation levels. To lower the B field, we also used the stacking strategy to increase the total compound core area. It is easier to wind that way than individually winding inductors and placing them in series, on the board, especially if PCB real estate is a concern. It would however decrease cooling efficiency. Not seen much about that method in commercial products, as it could also increase flux leakage. Better test it.
EMI concerns.
The low-frequency operation of 25Khz reduces EMI concerns depending on regulations on that VLF band and the other components that may be subjected to it. It is above the audio hearing range, but some harmonics may find their way into audio equipment (The IC switching frequency may go up to 1Mhz, changing the frequency would require choosing a better-suited, ferrite instead of iron powder material and adapting core dimensions, usually smaller ones. However, we had trouble making the simulation run smoothly at higher switching frequencies. Higher switching frequency also has a dramatic impact on simulation performance, as the minimum timestep has to be lower.
Of course, general layout guidelines apply, such as reducing the loop area of switching components traces paths (MOSFET drain to source) and the length of gate signals. Shielding is an option if it does not interfere with cooling.
Lower frequency however could make the core produce an audible stridulation effect, because of the magnetostrictive effect that is close to the audible range.
Core design helpers :
Our advice is to use a Ltspice core test bench using the resources here : https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/arbitrary-%28saturable%29-coupled-inductors-in-ltspice/
Magnetics catalogs and materials datasheets from major Western manufacturers: TDK Epcos, Ferroxcube, Magnetics.inc Micrometals,
The same for Asian ones: JUNCAN, Tangda, Caracol, etc… A popular seller is Tangda if you need to source (relatively) cheap cores from China.
The B/H curves when you can find them, if the Chan model parameters are not specified.
Magnetics cross-reference lists, images and pdfs. This will make selecting cores a littles easier, when switching from one manufacturer to another.
If you need to look at a B/H curve or if you have experimental data from a B/H curve tester (usually pluggable to an oscilloscope), you will need to find the crossing points on :
the B axis (y) : for Br (B field – remnant) and Bs (B field – saturation)
and the H axis (x): for Hc (H field – coercivity).
Bs is the saturation (horizontal asymptote line B value) for hard saturation, for soft saturation it is determined differently, as the B field keeps increasing, albeit with a lower and lower slope.
A good rule of thumb for soft materials is to stay in the linear region, with a good (30 to 40% margin)
Fortunately, Chinese manufacturers provide the B/H curves and Br, Bs, and Hc.
With all these collected data, you are ready to test the cores in the Ltspice Chan model test Bench.
Use the manufacturer-supplied geometric data OD, ID, and Height. We updated the test bench with geometric data calculators for the magnetic length and area required by the model.
Input magnetic data for the Chan model, taking care to use SI units: Hc (A/M), Br (T), Bs (T), (Amperes/m and Tesla)
Alas, Western Manufacturers usually provide the Al value and Bs (B sat) but almost never an exploitable full BH curve. You will need to contact them for this, but it may be a trade secret, who knows?
What you can do however is parse scientific publications to get harder to find values such as Hc and Br, and the problem is that they come for generic alloys (says MnZn, or very exotic ones) A comprehensive database of core parameters is clearly needed at this point.
If the data is in Oersted and Gauss, multiply the Oersted value by 79 to get A/m and for Gauss divide by 10000 to get Tesla units.
Some reference data, mostly for iron core materials collected that you may find useful :
An important note that I have not confirmed at this point: Note that the Iron powder materials data found on Chinese resellers are (presumably) for a pure (no distributed gap) material, thus if you plug the data into the mag_inc_bias.asc, you’ll find an abnormally large Al value.
So the strategy is to set primary_turn in the test bench model at 1, and play around with the core Chan model parameter Lg (gap length value in meter), until you obtain the nH/t^2 that is specific to the core.
Remember to set I_bias to 0. There is also a 60nH inductor in series, that would need to be set to 0 for adequate measurements of very small inductances.. I have no idea what is the purpose of this.
Create one asc file based on mag_inc_bias for each core (makes life easier)
Fill in geometric data
Fill in material data (Hc, Br, Bs)
Set primary_turn to 1.
Set I_bias to 0.
Find distributed air gap equivalent gap length L_g by trial and error (examine inductance .meas in the error log) until the inductance value is equal to datasheet Al.
This is particularly useful to test for inductance decrease due to I bias current (seen in the output inductor choke) If you need to lower the testing frequency, you’ll need to increase the simulation time because the measurements use 15th/16th cycles of RISE/FALL for inductance measurements, otherwise, you’ll get “measurement failed”
Inductance measurements are required for the choke, for the transformer, just check that the B field remains under Bsat with some margin.
Note that the I1 source is used for inductance measurements (It is set at 1mA, thus the x1000 factor in inductance measurement) The measurement is based on the formula V = Ldi/dt, L = V(dt/di) = V/freq2pi at zero cross.
Increasing I2 will decrease inductance This is used for the choke measurement (under DC bias). Test with I2 value equal to the max allowable output current, with the frequency set correctly and the choke turn number set correctly. Verify that the inductance value is still above requirements and that the B field in Tesla is not above Bsat.
As a final note, It should be said that the Chan model has been superseded by the Jiles-Atherton model which shows better fidelity to the experimental BH curves. Unfortunately, Ltspice models using the JA model (CoreJA) are prohibitively slow for use in power product simulations, But the test bench could be adapted using CoreJA. The advantage of the Jiles Atherton model is that you can find a database of JA parameters for a lot of cores in the magnetic.txt file of the ZZZ library. This is the famous Bordodynov library (also known as the Yahoo Ltspice group library or the Ltspice groups.io library) It is a must for every serious Ltspice user.
Software also exist that help in complete solution design with an emphasis on magnetics, such as ‘ExcellentIT’, and also good product finders on manufacturer’s websites, to help in core selection.
Once you have made a provisional choice for the cores, turn number and turn ratio, you can replace the linear models using inductances with the Chan model using the turn number. The Chan model slows the simulation speed only very moderately.
This is an isolated design, However, Ltspice complains when using separate grounds, unless stitched by very low resistors. here we used a 0 ohm resistor between GND (primary ground) and COM (secondary ground) in practice of course there is galvanic isolation.
Optocoupler tuning
We used a TL431 to provide a stable 5V reference required by the optocoupler output transistor. To provide current to the optocoupler diode we use a modified (improved) Howland current pump.
Using a simple shunt resistor of around 240k to control the current flowing into the diode induces noise in the simulation. It should be tested in practice. The advantage is that such a solution would be passive and not require a low-voltage DC supply operating on the isolated side.
Replace the passive resistor load with an active load (flagged as load) The compensation network can be tested for stability by stepping the active load, and examination of the induced voltage oscillatory response, its amplitude, and its damping characteristics.
Ltspice (the latest version) also offers transient frequency response analysis. It combines transient analysis (so that the circuit operates normally), while a small signal stimulus is provided on the input voltage side. The small signal response on the output is analyzed so that a Bode Plot can be drawn and analyzed for stability. (checking gain margin and phase margin taking into account the switching frequency vs the frequency location of poles and zeros.)
Combining frequency analysis with a transient analysis has the advantage of not requiring specialized frequency response models for IC (When they are available) In this model, the input voltage is stable, Output capacitance is large with a low ESR, which helps for stability. A good test would be to introduce a disturbance by simulating a charging operation in the bulk (constant current) charging phase.
Powering up the IC, the Optocoupler, and the current source OpAmp
The switching IC has access to the primary side power battery power. As it is a well-behaved supply, no need to power the IC from an auxiliary winding from the main transformer. Powering the IC is documented well on the IC datasheet. In our case, however, the design is simpler.
Note however the presence of the R33 resistors that shunts some current from the primary DC link into the IC, charging the capacitor faster, than what the LM317 alone would do, and allowing the IC to start faster, The datasheet uses a 2k value for ar 12V primary, we just scaled it linearly. In this design, we used a simple LM317 regulator, which may be used to power other logic loads. The LM317HV version tolerates the battery bank voltage. You can also use a lower voltage version and power it from a single battery unit closest to ground, Which would have its positive terminal sitting at 12V above primary ground. Note that the IC is internally regulated at 10.5V or so, and can operate as per datasheet with as little as 8V. We found that it needs 10.5V during startup, and we set up the LM317 to supply a constant 10.5V. The absolute maximum rating is 12V. We also used a pre-regulator high voltage 60V Zener to protect the LM317 in case of a voltage transient. (Which could come from the charging operations)
For the secondary, things are a bit more complicated. The only active component here is the OpAmp of the Howland current pump driving the LED of the optocoupler. In reality, it is almost guaranteed that other logic or control components will be operated at low voltage with a secondary ground reference. Thus we used a 5V setting for the secondary side LM317, This low voltage did not seem to affect negatively the operation of the Howland current pump opamp
We could assume that the 400V link always has access to power, for instance, a rectified mains AC power source output from a 400V PFC unit. In UPS and solar applications, that may not be always the case, take as an example the “cold start” of an UPS from the battery in the absence of mains power.
The absence of power to this component means no voltage feedback signal to the switching IC. It needs to power up quite fast (well before the secondary reaches 400V DC) For this, we use a secondary auxiliary winding, a rectifying diode, and an LM317 set up for 5V output to power the OpAmp. The LT1001 Op-amp. is fully turned on at around 2.5V
An optional Zener could be added as a TVS function to clip transients above the LM317 rating.
MOSFET parasitics, ringing, and leading-edge current spikes.
Figure 4 shows leading edge current spikes, they are not associated with ringing (as they are fully damped). The following thread identifies the culprit as being the reverse recovery time of the secondary side rectifying diode as well as the gate pulse. To minimize these effects, One can use fast recovery diodes for the secondary rectifier, as well as to increase the gate stopper resistor values (but the latter has drawbacks, as we’ll see in a moment). Reducing these spikes by using fast recovery diodes may increase overall efficiency, as well as decrease HF EMI (the spike frequency is substantially higher than the switching frequency).
In our simulation, the current spikes are well under the 352A max pulse current specification of the MOSFET, so it should not damage the MOSFET over the long term. (When using standard silicon diodes for the secondary’s rectifying diodes.
Although this model does not exhibit this unwanted phenomenon, it is probable that a real-life implementation would because of parasitics that are not modeled here.
Ringing comes from MOSFET parasitic capacitance, coupled with the driven circuit (a transformer) inductance as well as trace inductance. Most of the push-pull converter designs come with some sort of snubber (RC series circuit across drain and source, tuned to the problematic ringing frequency), However, Value tuning is quite layout dependent. Having broad but short gate traces also helps in the management of the problem. make sure your layout accommodates some room to add a snubber.
A resistor gate stopper (here 1 ohm) also may help, but its value cannot be pushed too high: You also have to take into account gate capacitance. A large gate capacitance cannot suffer from a too-large gate stopper resistor, or the MOSFET will turn on slowly, and the slow turn-on will increase average Rds. On the other hand, a too-low gate stopper could push the gate currents above the IC specifications, especially if the MOSFET gate capacitance is high. (Which is somewhat the case for high-power MOSFETs) Thus a snubber seems like a good option.
Remember that this part may exhibit different behavior in real life due to the non-modeling of all parasitic effects and their layout dependence.
Using a 4-ohm resistor instead of 1 ohm decreases the peak pulse current from 210 A to around 160 A.
Figure 1: Voltage ramp-up / soft start. Load stepping after steady state is reachedFigure 2: Voltage transient / Stepping load from 0A to 4AFigure 3: Voltage transient / Stepping load from 4A to 0AFigure 4: MOSFET Drain current (spikes due to gate pulse and secondary diode recovery)
Model Information
LM317 model as well LTC3721 should be present in a recent Ltspice installation.
You may need Infineon’s IPP110N20N3 model.
This model has been tested on a Ltspice installation using the ZZZ (Ltspice groups.io community library), it is advised you install it.
or How to battery backup your router the proper way.
This unit is a good choice to provide long UPS time in an event of a power outage for small but critical loads like an Internet router, Where a full 110V/220V UPS is overkill. A typical internet router power rating is around 15W. Assuming the SC120W is wired to a 60Ah 12V battery and assuming 50% discharge, the router could keep working for almost 20 hours in an outage event.
Voltage Setup.
There is a white screw near the battery cable. This regulates two outputs:
The set float voltage of the battery (for a lead acid battery, this should be always set up at at least 12.9V +/- some voltage according to the ambient temperature, but it will be always more in a realistic scenario, the float voltage is between 13.1V and 13.8V. That means that this unit is not made for frequent outage cycles, since it would also cycle charge the battery, and charging is usually done at higher voltages.
This screw also regulates the working voltage of the load, minus a diode drop it seems (that is, the load voltage will be the battery float voltage minus 0.6V)
So, for example if you set the battery float at 13.8V, the load will be supplied 13.2V. Routers have voltage regulators inside. As a rule of thumb, electronics tolerate +/- 10% deviation of the nominal supply voltage which is 12V for most routers, Putting 13.2V into the router could damage its regulator over the long term, leading to reduced lifespan.
The proper way to do it : Insert a DC/DC step down module like these based on the LM2596A between the SC120W and the router,
DC/DC Step Down to convert 13.8V into 12.V. The 3A rating is adequate for most routers
and adjust the step down module to output 12V, now you can set up an appropriate float voltage for the battery without damaging the router.
Charge current limiting.
There are no regulating screws for charge current limiting, so, if you set the voltage too high and the battery is discharged, it could draw current up to the overcurrent protection limit. I did not push the test unit far enough to see if it is 10A or less at (the PSU nominal power rating), Nevertheless, it is recommended to charge a battery at a current no more than 0.1 * total capacity. If you use a small battery, and there are some outages, reduce the float voltage accordingly. Best is to use a large battery so you can setup a higher float voltage, its lifetime won’t be affected by the charging currents which would fall mostly under 0.1 * total capacity, and it will benefit from higher float voltages.
Optional setupfor frequent and long outages.
In case of frequent and/or long outages It could be theoretically possible to use a dedicated battery charger to charge the battery using a bulk charing constant current phase, a topping charge, and a trickle charge phase commonly used in “intelligent” chargers, in addition to the SC-120W. This would be done by connecting the battery terminals to such a charger, and a diode between the SC-120W and the battery, to prevent the SC-120W from backfeeding the battery, that is, current flow would be restricted from going from the SC-120W to the battery, only allowed from the battery to the SC-120W. Charging would be performed only by the added dedicated charger. Such a charger should be a model that allows for continuous use.
Overall, it would serve to protect the SC-120W from having to deliver large currents to charge the battery up to its nominal capacity after a long outage where the battery is deeply discharged.
The downside of that setup would be the additional voltage drop from the diode between the SC-120W and battery while operating on battery, as it could bring the voltage into levels below 12V
Ideally, the voltage setting of the SC-120W would have to be setup so that it is more or less the same of what the charger voltage is at its max value minus the voltage drop of the diode, and that is program-phase dependent, To complicate issues more, the voltage drop of the diode also depends on current. Some chargers output high voltages for short periods of time in the equlization phase. Best is to have a good charger datasheet that explains well how the charging is done and allows for a good amount of configuration. Having voltages more or less equal could help in the regulation of the SC-120W. As the circuit of the SC-120W is not published, it is hard to say what would be the behaviour of the unit if it is setup at, let’s say 13.2V and a charger outputs 14.4 V, the SC-120W would then see 13.8V (accounting for the voltage drop of the diode added between the battery and the SC-120W), while its setpoint is at 13.2V
I encourage you to perform extensive and careful testing if you wish to go this way.
Behaviour while in UPS mode.
Voltage regulation behaviour testing should also be performed when the unit is on battery (without AC). Unfortunately, I lapsed to note data from this part in my testing protocol. If I remember well, the voltage seen by the load is then the battery voltage minus a diode drop. That is, the SC-120W does not perform dc step-up conversion to keep the voltage at the setpoint of nominal operation (on AC) Again, this should be tested, as designs may change over time. I will update this material when able to perform the test.
Behaviour on battery power loss / cold start mode
One peculiarity of the unit : If the battery connection is lost during a power outage, and is subsequently regained while the outage remains, or if the unit is connected to a battery to supply a load while it has no AC power, the load will not come online again by itself. There is a little button near the voltage potentiometer that will force supply power to the load, this function is known as a form of cold start.
It may also be possible that this function activates if the battery voltage falls under a certain level, to protect the battery. but I have not tested it.
LED indicator strip
There are three LEDS, on a strip connected to the unit through a ribbon cable. This is practical for industrial front panel installation.
One shows that AC is available (red LED)
One shows that DC power is supplied to the load (green LED)
One shows that current is flowing between the SC-120W and the battery. (red LED) It glows brighter under high current conditions. I suspect this is the “battery is charging” indicator. When charging current settles down, the red LED light slowly turns off. I have not tested if this LED also glows when high current is drawn from the battery.
A final warning.
The battery cable of the SC120W does not have inbuilt fuses. It is always required to implement fuses on battery links. Add a section of cable with male spade connectors (the SC120W battery terminations use female spade connectors) with a fuse in it.
Overall rating.
The unit is sturdy and the UPS function performs very well, (for over a year) and it charges/discharges the battery as advertised. There is 0 downtime during switching events. The only down sides is that is a CV control mode only (no constant current charging phase) and that the system load voltage is related to the float voltage of the battery, Given the price of the unit that’s overall worth it.
There is also a 180W unit. This could also proove a good choice to provide battery backup to larger DC loads like NAS appliances, Beware, some units require a dual +5V + 12V psu, replacing that PSU by the SC180W would require two instead of one, higher rating DC/DC step down converters.
Thermionic is an FX VST3 Plugin. It is waveshaping in nature by applying a custom dynamic range compression followed by a single-ended triode amplifier. The single-ended triode circuit uses a SPICE algorithm to solve the circuit state. It can do both very low THD and heavy distortion/waveshaping effects.
The idea for this plugin came after designing this waveshaping compressor in LTspice. Then I thought that it would be cool to add a final triode stage.
Custom compression : The compression applies a linear-to-log conversion with an additional coefficient (parameter k) that alters the transfer function to provide varied waveshaping effects. Also, the knee effect can be tailored to provide distortion at the knee level. It is roughly the digital implementation of the LTspice knee-breaker compressor that I discussed in a previous post.
As for the triode implementation, it uses a classic 12AX7 single-ended configuration circuit. with AC coupling at the input and output stages for the default preset, with additional presets available. It features a cathode bypass resistor and capacitor, grid current emulation, and Miller capacitance.
The intrinsic triode parameters are based on Norman Koren’s model and allow the emulation of other models of triodes. Grid current is based on Rydel’s model. Non-realistic Vact parameter is added to start grid current distortion at an arbitrary voltage input level, disregarding biasing.
Since the state-based nature of the circuit, some parameter combinations may result in divergence and are non-recoverable, but it is rare, Some parameter combinations also require more CPU time to find a solution. So, it is advised to tread carefully when modifying parameters.
Saving a preset / restoring a preset is possible and the simulation should start all right but with a delay of a handful of seconds to obtain convergence.
abstol defines the SPICE solution tolerance and improves quality at the expense of more CPU load.
The plugin also features an experimental routing of the gain reduction to some triode parameters.
Additional features :
Oversampling from 0x to 3x.
Auto Make-up gain on/off with trimming.
Compressor / Triode bypass.
Compressor Stereo Linking On/Off.
Beta Caveats / Bugs :
Not all parameters are suitable for automation.
In some cases, when CPU load is high, switching on/off checkboxes and a StringListBox parameter, (for instance, Oversampling, GR Routing) may not be taken into account. If that happens, Please stop audio processing and change the parameter state, and then resume audio processing.
Tests :
To ensure a quality product, we will try to test the plugin in the most varied configurations, including a wide variety of OS and Hosts configurations. Most of the tests to date have been done on Renoise 3.41
We also plan to enroll users for beta testing. Nothing is better than field experience.
Release Date : To be announced, Probably June to August 2023.
Minimum OS/Software requirements :
Windows 8 to 11.
x64 OS.
A VST3 compatible host.
What about Mac users?
We envision a plugin for Mac users, but we need more time to port some functions.
Will there be a Demo version?
There will be a demo version available on our portal soon, to start the beta field testing phase. For now, there is a youtube video with a demo of the product for waveshaping applications.
This post demonstrates a VCA-based compressor with a variable knee.
The methodology used to design this compressor was to draw no inspiration from existing VCA compressor design and rather start from compressor theory alone. The fact that I had no previous exposure to VCA designs and started with no previous experience in analog compressor design is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it could end up with novel and unexplored means of achieving certain effects and sound coloration, On the other hand, it could lead to questionable choices or overly complicated designs. There is also a big risk of getting a design that works well “in silicon”, that is, running well in a SPICE simulator, but would offer subpar performance in any realistic implementation. I am mainly thinking about SNR characteristics.
An understanding of theory is indeed required to build a compressor that achieves its intended goal, dynamic range compression. The following paper is a good starting point :
[1] “Digital Dynamic Range Compressor Design— A Tutorial and Analysis” from Giannoulis, Massberg, and Reiss.
Our design however diverges quite fast from the standard gain computer architectures provided in the paper. Figure 7 of [1] introduces the basic configurations of gain computers and sidechain detectors.
Our design is a variant of the log domain detector, (7.c), in which the level detector comes before the gain computer. Since our level detector and A/R stages work on a log signal, and our A/R stages, being RC single pole filters exhibit exp. behavior in transient response, which means that the overall A/R envelope with respect to the linear domain is also linear (log and exp cancel out to give a linear envelope).
This is one thing.
The next divergence from a classic compressor is the knee implementation. Here we embarked in a really experimental direction. Usually, the knee is an amplitude band of the signal, in which the gain computer does not apply the full ratio. This bandwidth is called the kneewidth, centered around the threshold. At threshold – knee, the compressor applies a unity ratio, which means no compression. at threshold + knee, the compressor applies full ratio, that is the set compression.
The goal of the knee is to provide a smooth transition between these two extremes. When using high ratios which get close to limiting range, that is particularly useful.
Figure (4) of [1] shows the piecewise definition of the gain computer.
$$ 2(X_{g} -T) > W \Rightarrow T + \frac{X_{g} -T}{R} $$
(1) (2) and (3) form the piecewise definition of gain computer function.
This function in the knee zone uses a quadratic function to make the junction smooth. Making a smooth junction between two secant lines is a Bézier curve.
Our approach is experimental in the sense that it uses : the sidechain signal bounded between -W/2 and W/2 as the ratio modulator, further, it applies an attack/release to that bounded signal. To achieve proper results that A/R settings should not diverge much from the main peak detector A/R, or the time constants will lose correlation and the knee may be applied outside of the knee range or not at all. (ganged potentiometers would be required).
Furthermore, the processed knee control signal after the A/R range is passed through a tanh() function cell using a BJT differential pair. The resulting control signal does not guarantee smooth branching between the two gain lines and may induce undershoot/overshoot.
We expect it to introduce distortion in some cases and make the knee setting a complex task, however, it is interesting from an FX compressor point of view.
Most of the circuit complexity is found in the processing of the tanh cell signal to normalize it so the compressor acts as a compressor and does not expand the signal, and also provides no more than compression at ratio levels at the upper exit of the knee width zone.
Description of the knee control signal path.
As said before, we clip the log detector signal centered around the threshold between -w/2 and w/2. Then we apply a similar A/R envelope. Then we use U22 opamp to control the gain of the input signal to the tanh() cell. A stronger signal will result in a tanh output being more “square”
The output of the tanh() cell is then passed to a normalizer using a VCA824 (U41) that ensures the signal “tanh_norm” is constrained : “vratio_buf” < “tanh_norm” < 0V ) This assumes that the previous tanh() cell signal is well behaved : -0.5V < “tanh_out” < 0.5V if not, the following clamping stage will take care of unwanted excursions.
For normalization, we use a VCA824 IC to perform that function. This VCA is a linear domain VCA. It is designed for HF but should work well at audio frequencies. However, it would incur some additional costs in the final product. There is also the issue of input/output voltage offsets that require calibration.
Then we have a clamping stage for supplementary protection :
This clamps “tanh_out_gain_inv” output positive excursions to the “- vratio” level (positive value). positive excursions should not happen unless the tanh() cell current sink is above 247µA and the signal entering the tanh() cell makes the cell saturate. If that were to happen, “tanh_out_gain_inv” would go above “-vratio”.
Finally, We added a bit of extra precaution so that gain voltage “tanh_out_clamp2_clip_buf” fed to the U23 VCA824 never goes above 0V. tanh() normalization and clamping action is not perfect, as well as U41 VCA824 always has some offset despite calibration, so we clip above 0V here.
The result is our modulated ratio gain signal. We use another VCA824 (U23) to apply this ratio to gain_before_ratio_inv as a part of the gain computer architecture. The rest of the gain computer is a standard implementation.
Before the gain control signal is sent to the THAT2180 IC, it needs to be normalized so as to apply a 20(log10(x)) transfer function. This allows a simpler calibration when doing measurements.
A gain correction factor is done by U37, taking into account the gain factor of the THAT2180 and the transfer function of the diode linear to log signal converter that is situated at the start of the sidechain, after the full wave rectifier.
We use a high current, low output impedance op-amp for U37, as the THAT2180 requires a low impedance gain control signal.
Note that the threshold stage setting also uses a linear-to-log converter instead of a log potentiometer. The idea was to thermally couple the matched diodes D4 and D8 so that when there are temperature fluctuations, the threshold does not change much.
Use of the model :
Set the parameters.
“threshold” at 1 is -oo dB while 0 is 0dB “kneewidth” close to 1 is 0dB while 0 is +inf dB “ratio” is the compressor ratio. “attack” and “release” are resistance values of the attack/release stages. Higher attack resistance value -> faster attack (attack capacitor charges quicker) Higher release resistance value -> slower release (release capacitor discharges slower)
Choose the input source signal
Edit the B1 voltage source and specify the voltage source to use. the “1V” voltage source uses a low frequency (20 Hz signal) that allows seeing the action of the attack and release settings. there are also pulse/square waveforms, a triangle, and one using a wave file as input, do not forget to set the input and output waveform filenames to your requirements.
Load the waveform settings.
There are three waveform settings :
compressor_v0.9_monitor.plt: to compare input signal with compressor output.
compressor_v0.9_tanh.plt: to inspect the knee computer.
compressor_v0.9_gain_computer.plt: to inspect the gain computer.
Caveats / possible improvements :
The input AC coupling to both the sidechain and THAT2180 is sketchy. it could generate phase problems.
There is no makeup gain in this circuit.
There is no balanced input to unbalanced converters, nor unbalanced to balanced output.
However, adding these would slow even more the simulation which is already really slow on a dual Xeon E5-2430v2 ( between 50 and 100µs/s) When using a wave file. Expect 2.75 hours for 1 sec of simulation at this rate. However, using standard test bench inputs gets a much higher simulation rate. (in the 2 to 3 ms/s range)
The knee control signal (between U33 and U46 stages) is a bipolar signal, which means we have to discard the diode between this stage, to allow the signal negative excursions, This stage is no more a decoupled attack/release stage but simply a first-order LP filter. The time constant however is determined by the {release} parameter. and is the same as the A/R signal stage in our model.
The two parallel paths with different A/R parameters (one subjected to a full-fledged A/R while the other to a simple LP filter, plus the different amplitudes due to the knee width selection give overall a different signal profile at the attack vs at the release, even when using same resistor values for attack and release resistors. this gives rise while using certain knee settings to a different effective threshold at attack vs release. The symmetrical wave shape subject to this won’t be symmetrical anymore.
Wide knee widths give wide knee width signal amplitudes between the two clip values (-w/2 and w/2). In the case of small widths, the resulting signal fed to the tanh_out stage may not be sufficient to drive it to saturation. A better implementation would normalize this signal based on kneewidth. For now, one has to boost U22 gain for small widths to ensure saturation. Failure to do so would make the ratio stage fail to reach its target ratio.
Control of tanh() saturation by means of U22/R65 has a large influence on the application speed of the final ratio, which means its effect may “take over” the attack release characteristics of the classical A/R settings.
As a conclusion, using a tanh() cell was a questionable design choice if ease of use is a prime concern, but introduces interesting waveshaping effects (if applied to an instrument, with very fast attacks and releases)
it also allows knees ‘harder’ than no “knee”. The effect can be sought as a transition from a unity ratio to a ratio more than intended before a gradual recovery to the desired ratio. The precise reason for this behavior would require an in-depth analysis of the simulation and also a practical simulation to see if that can be reproduced. It could be useful to limit fast transients since at the crossing of the threshold a super hard knee would help to bring them in check before reverting to the desired ratio
I am posting the asc without the additional required components for copyright reasons.
Simulation Data
We will now show the compressor behavior before a full calibration is done on the output gain stage op-amp final amplifier, using theoretical values.
Figure 1 : This first plot shows a step of the parameter knee width with constant tanh() gain. for smaller widths, the tanh() cell fails to saturate and the full ratio is not applied. resulting in less compression. For larger widths, compression starts earlier in our design because the main gain computer applies the A/R envelope at (threshold – kneewidth/2), to this the distortion effects induced by the tanh() cell are compounded. overall it achieves more compression at larger widths. which is quite paradoxical.
Figure 1 : stepping the knee width, R65=2k
Figure 2 : The second plot uses the same parameter stepping with a higher input gain to the tanh() cell, setting resistor R65 to 10k. The overall gain response is more or less the same for small knee widths, while larger knee widths exhibit a dramatic distortion effect.
Figure 2 : stepping the knee width, R65=10k
Figure 3, We stepped the tanh() cell input gain resistor. the knee inversion from soft to “hardcore” is clearly visible
Figure 3 : stepping tanh() cell input gain
Figure 4 : Zooming in on the previous figure to show knee inversion clearly :
Figure 4 : Effect of tanh() cell input gain. We can see knee inversions but also soft knees.
Figure 5 : We step the ratio from 1 to 10 by increments of 1 to show a more classic compressor behavior. The R65 resistor is set at 500 so the tanh() cell is not saturated. Gain reduction seems to hit a hard limit before reaching to effective ratio of 10. The compressor shows and effective ratio of 1.56 where it should be 2, 2.10 where it should be 6, and 2.23 where it should be 10. The gain computer works on a logarithmic signal, but the THAT2180 IC is an exponential control IC, that is, it expects dB input, so the result should be linear. We will have to investigate this. Part of the problem is due to the tanh() cell not being saturated but that does not explain such low effective ratios.
Figure 5 : Effect of ratio on signal, unsaturated tanh() cell
Figure 6 : Same problem. We will have to check the R26 value that sets the U37 gain used in the final gain normalization stage. Also maybe a diode voltage drop was not accounted for. in the A/R stage. The best would be to set an acceptable knee width (not too small to prevent inversions) and not too big to lower the ratio, Set a high ratio, and perform calibration by selecting a better value for R26 and then re-check compression for a ratio of 2. Fortunately, unit ratio results in a more or less identical signal which means that there is probably not any unaccounted offset in the gain/knee computers.
Figure 7: Effect of ratio on compression using R65 = 10k
Now in Figure 8, we see an adequate ratio using a knee of 0.8 but at the expense of a very hard knee and signal distortion, because of that, the signal appears to have high compression because of that offset. In reality, it is more like a higher compression obtained through lowering the threshold (which the knee setting does)
Figure 8. effect of ratio on compression. Kneewidth setting 0.8
In the end, the sensible solution was to recalibrate the final gain normalization op-amp, at the maximum rated compression level, let’s a ratio of 20, so that the (linear) ratio of the output of the non-processed signal above the threshold to the output of the processed signal above the threshold is roughly equal to 20, This is done while setting other parameters to midrange values the threshold to -6dB. This was done with the knee-width computer disconnected, and R55 connected to ground instead. In the end, we set the R26 resistor value to 35k instead of 20.8k for theory.
Next, We set the ratio back to 1 and reconnect the knee width computer since he is responsible for applying the ratio. We check that both amplitudes of the input and output signal match. The small discrepancies are probably from the VCA824’s small remaining offsets.
The process would then need to compute the ratios at step intervals and mark the potentiometer accordingly.
Figure 9: It’s much better now ! The potentiometer pot also has been replaced by an exponential pot to allow finer resolution for low profiles.
Figure 9. Effect of ratio on compression after calibration and using an exponential tap pot with linear stepping
This is the model for the exponential pot that I used :
For impatient visitors, the LTspice model download is at the bottom of this post.
In our previous post we discussed the method that uses ZCD + flip-flops to extract the phase angle (angle of synchronism) using pulses whose duty cycle is proportional to the phase angle, and with a pulsing frequency of 2*f_ac, f_ac being the working frequency of the mains (grid) and inverter. Although this method is robust in the case of voltage variations, feeding pulses to our control loop required a more agressive low pass filtering strategy, and has a low gain at minimal phases angles, Overall it makes the control loop tuning harder.
So we will propose now a time continuous analog estimation of phase angle. It closely resembles to the single multiplier phase detector in the shape of the output, but does not involve a multiplier. This method is projected to be significantly more sensitive to voltage swells/sags and transients or voltage imbalances between the mains and the inverter, as it is the case for most phase detectors used in PLL. So it will involve signal normalization as well. We will try to characterize the performance of this method compared to the classic mutiplier based phase detector. Same as in the previous post, here we are discussing of synchronized inverters, not grid tied ones. As such, these inverters, perform voltage control independently of the grid conditions, that is one of the main benefits of the double conversion (online) topology, that always supplies power coming from the inverter stage at a stable regulated voltage while the grid voltage may fluctuate. On the other hand, line interactive or offline UPS perform AVR only using an autotransformer with taps to buck or boost a voltage by fixed increments. Since we have a potentially fluctuating grid voltage due to external conditions and a UPS voltage regulated at a nominal value, (not taking into account voltage fluctuations due to regulation inertia), it is important to characterize the sensitivity to voltage imbalances of the following method to assess its viability for the purpose of inverter phase synchronization.
Principle of operation
Instead of supplying the control loop a pulse whose duty cycle is proportional to the phase angle, with a postive pulse for positive phase angles and a negative pulse for negative phase angles. We supply the control loop the differential signal of V_mains(t) and V_inverter(t). That is V_mains(t) – V_inverter(t), after scaling the source signal to a level compatible with op-amps. Although it works to extract the absolute phase angle, assuming that the two voltages are of the same amplitude, preserving the lagging/leading information, that is the sign of the phase angle, requires careful processing of that signal.
Assuming a constant phase angle different than 0° and that the amplitudes of V_mains(t) and V_inverter(t) are the same,
We can see that the V_mains(t) – V_inverter(t) changes sign when V_mains(t) = V_inverter(t), although the lagging/leading status is still the same. That is why we need to switch the V_mains(t) – V_inverter(t) signal to -(V_mains(t) – V_inverter(t)) when V_mains(t) = V_inverter(t), to preserve lagging/leading information.
To encode the instant where V_mains(t) = V_inverter (t) using a basic sine to square circuit, we will feed the scaled down sum signal, (labeled ‘sum‘ in the schematic) V_mains(t) + V_inverter(t) to a comparator to get a square wave signal. The rising edge will happen at zero crossing going upwards of V_mains(t) + V_inverter(t), The falling edge at zero crossing going downwards. The points where V_mains(t) = V_inverter(t) will sit firmly at the middle of each HIGH or LOW levels time intervals. The resulting square wave signal is labeled ‘sum_sq’ in the LTspice model.
To establish a processing logic, We will also need to convert the difference signal, labeled ‘difference’ in the schematic into its corresponding square wave signal. This resulting signal is labeled ‘difference_sq‘ in the LTspice model. Note that the difference_sq signal switches polarity, that is, goes from RISE to FALL or vice versa at the points where V_mains(t) = V_inverter(t). More precisely, it is rising at V_mains(t) = V_inverter(t) when both V_mains(t) and V_inverter(t) are positive, and falling at V_mains(t) = V_inverter(t) when both V_mains(t) and V_inverter(t) are negative.
We used the LT1716 comparators for the ZCD sine to square conversion. It also conditions the square signals to 5V logic levels. It is tolerant to an input going down to -5V in relation to negative rail, here GND, while still outputing a valid 0V output in this case. This information is available in the datasheet.
Next we will establish a truth table for the above two signals.
difference_sq RISE
difference_sq FALL
sum_sq HIGH
sum_sq LOW
D flip-flop truth table
Note that we compare an edge signal to a level signal, for this edge triggered logic, a D type flip-flop comes handy. You may also ask why we need this convoluted logic, well it is necessary in order to preserve the leading/lagging information. In order to do that, we will need an additional logic stage between the above resulting signal, labeled ‘dflop‘ in the model, and the difference_sq signal. This time both signals are levels, so to establish the following truth table we will simply use a XOR gate.
difference_sq HIGH
difference_sq LOW
dflop HIGH
dflop LOW
XOR gate
The resulting signal will condition the state of the SPDT switch IC, the ADG333A IC is suitable for this application. The silicon SPDT switch will switch the output between $$ difference $$ and $$ \overline{difference} $$ input signals.
And that’s how we get an approximation of the phase angle, preserving the leading/lagging information. Note that the logic signal coming into the silicon SPDT switch not only has the result of switching polarity of the difference signal when the phase angle goes from leading to lagging and vice versa, but also performs rectification of the difference signal.
To better illustrate the action of the whole signal conditioning logic, we provide the following screen capture :
phase angle between inverter and mains oscillates between -90° and + 90° centered around 0°Logic of the continous phase angle approximation signal conditioning block
Now that we have our proper phase angle approximation signal, it is time to feed it to the control loop.
Remember from our previous post that, assuming same frequency and voltage for both signals, and a constant phase shift or a phase variation frequency that is negligible compared to f_ac :
Being sinusoidal in nature, it follows that for a time interval $$ (4)\hspace{1cm} \left [ t_{1} , t_{1} + \frac{1}{2f_{ac}} \right ] $$ or multiple thereof,
(3) is a linear relationship because $$ (5)\hspace{1cm} peak(k\times a(t)) = k\times peak(a(t)) $$ provided that (2) is true. Note that for the ZCD discrete phase angle method of our previous post, there is a linear relationship over the whole [ -pi , pi ] domain.
The main difference then lies into the LP stage filtering response of our control loop between a variable duty cycle bipolar square wave signal with 2*f_ac frequency and a bipolar sinusoidal signal with rectified sine harmonics at 2*f_ac frequency.
Phase angle control loop
We reused at first the phase control loop from our earlier post design :
Since this post, it has been updated with an additional integral term to get a PID control loop.
This loop already gave relatively good results (phase angle < 0.75° for most disturbances in our simulation bench). We used it too gather data in the new phase continuous model as a reference for improvement.
Then, we optimized the loop design to get a better phase response. For this, we got rid of the butterworth filters after the integral and derivative stages, as well as a tuning of the integral cutoff frequency and the derivative peak response frequency. We will post both results here as well as the Bode plot of the new control loop.
Voltage imbalance sensitivity
Voltage amplitude imbalance between mains_scaled and inverter_scaled has effects on the diff_out signal that are mostly characterized by a reduced sensitivity to small phase angles. The signal shows a larger DC bias, which swamps the response to angle variations.
The leading/lagging transition response seems less affected, the system being able to detect the transition in small phase angle oscillations, even in the presence of a moderate voltage imbalance.
Let’s discuss the possible mitigation strategies of the voltage imbalance sensitivity.
For the purpose of phase synchronization outlined above, the inputs of the control system are :
Inverter voltage sensing coming from an isolation transformer on the output of the inverter.
Mains/grid voltage sensing coming from another isolation transformer
Both of these inputs could also be used for voltage (amplitude) sensing. Inverter voltage sensing is already used for inverter voltage (feedback) regulation. If we wish to compensate the voltage imbalance for phase synchronization, we may need to sense both.
Voltage amplitude sensing methods usually implement peak detection using smoothing capacitors and a full bridge rectifier.
Inverter voltage is dictated by the inner voltage/current control loop and possibly an outer control loop. It is subject to a certain amount of inertia. Moreover, set/regulated voltage may well be different than the nominal 240V AC.
Mains/grid voltage is dictated by the grid. We also have to take into account the serial impendance of the transmission line and that of the 10kV/240V utility transformer. These will produce a voltage drop dependent on the load, and account for a large portion of voltage variation during the day.
If, for whatever reason we wish to implement the proposed method above we would need to get rid of the voltage amplitude difference.
Either we establish the mains voltage as a reference, and make the inverter follow it, by controlling the amplitude of the independently generated sine wave reference of the SPWM modulator. In that case, it defeats one of the main purpose of an inverter, specially for online (double-conversion) UPS, which is voltage stability independently of the grid.
We could also use the mains voltage as a reference to the full extent, after scaling it down, by using the mains voltage waveform as the sine wave reference used in the SPWM generation, in that case, the inverter also follows frequency and phase of the grid as a bonus, which render the whole synchronization issue of the present article moot. The downside is that the inverter output is now subject to all disturbances of the grid, including transients, noise, etc… if adequate filtering is not provided. The inverter now works as a class-D amplifier.
Third option, we establish inverter voltage as a reference, and make the mains (scaled down voltage input) follow the inverter voltage in terms of amplitude. Since we have no control on the voltage from the grid, the only method that seem plausible would be to perform AGC (automatic gain control) on the sensed mains voltage to make it follow the sensed inverter voltage.
The later is not without problems though. We predict that there may be quite a high amount of crossover interaction between the phase/frequency control loop and the voltage/current control loop, making tuning of both difficult. Let’s try nevertheless.
Implementing AGC on mains voltage sensing
Since an inverter voltage control loop usually implements voltage sensing for its output using a peak detector (with attack/release control), And that doing the same for the mains voltage is also usually a requirement, for instance, to detect voltage sags/swell that go beyond the AVR capability, or simply for mains blackout detection, it seems that it would not cost much to at least try to implement an AGC for the goal of phase angle synchronization using the peak detectors outputs as differential inputs to generate a voltage control signal based on the voltage error that will be subsequently applied to a VCA. The VCA will perform AGC on the scaled mains voltage signal to keep it at the same amplitude that of the scaled inverter voltage. Then phase angle measurement can be performed without worry about the effect of amplitude imbalance.
The VCA would not need to have fancy requirements. It does not need high bandwidth, since it will work on a 50 Hz signal. It does not need high dynamic range, since it will operate on a mains voltage plus/minus 20% (worst case scenario) deviation from the nominal 240V AC. (Mains voltage is required in Europe to stay in the plus/minus 10% range from the nominal 240V AC.)
However, It would preferably use linear voltage control of the gain. That is to ease the loop design and tuning.
Voltage transient filtering (or what remains of it after the TVS upstream) could be achieved by tuning the attack potentiometer of the peak detector stage. However a compromise should be found between a good transient response and a good voltage following response so as not to introduce too much delay. This is not an easy task.
Given the requirements, a TI VCA824 IC seems a good choice. Other options although not tested would be to use an OTA like the LM13700, Finally we could also use an audio VCA like the THAT 2180x series, but it also OTA-like since it sources/sink current at the output, so either a resistor or better a current to voltage op-amp block is needed at the output. However the THAT 2180x is an exponential (dB/V) voltage controlled device, Whereas the VCA824 IC is linear (V/V). An advantage of the THAT 2180x is that it features a 0dB gain at 0V center point. It is not the case for the VCA824, Where the unity gain is closest to 0V gain control for a 2V/V max gain setup (dictated by the Rf/Rg feedback resistor setup). Even with a 2V/V gain setup the unity gain point is not exactly at 0V (at least in our setup). But this is not that much of a problem since there is a control loop for amplitude that takes care of it. Other issue encountered with the VCA824 IC is that we had to correct input and output offset voltages using voltage dividers at the signal input and output as shown in the datasheet. Using AC coupling for that purpose is a big no no since it would introduce delay. Finally, there is the cost issue. VCA824 is expensive and its features underutilized since it is tailored for HF/VHF use. But it works well for VLF like 50 Hz too. Finally, there is the issue of dynamic range. VCA824 can’t take much more than ± 1.6V at input, and goes sensibly lower than ± Vs for the output. Here Vs is ±5V (rail to rail) and this is the max for safe operation. To get some operational margin for voltage sags and swells, we setup max gain at 3V/V, and the whole setup works so as to obtain a normalized 1V amplitude mains signal, whatever the voltage sag/swell condition is. We expect the setup to be more sensitive to noise because of the reduced signal amplitude that is fed to the continuous phase angle measurement logic.
Amplitude control loop to get a normalized mains signal
Amplitude disturbance
For now, we only considered single tone FM disturbance of mains grid voltage. We still have to tackle amplitude disturbance like fast voltage transients with a clamped profile (from the TVS action), temporary overvoltages/undervoltages (from load rejection / load connection events in a generator setup), and slow voltage daily/hourly variations due to load profile change across several utility subscribers sharing a 11kV/230kV transformer.
First we will test the performance with a static voltage deviation from nominal 230V and see how the AGC performs, and how the whole loop behaves.
<to be continued>
Harmonics Disturbance
This is the hard part. It is expected that with a good voltage following characteristic, the whole loop would also somewhat track harmonics from the grid. Our goal would be to track the phase and frequency of the fundamental, not the harmonics ladden signal. We could think that filtering the mains signal would be a good idea, However we would need a really flat phase response (like those of Bessel filters), and even with that, we would need to compensate the delay with something like an all pass filter tuned to bring the 50Hz signal to a 360 phase or multiple thereof. That would introduce phase problems for frequencies other than 50Hz. Moreover, Bessel response is inadequate to filter the third harmonic sufficiently since it is so close to the fundamental. We could use a Butterworth LP filter but phase response issues would be even worse with each increasing order. We could think of a really good rejection of harmonics with a resonant filter, but that would be the absolute worse of the worse in terms of phase issues. Harmonics rejection is at the current state of analog filter technology an intractable issue in our opinion and would be better tackled in the Z-domain. Comment if you disagree.
Nevertheless, we added a harmonics disturbance setup in our model with 3rd,5th,7th,9th and 11th harmonics setup with amplitude (in % of fundamental amplitude) and phase (for each harmonic) to characterize the performance. At this point, the equation (3) is unsuitable, unless we compare the output sine reference to the fundamental of the harmonics disturbed signal.
Simulation Model
The simulation model includes the ASC Ltspice file with all packages dependencies (asy,sub,lib) in the same folder. There should be no need to tweak inside the file for absolute paths as they have been removed. No non-standard diodes, fet, bjt are used so there should be no need to add lines in the respective files (such as standard.dio or standard.bjt)
This model only models the PLL, not the full inverter. It’s goal is to generate a synchronized sine reference from mains voltage, and be tolerant to voltage sags/swells, frequency variation as well as harmonics. Harmonics should be rejected in the sine reference as much as possible.
Recently I added a block to simulate ADC operation with with sample time quantization and amplitude quantization to more accurately simulate an AD7366 ADC.
It includes a test bench block to simulate :
Amplitude disturbance
Frequency disturbance
Harmonics disturbance
Initial phase angle
It also includes the PLT files for plotting.
More information available in ____README____.txt inside the zip archive.
This is an introduction on inverter phase synchronization. The simulation files are included at the end of this post.
There are several digital and analog control methods to meet this goal.
In no particular order, we have DFT, KF, WLSE, ANF, KALMAN, PLL,FLL and ZCD. Most of them are documented in the digital (z-domain). A few only are easily implemented in analog.
We will discuss the easiest method, which is the zero crossing detection method, (ZCD) and assume that the inverter is not grid tied, simply synchronized.
Grid tie operation designs are diverse and fall into the grid following, grid forming, or grid supporting designs. This design is not intended for grid tie operation. These designs will be the object of another post.
The application goal, here, is mostly to have the inverter supply a voltage that is synchronized with the mains phase to enable seamless switching with an ATS that is external to the UPS, or inside the UPS unit independent of the technology used (offline,line-interactive or double conversion)
We will provide a hybrid analog/digital LTSpice model for phase synchronisation using the ZCD method.
It is “hybrid” in the sense that the inverter reference sine used in the modulation is phase modulated through a behavioural voltage source, that is more or less equal to what a DDS IC would do, but in a ideal manner since it comes without any quantization noise in LTSpice.
This model will be further updated. Note that phase synchronization using the ZCD method is performed using fully digital means in commercial ASICs. Providing a partially analog method is useful however for teaching analog control and for certain niche cases where the inverter SPWM generation and control feedback cannot be fully automated in the digital domain. (like using an Arduino instead of a fully capable DDS platform), In these cases, offloading part of the control loop to analog components is an option. Generally, fully analog control is less and less used except for simple feedback like in SMPS.
But there are still niche uses, for instance, an environment subject to ionizing radiation where hardening the ASIC is not possible, would be more robust in analog but that would require a fully analog control loop.
How to get phase difference between mains phase and inverter phase using ZCD the analog way ?
The analog ZCD method translates a sine wave (here, the output of the inverter or that of the mains power) into a square wave signal. the rising edge of the square wave signal happens at the upward zero crossing of the phase, and the falling edge at the downward crossing of the phase.
ZC sine to square wave conversion is done both for the mains and inverter phases. This is done using an op-amp comparator without feedback for each phase. The output signal is a square wave with rail to rail voltage levels.
Then, the two square signals are compared using two D type flip-flops, giving outputs pulses widths that are equal to the absolute phase difference information. (it outputs time information, not an angle value)
The method is explained in “Phase measuring circuit with leadlag indication” by Forrest P. Clay Jr. a 1992 electrical engineering paper.
This method preserves the phase lag/lead information. One flip-flop provides HIGH output in leading conditions, While the other provides HIGH output in lagging conditions. Fundamental pulse frequency is the same as the mains and inverter frequency (assuming that both have a frequency deviation that is negligible compared to the nominal frequency) that is, 50 Hz in the model.
Phase difference detector circuit used in the simulation
Then, the output from the flip-flops is given to an op-amp substractor that generates a bipolar signal of the phase difference. Positive pulses mean leading while negative pulses mean lagging. Care must be given to the resistors tolerances (1% or better) in a substractor to minimize common mode interference, and a suitable OpAmp for this kind of use is prefered.
This signal is then low pass filtered to remove edge induced discontinuities. Note that usually the mains frequency slew rate is really slow because of the huge rotational inertia of all generators creating the mains distribution network and all regulation mechanisms in place. So it is not a problem to have a filter with a very low cutoff frequency. On the other hand, if the inverter were to synchronize to an islanded generator, that would be a whole different scenario. It is outside the scope of the current article. For these scenarios, other synchronization methods exists, and we named a few at the beginning of the article.
The filter used is an analog 3rd order butterworth LP filter, to get a sharp rolloff. The first stage has a quite high corner frequency, in order to minimize filter phase effects at low frequencies. Its goal is to minimize rising and falling edges coming from the ZCD and flip-flops well enough for the differentiator stage not to complain.
We then get a smoothed phase shift signal $$ \Delta \varphi $$ . This is fed to a differentiator op-amp setup. Its role is to generate the $$ \frac{d(\Delta \varphi )}{dt} $$ signal used further in the control loop. Note that because of processing this signal has a delay, so our notation is a little it abusive.
This signal is further processed using a second 3rd order butterworth LP filter, with a corner frequency way lower than the first butterworth filter. This gets rid of the spikes in the signal. The corner frequency is around 1Hz.
This concludes the generation of the $$ \frac{d(\Delta \varphi )}{dt} $$ processed signal that will be fed to the control loop of the inverter, for the derivative term.
In parallel, we need to get the proportional term. This will use a single butterworth 3rd order LP filter that branches just after the substractor. This will generate the proportional term also fed to the control loop of the inverter. This filter has a lower corner frequency compared to the first LP filter stage used for the differentiator branch.
Note that the final butterworth filter of the derivative signal branch has been slightly tuned out from its canonical form to get an appropriate control loop frequency/phase response.
Other than that, the remaining filters are quite the same. The differentiator has an added C2 capacitor to filter high frequency terms and provide less oscillation.
These two signals (proportional and derivative) are then factored with their respective gains (both are the same in the simulation) and fed as a sum to the behavioural voltage source of the inverter using the phase term of its function.
Note that this is a simplified model of the inverter stage. A more realistic but computationally intensive model would control the sinusoidal reference of the SPWM stage of the inverter, and inverter output would be fed to one leg of the phase difference detector. This would integrate the whole SPWM inverter model to this simulation. Note that this simulation do not include RLC loading of any of the phases. Also, this model supposes that the mains and inverter AC voltages are the same and stable at AC RMS = 230V.
One advantage is that the ZCD method is quite tolerant to voltage variations, compared to methods that are sensitive to it like PLL, So It is not critical to have it factored in this simulation.
Control loop. Not shown the final mixing stage that happens in the BV sine source of the inverter
AC Analysis of the control loop
An open loop AC analysis starting from the input to the first LP butterworth filter up to the output of the sum of the derivative and proportional terms with their respective gains has been performed.
Content of the control loop AC simulation fileBode plot of the control loop. Plain line is Gain, Dotted line is phase
The range of frequency analysis for our first inspection is 0.001 Hz to 100 Hz
The cutoff frequency is approximately 0.66 Hz
The DC Gain is approximately 43.2 dB with a flat response.
Gain margin is -3.5 dB (at f_GM = 48.1 Hz) This could be improved for stability, knowing that this frequency is quite critical being close to the 50 Hz component in the phase difference pulse signal.
Phase Margin is 9.8° degrees (at f_PM = 38.6 Hz). Phase margin could also be boosted. Phase margin stays positive below f_pm.
There is a pole around 0.66 Hz and another close to 1 Hz, barely visible in the plot.
The control loop will be further optimized when I have time. I am no guru of control loops and filters so if you manage to get an optimized model, please chime in using the contact form…
Mains Disturbance simulation
Frequency disturbance
The first goal is to characterize how tightly the inverters locks on the mains frequency that is, $$ min(\Delta \varphi) $$ and $$ max(\Delta \varphi) $$ for a given mains frequency disturbance scenario. We also used a simple function to get an idea of the magnitude of the absolute phase difference by plotting $$ \left | V_{inverter} – V_{mains} \right | $$ and look at the local maxima. note that this plot does not suffer from the delays coming from the LP filters.
Simple FM disturbance
The disturbance scenario modeled this far is a mains frequency oscillation with a parametrized slew rate and oscillation amplitude, using a simple FM modulation scheme. The peak instantaneous frequency deviation will be restricted first to ±0.2 Hz to get in line with the ENTSOE ordinary and contigency frequency deviations, that is, an oscillation between 49.8 and 50.2 Hz
Frequency Stability Evaluation Criteria for the Synchronous Zone of Continental Europe
Since time keeping by these clocks rely on the number of cycles of the mains period, it makes sense to calculate the phase error. This study precisely do this, measuring phase deviations and not only frequency deviations. Phase errors in a power distribution grid come from frequency instability. To compensate for phase errors, an utility company would have to precisely manage frequency compensation at regular intervals to “get back” to the theoretical number of cycles expected. The priority is frequency, not phase, and mains tied clocks are superseded by GPS. However, this anecdotal study is however of special interest since we are dealing with both frequency and phase adjustments in grid synchronization. Note also that an abrupt phase adjustment in a rotational generator such as synchronous machines used in power plants would come from disastrous events such as pole slipping and/or sudden uncompensated load rejection. It should never happen on the scale of an utility grid.
As for the frequency, the slew rate for mains frequency is extremely low in ordinary and even contingency modes, So a rate of 1 Hz is already an extreme worst case scenario. Higher slew rates however happen with islanded generators, but this is outside the goal of this simulation. Given the response of the control loop, low slew rates should not pose a stability problem. However, this depends on the detection threshold of the flip-flop stage. A minimal instantaneous frequency deviation would not be catched until it reaches this threshold.
Note also that frequency deviations include stochastic noise but also predictable deviations according to load consumption and power generation imbalances. Periods of high demand typically introduces a negative frequency deviation until the power generated matches the load power.
As said before, the ZCD method is sensitive to harmonic disturbances typically introduced in non-inverter type islanded generators with low power handling capability relative to load. Thus, further characterizing the control loop for worst case scenarios would need to introduce this kind of disturbance, if one were to use ZCD with generators nonetheless.
Amplitude disturbance
Phase synchronization from arbitrary initial phase difference
The other goal of the simulation is obviously to track the performance of phase locking from an initial arbitrary phase difference. The inverter has to lock its phase at 0° degrees phase difference from any starting phase difference ranging from -180° to +180° degrees. The performance of this locking process, that is how fast the phases converge to 0° and if the inverter experiences excessive harmonic disturbances during this process will have to be characterized.
Assuming both mains and inverter voltages are of the same amplitude, perfectly sinusoidal, and that the inverters track frequency change instantly or that the simulation is performed at fixed AC mains frequency, performance of phase synchronism can be measured through the following formula, giving the the absolute value of voltage phase difference.
Since the ‘periodicity’ (the periodicity of the mains frequency induced harmonic component) of the function above is $$ \frac{1}{2f_{mains}} $$, that gives the optimal sample time to extract the maxima when sampling the above function (1)
The above function (1) can be simply plotted. If you need to extract maxima at sampled intervals use these LTspice directives and loop them with subsequent time intervals of $$ \frac{1}{2f_{mains}} $$ and put them into a .MEAS file, although it would need a long simulation time to make sense. For complex data analysis it is better to make a LTspice export of the data and process it with Python for instance.
.meas TRAN Vdiff_abs_norm_max MAX (abs((V(vl) -V(vn)) - V(mains))/(2*1.414*{V_ac}) ) FROM 0ms TO 10ms
.meas TRAN delta_phi_abs_max PARAM 2*asin(Vdiff_abs_norm_max)
measuring the minimum phase difference (best performance at steady state) is less trivial because of zeros in the function when the sine waveforms cross each other, therefore it would require sampling the phase difference with the above method and then analyze the resulting data for local minimums. Overall, another useful metric is simply done by averaging the sampled maximum phase difference (CTRL+click) for function (1) over a long interval, preferably equal to a full oscillatory cycle that arises from the control loop, if one is found.
Finally, performance in phase locking has to be demonstrated in conjunction with a FM disturbed mains frequency.
Note that phase locking is preferably done while keeping the waveform sinusoidal in nature during the process. Phase locking in figure 2 happens too quickly, and has the effect of producing severe distortion. The inverter should have adequate protection to not supply power during this event, only after proper phase locking is done. In a mains synchronized double conversion UPS, this could happen if the input is switched between two phases (120°shift) or after the powering on and transfer to a generator. Since a double conversion UPS always provides power through the Inverter stage with no possible downtime except a minimal one for switching to and from bypass mode, the control loop has to be tuned to take that into account. A modification of the phase control term in the sine wave DDS generator could be done and would take effect only during these initialization/switching events, for instance, using
$$ 1-\exp\left(-a\cdot t\right) $$
as a factor of the control term, ‘a’ controlling how fast the control loop locks into the mains phase.
Simulation results
Fig. 1 initial phase difference +90° , frequency disturbance : modulator freq. fm = 1Hz, modulator Amplitude Am = 0.3VFig. 2 Initial phase difference +180°, fm disturbance unchanged. Note the large disturbance of inverter phase during the lock process. Locking happens in less than a periodFig. 3 frequency disturbance : modulator freq. fm = 1Hz, modulator Amplitude Am = 1VFig. 4 frequency disturbance : modulator freq. fm = 1Hz, modulator Amplitude Am = 1V At this slew rate of mains frequency and high frequency deviation, performance is degraded.Fig. 5 frequency disturbance : modulator freq. fm = 1Hz, modulator Amplitude Am = 0.3
Using the ZCD method, sampling time is limited at two times the mains AC frequency. That limits accuracy of the algorithm for fast and ample disturbances. But a heavily distorted power source would not lead to any application requiring syncing into it, rendering that issue moot.
On the other hand, ZCD is quite tolerant to voltage fluctuations.
Although this controller is simple to implement, it suffers from steady state error due to the limited gain at DC. One option to mitigate this is to add an integral component. However, it would still suffer from delayed response to oscillations due to the butterworth filters, and cannot track fast oscillations. The ZCD+Flip Flop stage also samples phase at 1/2*f_ac, which is a limiting factor. The non linear behaviour introduced by the discrete function of the flip flops, who encode phase difference as a pulse further make the tuning of the control loop harder, with the need to analyze the impulse response of the system. However the discrete ZCD phase difference method is more robust when it comes to voltage imbalance between the two measured phases.
In a next post, we will propose a time continuous control of phase difference without flip-flops in the control loop signal path (although one is still needed in the circuit).
To get back to the conclusion on this model : Its performance level is unacceptable for grid tie operations, nor it provides the required functions and behaviour of GFL,GFM,GS grid tie topologies. That is why we limit it to synchronization for inverter standby/autonomous operation to alleviate source switching transients. But it is a good introduction on the subject. For an idea, it is closer to the state of the art for the start of the 90s or so, when digital control was not yet so widespread.
We will discuss grid tie inverters in a later post and slowly but surely move into the more state of the art technologies. It will also serve as an introduction into fully closed loop control systems, as with grid tie inverters, voltage,current quantities are intimately tied, and reactive power effects have to be taken into account.
The goal of this post is to analyze in detail the advertised features of the EGS005 board, and show possible modding hacks.
The EGS005 board is the newest board provided by EGMicro for single phase and multiphase inverter designs.
It is based on the EG8025 ASIC that features integrated MOSFET drivers for a full bridge configuration.
Most if not all all of the EGS005 information is also provided in the EG8025 datasheet, plus many more details! We will use the EG8025 datasheet as the reference material, but also compare them to the EGS005 board features, to see what features are restricted by the board.
The EG8025 datasheet is available on the EGMicro website, chip center section.
Probable IC orientation
Pinout analysis and IC orientation.
Based on the application schematic and components names and indexes placement, and after boosting trace contrast, it seems pretty evident that this is the ASIC orientation on the EGS005. The D4, D5 diodes and the C17 capacitor with its traces clearly shown going up to the pin, plus the 3 NC pins at the bottom and at the right side make it the only possible configuration. This setup would make the pin1 orientation dot in the product image misleading.
Differences between EGS002 boards and EGS005 boards
We will focus our attention first to the differences in features between these two boards. This takes into account only the features exposed through these two boards, not the overall feature differenciation between EG8010 and EG8025.
EGS005 has these additional features compared to EGS002 :
integrated MOSFET drivers
Test mode for SPWM output bench testing without any control loop feedback
overload protection (not only overcurrent hard limit)
Two over temperature control zones (IGBT/MOSFET and PCB)
SPWM signals routing swap on/off between left bridge and right bridge MOSFETs
AC output enable/disable through pin (basically a soft shutdown)
Exposed Serial interface (RX and TX), but configuration settings registers besides switching in and out of “Test mode” are either unavailable or undocumented.
Exposed pins for firmware update
EGS005 features that are discontinued compared to EGS002 :
Variable frequency output mode up to 100Hz or up to 400Hz. This includes variable frequency mode and fixed ratio V/F mode.
Choosing between unipolar and bipolar SPWM. Note that EG8025 supports phase synchronisation/phase shift for 3 phase mode, so the modulation scheme had to be made unique for interoperability.
EG8025 features not exposed in EGS005 :
Phase shift mode for AC sensing from another unit – Phase_SEL pin 12
AC input for phase synchronization/shift from another unit – VZC_IN pin 17
AC output for phase synchronization to another unit – AC_Fout pin 13
Multi inverter pin for parallel operation or master/slave select for three phase operation – Multi_INV pin 15
Inverter phase synchronization and phase shifting
Inverter phase synchronization is required for the following operation modes.
Parallel mode of operation of two or more inverters sharing a single phase for load sharing / redundancy.
Parallel mode of operation between one or more inverters and the AC grid, These inverters are known as Grid tie inverters. They are ubiquitous in renewable energy systems for residential or industrial use.
Parallel mode of operation between inverters or between inverters and AC grid, who do not share the load for redundancy (active/standby system). The phase is kept synchronized between the sources for seamless operation of an ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch). This is to limit potentially high dV/dt (and/or high dI/dt) that happen during switching when the phases are not synchronized.
Multiphase mode and inverter daisy chaining (cascade) of phase synchronization across usually three units, for three phase power applications, In a (master)/(slave/master)/(slave) configuration. Parentheses correspond to the three inverters.
There are several digital algorithms and analog tehcniques to implement phase synchronization.
One well known and ubiquitous method used in various electronics designs not limited to inverters is PLL (Phase locked loop). There are however other methods. This paper discusses them in detail :
Recent advances in synchronization techniques for grid-tied PV system: A review
The EG8025 ASIC uses the Zero Crossing method. It is simple and straightforward.
It uses 2 pins for configuration. Multi_INV pin 15 and Phase_SEL pin 12 and 2 pins for synchronization data. One is an output pin, AC_Fout pin 13 the other is an input pin VZC_In pin 17.
Parallel operation mode
We’ll assume that we use two inverters.
In this mode both inverters share the load on the same phase. One unit is designed as master and has Multi_INV pin 15 pulled log to GND, The other is designed as slave and has Multi_INV pin 15 pulled high to 5V.
The master unit also has VZC_In pin 17 and Phase_Sel pin 12 pulled to GND. Since the master is the start of the synchronization chain, it won’t use an input ZC signal, nor it should shift the phase 120° for parallel operation. Applying phase shift in this mode of operation could destroy both inverters output stages!
The master outputs its phase information through the AC_Fout pin 13. This is a zero-crossing signal. It probably converts upward going zero-crossings of the AC phase to logical HIGH, and downward going zero-crossings of the AC phase to logical LOW. Rising/Falling edges should happen at the time of the zero crossings. Checking precisely the logical levels correspondence is required if this board is to work with another unit of another manufacturer supporting ZC synchronization, to prevent a 180° out of phase condition. Level shifting may be required to accomodate the slave unit.
The slave in turns gets its ZC information on the VZC_In pin 17. The path between AC_Fout pin 13 of the master and VZC_In pin 17 is isolated with the use of an optocoupler. Check figure 10.a of the 8025 ASIC Datasheet. On the slave unit Phase_Sel pin 12 is also pulled to ground while AC_Fout pin 13 is floating.
Since AC_Fout is a low impedance pin current source, it should never get pulled to GND.
Modding for parallel operation.
We should investigate the board and the EGS005 application schematic to look at the trace routing of VZC_In, AC_Fout, and Multi_INV.
Modding fo the slave unit :
VZC_In is pulled to GND through the R45 1k resistor. Making the VZC_In as an input as shown in figure 10.a would require soldering out the R45 resistor and supplying the signal to the exposed pad of R45 connected to the pin. This signal comes from the optocoupler voltage follower.
AC_Fout and Phase_Sel do not need any mod on the slave unit.
Multi_INV trace to GND should be cut and a patch wire soldered and connected to 5V HIGH level
Modding fo the master unit :
AC_Fout is floating on the EGS005 so a simple wire patch to the pin would do the trick. This wire would be routed to the optocoupler diode anode.
Multi_INV and Phase_Sel do not need any mod on the master unit.
For a tutorial on how to perform SMD pcb wire hooking look at :
The goal of this post is to analyze in detail the advertised features of the EGS002 board, and show possible modding hacks.
The EGS002 board is the oldest provided by the EGMicro supplier still distributed on common Chinese reseller platforms. It superseded the even older EGS001.
It is based on the EG8010 ASIC and also features either two IR2110S half bridge drivers, or two EG2113, an EGMicro driver. Whether you get one or the other depends on the reseller. Check for comments and reviews on marketplace product page to see who’s getting what.
Most if not all all of the EGS002 information is also provided in the EG8010 datasheet, plus many more details! We will use the EG8010 datasheet as the reference material, but also compare them to the EGS002 board features, to see what features are restricted by the board.
EG8010 ASIC Features
Input DC Voltage. The EGS002 can drive high voltage MOSFETs easily. no restrictive voltage limitations on the high side MOSFETs, and it is at least ok for 400V DC input to the MOSFET bridge. Supplied design schematics show power coming through a 400V DC link PFC output.
Inverter output frequency. EG8010 can be used for fixed 50Hz,60Hz or frequency adjustable 0~100Hz or 0~400Hz output.
The EGS002 on the other hand restricts this feature to fixed frequency operation : either 50Hz or 60Hz, through jumpers.
These jumpers are exposed on the bottom plane of the board and are set with solder bridges over two pads. They do not appear to be through hole, so it would be difficult to insert header pins and use a real jumper there.
the backside exposes the configuration jumpers. top left of image
JP1 and JP5 on the board control FREQSEL0 pin 18 level (either HIGH=JP1 short for 60Hz or LOW=JP5 short for 50Hz). They can’t be short or open at the same time !!
Is the board moddable for further frequency control ? let’s see.
There seems to be two methods to apply mods. Either through hardware or through software (by serial commands). Let’s explore the hardware method first.
Variable Frequency mode modification
Up to 100Hz or up to 400Hz variable frequency operation mode selection is controlled by FREQSEL1. It seems however that the EGS002 has the FREQSEL1 pin 19 grounded in the EGS002 schematic. So it depends on the suppliers of EGS002 to create derivative boards that expose FREQSEL1.
As far as I searched on Chinese marketplaces that doesn’t seem to be the case.
PIN 19 and PIN 20 Traces Merge. right around the center of R33. Processed image to better expose the traces
FREQSEL1 pin 19 and MODSEL pin 20. seem both connected to ground in most boards available on the market through merging traces. This is in conformity with the EGS002 datasheet.
That restricts the unmodded board to 50/60 Hz Operation and Unipolar switching
Modding for tests to enable VVVF to 100 Hz or to 400 Hz would require cutting the FREQSEL1 pin trace and patching the pin with maybe AWG30 hookup wires and connect it to HIGH level. MODSEL would be still kept to GND.
JP1 and JP5 would allow to control max frequency to 100Hz or 400Hz.
Note that variable frequency with constant voltage mode and variable frequency with variable voltage both require Unipolar switching.That is why you don’t have to bother with MODSEL in this mod
Once FREQSEL1 is set to HIGH, Variable frequency mode type is enabled through VVVF pin 32. In EGS002 again, it is connected to ground. This mode would give EGS002 the variable frequency constant voltage mode by default. (without further mods)
To enable VVVF variable freq/variable voltage (albeit with constant V/F ratio) for single phase VFD applications, bring VVVF to HIGH
Pin 32 VVVF. For variable frequency mode in unipolar switching
Again, the trace after the pin may be cut if other pins do not depend on the cut trace, which may be difficult to check since some trace may hide under the IC.
Note that there are several test points / open vias on the board that can be used to patch the board with additional connections.
Then you have to expose FRQADJ/VFB2 pin to set the desired frequency in variable frequency mode through an external potentiometer in figure 8.6a of the datasheet. Voltage regulation is still performed through R23 and VFB1
In constant voltage/frequency ratio mode, you use R23 to set the nominal voltage at 50Hz through VFB1 Frequency ratio control goes through FRQADJ/VFB2 in this mode. It is a bit unclear in the datasheet.
Bipolar SPWM enable modification
Remember that you cannot use VVVF features in this mode.
The mod would require :
cutting MODSEL pin 20 trace to disconnect from ground and patch it logic HIGH.
cutting FRQADJ/VFB2 pin 16 trace/pad to disconnect it from ground and use it to supply voltage feedback as shown in the EG8010 bipolar switching application schematic. In this mode VFB pin 13 and FRQADJ/VFB2 pin 16 are supplied a differential voltage feedback. It is required in bipolar switching. .
However, all boards found on the market seem to implement the application schematic “Figure 6‐2. EG8010+IR2110S+cross‐conduction prevention logic sinusoid inverter(unipolar modulation)”
The cross conduction prevention logic is inserted between the ASIC logic outputs and the Gate drivers logic inputs. It consists of resistors and BJTs
I think that would prevent the bipolar SPWM mode from working. So you need further modding.
You need to unsolder Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 and solder bridge collector and emitter pads.
Remove resistors R30 to R37
Using the UART to set the operation modes
The ASIC also exposes an USART interface (RX pin 4 and TX pin 5)
The data inteface looks powerful, exposing all configuration options usually set by the jumpers. Whether the override of the jumpers is properly done by the USART remains to be seen.
Note than enabling bipolar SPWM would still require the removal of the cross conduction prevention components.
It also allows for monitoring the same parameters than in the LCD Output, that is frequency, current, temperature, and voltage.
The EGS002 has the RX pin to GND and the TX pin floating, Again cutting the trace to GND could allow to access to the USART. The data interface is fortunately documented in the datasheet. it uses 2400,8,N,1 serial settings.
Dead Time Control
EGS002 implement dead time control through solder bridges at the bottom layer of the board. These are JP3, JP4, JP7 and JP8.
The EG8010 has a fixed switching frequency of 23400 Hz that makes a pulse at 50% duty cycle time duration of roughly 21µs.
That makes the ratio of dead time to pulse length quite important at 1.0 and 1.5 µs, and may impact scaling up for higher output power. The default is 300µs. That is still quite conservative.
Check your MOSFET specifications for minimum dead time requirements.
Soft start
EGS002 has a soft start 3 second feature enabled by default through JP2. I do not recommend disabling this feature.
Voltage feedback & regulation.
It doesn’t look like there are any rectification on the voltage feedback network, nor on the EGS board or outside. and the RC filter made with R4 and C4 has a small time constant of 1ms. The voltage regulation uses a peak detector and measures error in relation to a 3V reference as per datasheet.
In any case the voltage nominal setpoint is performed through the lower leg of the voltage divider using R23 (a 10K potentiometer). A slow acting external voltage control could be done by replacing R23 with a current DAC.
Bipolar switching voltage regulation
You will see in the EG8010 datasheet that the voltage divider network is more complex (it is outside the ASIC board) than for unipolar, with a ganged potentiometer R23. I also suspect missing connection dots in the schematic between R19 and R21 and also R26 and R27 and also at R27 low leg and GND.I will test it on my LTSpice model, so take that info with a grain of salt. Here is the relevant section of the schematic with the proper corrections
bipolar switching voltage divider
Overcurrent protection.
The method employed is a hard current limiter. It cuts the SPWM input to all MOSFET drivers if the output current goes above the setpoint for more than 600ms. The unit is shutdown for 16s, then it will turn on for 100 ms, check for current status and repeat that 100ms on time every 16s if the issue persists for a maximum number of 5 cycles. if the issues persists it powers off and a hard reset is required. If the issue is cleared for more than 1 minute, the state machine resets overcurrent status to nominal.
The board also uses a LM393 OpAmp to process the IFB feedback to shutdown the Gate drivers directly through their SD pins, it is much faster and failsafe than doing this only through the ASIC.
There does not seem to be any soft limiter for light or moderate overcurrent protection (that would lower load voltage for resistive and inductive loads)
A soft limiter would not help for Active loads such as AC/DC PSUs because they change their apparent impedance to compensate for voltage loss.
Monitoring and UI
The monitoring is done through a LCD interface using I2C LCD compatible modules specified in the datasheet to display basic information. Or it can be done through the serial link if you expose the pins properly.
output voltage and current waveform, 80 ohms resistive load
Disclaimer : This design uses dangerous AC and DC voltages. If you get out of the simulation domain and start prototyping be sure to use all safety precautions required when working with high voltages. You have to know what you are doing.
Besides the simulation this post is an introduction on pure sine inverter technology targeted at electronics engineers that have little or moderate experience in power electronics and inverter design.
The goal is to design, implement and prototype your own pure sine wave inverter from scratch as an educational project to get into inverter technology, this will be the object of a series of posts in the future.
For a faster design approach see the bottom of this post on how to use off the shelf inverter modules such as EGS002 or EGS005 available on BangGood and AliExpress.
To get straight into the model simulation go to the running the simulation section.
Inverters use MOSFETS to switch a DC source with a variable duty cycle PWM signal.
The duty cycle variation in the time domain is performed at the frequency of the required output fundamental frequency of the inverter.
Usually mains frequency, that is 50hz or 60hz.
The frequency of switching, that is the frequency of the PWM signal is called the switching frequency. it is usually in the 2.5khz to 100khz range.
So, the goal is to have a PWM signal at high frequency (2.5 khz to 100khz) with a variable duty cycle whose frequency is at mains frequency.
However, The variable duty cycle frequency may be lower or higher, or can be adjusted in real time.
Applications that require this duty cycle modulation at fixed but non standard 50Hz or 60hz are mainly for the aerospatial industry.
Airplanes use 400hz. The advantage of 400hz is that power transformers are less bulky than in 50Hz.
There is also an industry need to adjust the inverter output frequency in real time. This is the market segment of VFDs (Variable Frequency Drive) inverters.
This allows to set the rotation speed of induction motors, and allow for a soft-start that does not damage the motor.
In VFD applications, not only the the frequency output of the inverter is managed, but also the output voltage, and sometimes they implement a fixed voltage to frequency ratio mode so the motor stays happy.
So, now comes the question, How to modulate the duty cycle of a PWM signal ?
This is usually done by comparing a triangle signal at the switching frequency with a reference sinusoidal signal at the desired mains frequency.
This can be done in two ways :
1) Using analog components : a sine generator IC (like the XR-2206 or MAX038) that outputs a triangle wave and another one (also XR-2206 or MAX038) that outputs the sine wave. Then, a schmitt trigger is used to compare these two signals to output a PWM signal.
2) Using digital components : the sine modulated variable duty cycle PWM output is generated by code running on MCUs, PIC, DDS IC. Arduino can do this, however Arduino has a limitation that hinders its use for this purpose, and that is dead time control. More on this later.
If you nonetheless want to experiment with SPWM generation with an Arduino, check this code to get an idea of how it works.
I recommend you read resources on Fast PWM for Arduino. It is not straightforward if you have no experience with hardware counters/timers. Check https://www.arxterra.com/tutorial-on-fast-pulse-width-modulation/ and https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/generic/secrets-of-arduino-pwm
for starters. You may have to browser for other resources because I could not find one comprehensive documentation for ALL modes, except maybe in AtMel datasheets, but these are very terse and quite hard to understand.
Here is the first code sample :
#include <Arduino.h>
uint16_t freq = 50; // inverter output frequency
uint32_t counter = 0;
uint16_t mod_index = 0.9; // modulation index. you will have to update this in real time for precise voltage control.
float sin_val;
const uint16_t samples_per_period = 100;
// higher samples per period give a better looking output sine wave, less harmonics from digital aliasing
uint16_t micros_interval;
uint16_t sin_table[samples_per_period];
void populate_sin_table()
uint16_t i;
sin_val = 512*(1 + mod_index*sin(2*PI*float(i)/samples_per_period));
sin_table[i] = round(sin_val);
void setup(){
// Wave Form Generator: phase correct PWM mode 3, Top = OCR1A and OCR1B
// We will output two signals, complementary, using two pins ~9 and ~10 so we need to specify
// (0<<COM1A0) + (1<<COM1A1) + (1<<COM1B0) + (1<<COM1B1)
// (0<<CS10) + (1<<CS11) + (0<<CS12) this is the prescaler and will dictate the switching frequency.
// (1<<WGM11) + (1<<WGM10); and (0<<WGM13) + (0<<WGM12) are used to set the Fast PWM mode, here we use mode 3.
// it allows a 10 bit amplitude resolution for the sine wave signal
// check this link for a table of available modes.
TCCR1A = (0<<COM1A0) + (1<<COM1A1) + (1<<COM1B0) + (1<<COM1B1) + (1<<WGM11) + (1<<WGM10);
TCCR1B = (0<<WGM13) + (0<<WGM12) + (0<<CS10) + (1<<CS11) + (0<<CS12);
OCR1A = 0x3FF; // top compare value initialization. it will be varied using the sine table in the loop.
OCR1B = 0x3FF; // same for the second PWM signal
//DDRB |= (1<<PB1);
populate_sin_table(); // create a sine table. better use PGM write and store it in flash for a more robust approach
micros_interval = int(float(1E6)/(float(freq)*float(samples_per_period))); // the loop wait delay between two bit bangings
// of OCR1A and OCR1B.
void loop() {
OCR1A = sin_table[counter%samples_per_period]; // iterate on the sine table, use modulo to loop the table
OCR1B = sin_table[counter%samples_per_period]; // same for the second SPWM
counter++; // overflow not managed !!!!!
There is also this wonderful code https://forum.arduino.cc/t/dead-time-between-pwm-signals/937405 for a three phase system. I did not test it but it looks serious and legit. It has the advantage of using ISR and not a loop to update the TOP value with the sine wave, generates 6 signals (so it is for bipolar spwm) but it suffers from the same dead time insertion problem however, and that is the object of the guy’s post. But it is possible with analog post processing, check the DTI section.
That is why STM32 based boards are better for an all digital SPWM generation purpose, but they are more expensive and you'll need to watch quite a bunch of tutorials to master Nucleo (the STMicroelectronics MCU IDE). It will be easier if you already master Arduino FastPWM generation, but it will require time nevertheless.
Now is a good time to learn about the specifics on how that sine modulated variable duty cycle PWM signal allows the inverter to generate a 50hz, 60hz or higher frequency mains power phase voltage.
The "sine modulated variable duty cycle PWM signal" will be now referred by its usual name in the power electronics technology as SPWM (sine PWM)
The power core : the MOSFET H-bridge
The power core of an inverter uses an H-bridge configuration because the setup of its components ressembles to the letter H.
It is one of the most common designs in the industry.
MOSFETs switch repeateadly a DC source with low source impedance (the power source) according to the input gate signal that comes from the SPWM.
That is not all. high VDS high current MOSFETS usually need gate voltages that are higher than what an MCU or an analog oscillator can generate.
The high side MOSFET gates of the H-bridge also need voltages with reference to DC ground that are way above the levels of the logic/analog controllers.
For that reason, there is a specific family of ICs that exists and they are called "MOSFET Gate Drivers". Their goal is to bridge the gap between the logic SPWM signals and the required voltage levels (and current requirements) of the MOSFET gates.
Moreover, an H-bridge inverter has at least 4 mosfets. These MOSFETS need to be activated by gate signals at a precise fashion, like a fine tuned choregraphy.
The activation pattern is usually diagonal in the schematics. This has the effect of reversing the polarity with reference to DC GND seen by the load with each pwm pulse. Since the two SPWM signals are complementary in this design, when one diagonal set of MOSFETs has a high duty cycle it will be on and conduct a longer time than the reciprocal diagonal set of MOSFET, when this happens the output sine wave of the inverter is at a +Vo_peak. Then there is a time when the duty cycle 0.5 for both diagonal pairs, at this point the sinusoidal o